Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (2024)

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (1)

Copyright � 2009 by the Genetics Society of AmericaDOI: 10.1534/genetics.109.102186

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal Domestication

Frank W. Albert,*,1 Orjan Carlborg,† Irina Plyusnina,‡ Francois Besnier,† Daniela Hedwig,*Susann Lautenschlager,* Doreen Lorenz,* Jenny McIntosh,* Christof Neumann,*Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡

Jurgen Kratzsch,§ Lyudmila Trut,‡ Daniel Teupser,§ Joachim Thiery,§

Torsten Schoneberg,** Leif Andersson†,†† and Svante Paabo*,‡‡

*Department of Evolutionary Genetics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, 04103 Leipzig, Germany, †Department of AnimalBreeding and Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 75007 Uppsala, Sweden, ‡Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian

Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia, §Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry andMolecular Diagnostics, University Hospital Leipzig, 04103 Leipzig, Germany, **Institute of Biochemistry, Molecular Biochemistry,

Medical Faculty, University of Leipzig, 04103 Leipzig, Germany, ††Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology,Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden and ‡‡Department of Genetics and Pathology, Rudbeck

Laboratory, Uppsala University, 75123 Uppsala, Sweden

Manuscript received February 25, 2009Accepted for publication April 3, 2009


A common feature of domestic animals is tameness—i.e., they tolerate and are unafraid of humanpresence and handling. To gain insight into the genetic basis of tameness and aggression, we studied anintercross between two lines of rats (Rattus norvegicus) selected over .60 generations for increased tamenessand increased aggression against humans, respectively. We measured 45 traits, including tameness andaggression, anxiety-related traits, organ weights, and levels of serum components in .700 rats from anintercross population. Using 201 genetic markers, we identified two significant quantitative trait loci (QTL)for tameness. These loci overlap with QTL for adrenal gland weight and for anxiety-related traits and arepart of a five-locus epistatic network influencing tameness. An additional QTL influences the occurrence ofwhite coat spots, but shows no significant effect on tameness. The loci described here are important startingpoints for finding the genes that cause tameness in these rats and potentially in domestic animals in general.

ANIMAL domestication marked a turning point inhuman prehistory (Diamond 2002), and domestic

animals have been the subject of research for many years(Darwin 1868). Recently, genetic studies have shed lighton when, where, and how often a range of animal specieswere domesticated (Troy et al. 2001; Vila et al. 2001;Savolainen et al.2002;Larson et al.2005;Driscoll et al.2007; Eriksson et al. 2008; Naderi et al. 2008). With theexception of coat color (e.g., Pielberg et al. 2008) andskin pigmentation (Eriksson et al. 2008), little is knownabout what occurred genetically during animal domes-tication. At what genes were allelic variants selected for bywould-be practitioners of animal husbandry? Althoughdomestic animals differ from each other in many ways,they all share the trait of tameness—i.e., they tolerateand sometimes even seek human presence and han-dling. Almost nothing is currently known about thegenetic basis of tameness.

In a series of studies initiated by D. K. Belyaev,researchers at the Institute for Cytology and Geneticsin Novosibirsk (Russia) have subjected several mamma-lian species to a process of experimental domestication(Trut 1999). These studies, some of them ongoing forseveral decades, involve selection for tame and aggres-sive behavior in lines of animals derived from wildpopulations. They include a fox population that hasbeen ‘‘domesticated’’ to such an extent that the tamefoxes are now similar to dogs in some respects (Hare

et al. 2005). They also include a population of wild-caught rats (Rattus norvegicus) that was selected foreither reduced or enhanced aggression toward humansover .60 generations (Belyaev and Borodin 1982). Toselect the animals, their response to an approachinghuman hand was observed, and the rats showing theleast and the most aggressive behavior were allowed tomate within the two lines, respectively. The initialresponse to selection was rapid and then slowed, sothat little change in behavior from generation togeneration has been observed in the last 10–15 gen-erations, although the selection regime has beencontinued to the present. Today, the ‘‘tame’’ rats arecompletely unafraid of humans, they tolerate handling

Supporting information is available online at

1Corresponding author: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthro-pology, Evolutionary Genetics, Deutscher Platz 6, 04103 Leipzig,Germany. E-mail: [emailprotected]

Genetics 182: 541–554 ( June 2009)

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (2)

and being picked up, and they sometimes approach ahuman in a nonaggressive manner. By contrast, the‘‘aggressive’’ rats ferociously attack or flee from anapproaching human hand.

To study the genetic basis of tameness we haveestablished populations of both rat lines in Leipzig. Intheir new environment, the rats maintained theirbehavioral differences in response to humans, andthese differences were not influenced by postnatalmaternal factors (Albert et al. 2008). In addition, therat lines differ in a number of other behavioral,anatomical, and physiological traits, raising the ques-tion whether these traits are influenced by the same locias tameness and aggression toward humans.

Many domestic animals display conspicuous coatcolor variations not found in their wild relatives.Prominent examples include the white color variantsin dogs, pigs, cows, horses, and chickens. In laboratoryrats, it has been proposed that ‘‘coat color genes’’ mayaccount for many of the differences associated withdomestication (Keeler and King 1942). It is thusinteresting that individuals with white spots appearedin both the tame foxes (Trut 1999) and the tame rats(Trut et al. 2000) at higher frequency than in thecorresponding aggressive lines, although they wereabsent or rare in the founding fox and rat populations,and although they were not selected for. The ratpopulations studied here provide an excellent oppor-tunity to examine whether tameness is influenced by thesame loci as white coat spotting.

In this study, we crossed the two rat lines and bred.700 intercross animals. A broad set of behavioral,anatomical, and physiological traits was measured, and agenomewide set of genetic markers was used to identifygenomic regions (quantitative trait loci, QTL) thatinfluence tameness as well as other traits that differbetween the lines, including white spots.


Additional materials and methods, as well as data filescontaining genotype and phenotype data collected for thisstudy, can be found in the accompanying supporting in-formation, File S1 and File S2.

Animals: The tame and the aggressive rat (R. norvegicus)lines derive from one population of wild-caught rats, which hasbeen bidirectionally selected at every generation since 1972 atthe Institute of Cytology and Genetics at the Siberian Branchof the Russian Academy of Sciences in Novosibirsk, Russia.About 30% of the animals from each generation were selectedon the basis of the level of tameness and defensive aggressionthey displayed in response to humans on a five-point scale(Naumenko et al. 1989; Plyusnina and Oskina 1997). In-breeding was kept at a minimum by avoiding mating closelyrelated individuals.

The pedigree described in this study was initiated from fourtame and four aggressive individuals (2 females each; the ‘‘Fminus one’’, or ‘‘F�1’’, generation) from the 64th generationof selection. The F�1 animals did not have common parentsand at most one common grandparent. They were mated

within line to yield 11 (5 tame and 6 aggressive rats, one maleeach) F0 animals. These were crossed reciprocally, and sixhybrid F1 males were repeatedly mated to 37 F1 females toproduce 733 F2 rats (383 females). A separate set of 47 F1

animals (25 females) derived from different F0 crosses wasused for characterizing the F1 generation in behavioral tests.Phenotypic data from F0 animals discussed in this article arethe same as presented in Albert et al. (2008). Animals weremaintained under standard laboratory conditions, under anartificial 12-hr light cycle (lights off at 1:00 pm). The light cycleallowed behavioral testing during the dark phase, when ratsare more active. Cages were equipped with sliding doors toallow for transfer without handling. During all caretakingprocedures and experiments, animals from different lines andgenerations were treated identically. The study was approvedby the regional government of Saxony (TVV Nr. 29/05).

Behavioral testing: F2 rats were tested in a standardizedseries of behavioral paradigms. We measured the animals’level of tameness/aggression with the ‘‘glove test,’’ by con-fronting them with an approaching human hand and attempt-ing to handle them (see Albert et al. 2008 for details on thetesting procedure). Beginning 2 weeks after the glove test, ratsperformed an open-field test, a light–dark test, and a startleresponse test, which provide various measures of exploratoryand anxiety-related behavior. A total of 470 (64%) of the F2 ratsperformed a second glove test trial. F1 rats were tested oncewith the glove test at 12–14 weeks of age and then followed thetesting schedule described in Albert et al. (2008). All testswere performed with minimal handling following proceduresdescribed in Albert et al. (2008). Glove test trials werevideotaped and later analyzed by two independent observers(5% of trials only by one observer). Experimenters andobservers were blind to the animals’ identity and to the furtherdata processing. A set of 11 behaviors (e.g., ‘‘attack’’ or‘‘tolerate handling’’) was scored (see Albert et al. 2008 fordetailed descriptions of the behaviors), and each score wasconverted to a numeric measure (e.g., ‘‘number of occurren-ces’’ or ‘‘duration in seconds’’; Table 1).

Blood and tissue sampling: Dissections were performed on733 F2 (383 females) and 37 F1 animals (16 females). Within2 weeks after the last behavioral test, animals were killedbetween 2:00 and 6:00 pm. F2 animals had been starved for 24hr prior to dissection. Animals were weighed, anesthetizedwith CO2, and killed by cervical dislocation. Blood wascollected rapidly after death by heart puncture and separatedinto serum and blood cells by centrifugation 30 min aftersampling. Serum was stored at �20� and later transferred to�80� until analysis. Liver (small section, not weighed), spleen,kidney, adrenal gland, lung, and heart were removed rapidly,weighed, snap-frozen in liquid N2, and stored at �80�. FromF1 animals, kidney and spleen were weighed and stored.

Serological phenotypes: Serum was analyzed in 684 F2 rats(357 females). Electrolytes, metabolites, immunological pa-rameters, enzymes, and hormones were analyzed in serumaccording to the guidelines of the German Society of ClinicalChemistry and Laboratory Medicine. Measurements for allserum traits but corticosterone were performed using aHitachi PPE-Modular analyzer (Roche Diagnostics, Man-nheim, Germany). Corticosterone was measured using acommercial ELISA assay (IDS, Frankfurt, Germany).

Statistical phenotype analyses: We sought to control forpossible confounding effects, such as observer in the glove testor an animal’s litter. We constructed mixed linear models ofthe phenotypes, estimated effect sizes using restricted maxi-mum likelihood, and adjusted the phenotypes for the re-spective effects specified in Table S1. Sex and covariates werenot adjusted; we instead included them as fixed effects into theQTL analyses. For glove test measures, we separately adjusted

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Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (3)

observations from different trials and observers and thenaveraged the available observations from each rat. To summa-rize a rat’s behavior in the glove test, we performed principalcomponent analysis (PCA) on the individual glove testmeasures. We used only F2 animals in the PCA and calculatedscores of F0 and F1 animals on the basis of the obtainedregression coefficients.

Comparisons of non-glove test phenotypes between the F0,F1, and F2 generations, as well as tests for sex differences(Wilcoxon’s rank test), were performed on phenotypesadjusted for covariates. Correlations between phenotypes werecalculated using Pearson’s product-moment correlation, onphenotypes adjusted for all effects (including sex and cova-riates) listed in Table S1. All analyses were performed usingthe software R (R Development Core Team 2008) and thenlme (Pinheiro et al. 2008) and lme4 (Bates 2007) packages.

Genotyping: Animals were genotyped with 152 microsatel-lite and 49 single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers.Markers were selected for maximum allele frequency differ-ences between the outbred rat lines, as determined frompreliminary genotyping of a panel of F0 animals. Preliminarygenotyping of microsatellites was performed as describedbelow, while SNPs were screened as described in Saar et al.(2008). All markers used in the QTL mapping are listed inTable S2. DNA was isolated either from lung or from spleentissue. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for microsatellitemarkers was performed using the M13-primer PCR system(Schuelke 2000) and analyzed on an ABI3730 DNA Analyzer(Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Microsatellite geno-types were determined using the software GeneMapperVersion 4.0 (Applied Biosystems), and all genotypes weremanually double checked. SNPs were genotyped using Taq-Man chemistry (Applied Biosystems). SNP genotypes werecalled automatically as part of the scanning process, andgenotype plots were inspected visually.

Pedigree construction: Genotype data for individualmarkers were tested for Mendelian pedigree errors, usingthe program PedCheck (O’Connell and Weeks 1998). Allelecalls for inconsistent genotypes were rechecked manually andeither they were corrected for obvious genotyping errors orthe marker was excluded from further analysis if genotypescould not be determined unambiguously. We found that somerats yielded inconsistent genotypes for several markers,although the respective genotypes appeared to have beencalled correctly. We interpreted these individuals as havingincorrect pedigree records. Initially, genotypes had beenobtained from F0 and F2 animals. To clarify the pedigreestructure, we typed all markers in all F�1 and F1 animals forwhich samples were available, as well as in an extended panelof F0 animals. Using the software ‘‘Cervus’’ 3.0 (Kalinowski

et al. 2007), we determined the most likely parental pair for allgenotyped F0, F1, and F2 individuals, on the basis of a subset of107 microsatellite markers with unambiguous genotype pat-terns. Rats for which the inferred parents differed from thosein our records were either reassigned to the inferred parentsor excluded from further analysis if no unique parental paircould be identified. The final pedigree used in the QTLanalyses showed no Mendelian errors and comprised 8 F�1

rats (all genotyped), 11 F0 rats (8 genotyped), 43 F1 rats (30genotyped), and 706 F2 rats (all genotyped).

Linkage map construction: We constructed a sex-averagedlinkage map, using a version of the program crimap (Green

et al. 1990) modified to handle large pedigrees by theUniversity of California Davis, Veterinary Genetics Laboratory.On chromosome 6, we found the markers D6rat213 andD6rat68 to be inverted on our linkage map relative to theirphysical positions. On chromosome 13, the markers D13rat5and D13rat64 were found to be inverted and to map very

closely (1.2 cM) to each other, despite a physical distance of 21Mb. These cases may reflect chromosomal rearrangements inour wild-derived rats compared to the genome sequence of theinbred Brown Norway laboratory strain (Gibbs et al. 2004). Weused our inferred linkage maps in further analyses (Table S2).We estimated information content at autosomal markerpositions on the basis of the fraction of individuals whosealleles could be unambiguously traced to the F�1 generation.

Single-QTL mapping: A standard model of a phenotype yinfluenced by a single QTL can be written as

y ¼ b0 1 FZ 1 b1jaj 1 b2j

dj 1 ej ;

where b0 is the population mean, F is a matrix of regressioncoefficients for fixed effects and covariates (see Table S1 forthe effects we included in the QTL models for variousphenotypes), Z is an incidence matrix relating observationsin F to individual observations, b1j

and b2jare the additive and

dominance effects at genomic position j, aj and dj are indicatorvariables relating these genetic effects to individuals, and ej isthe residual error. We estimated the parameters b0, b1, and b2

using a variation of the least-squares regression framework(Haley and Knott 1992; Haley et al. 1994). In this frame-work, F2 animals are grouped at a given genomic positionaccording to whether they carry two, one, or zero allelesoriginated from the tame (allele ‘‘T’’) or aggressive (allele‘‘A’’) line, forming the genotype classes TT, TA, and AA.Missing F0 genotypes can lead to a loss of power because somealleles in F2 animals might not be reliably traced to parentallines. This limitation can be overcome by including thegenotyped parents of F0 animals (the F�1) in the analysisand by tracing alleles back to them. Hence, we inferredmissing genotypes of F0 and F1 animals on the basis of theirancestors’ and offspring genotypes (File S1). Next, we calcu-lated, in steps of 1 cM throughout the genome, the probabilityof an F2 animal belonging to the TT, TA, or AA genotypeclasses on the basis of genotypes of flanking markers, usingmethods described in Pong-Wong et al. (2001) and Besnier

and Carlborg (2007). The genotype probabilities were usedto compute the indicator variables aj and dj (Haley et al.1994). Finally, we fitted the parameters b0, b1, and b2 usingleast-squares regression. High F-values obtained from theregression point to the presence of a putative QTL at therespective location. The difference in mean between the twohom*ozygous classes TT and AA corresponds to twice theadditive effect b1 of the QTL, while the deviation of theheterozygous TA class from the mean of the TT and AA classesmeasures the degree of dominance b2. We searched for QTLby following a forward selection procedure (Figure S1). Afterthe initial scan, we included the effect and position of the mostsignificant QTL that reached genomewide significance as afixed effect in the model. The scan was then repeated, andQTL were added until no additional significant QTL wereidentified. For each phenotype, we performed 1000 permuta-tions of phenotypes with regard to genotypes to determine theF-value threshold that corresponds to a genomewide signifi-cance level of P ¼ 0.05 (Churchill and Doerge 1994). Weexpress variance components attributable to QTL as a fractionof the residual phenotypic variance, i.e., the variance inphenotype after fixed effects and covariates have beenfactored out.

We analyzed the X chromosome using the software QxPak(Perez-Enciso and Misztal 2004) (see File S1 for details).Since the permutation-based significance thresholds derivedfor the autosomes cannot be directly applied to the X chromo-some, we assumed QTL with a nominal P-value ,0.001 (0.005)to be significant (suggestive) at a genomewide level, assuggested in the QxPak manual. We tested for linkage to theY chromosome, using ANOVA as described in File S1.

Genetic Architecture of Tameness 543

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (4)

Mapping of epistatic QTL: We searched for epistatic QTLusing an extension of the least-squares regression model forsingle QTL, following a search strategy described and appliedearlier (Carlborg and Andersson 2002; Carlborg et al.2003, 2004, 2006; Wright et al. 2006). Here, we first describethe regression model underlying our epistatic analyses andthen go through the steps of the search strategy. A schematicrepresentation of the approach is shown in Figure S1.

The standard extension of the model for a single QTL toincorporate two epistatic QTL is

y ¼b0 1 FZ 1 b1jaj 1 b2j

dj 1 b3kak 1 b4k

dk 1 b5jkaajk

1 b6jkadjk 1 b7jk

dajk 1 b8jkddjk 1 ejk :

The additional parameters are the additive (b3k) and domi-

nance effects (b4k) of the second QTL at position k, the

epistatic effects between the two loci (b5jk–b8jk

), and thecorresponding indicator variables. The indicator variablesfor the interaction terms (aajk, adjk, dajk, ddjk) were computedby multiplying the respective additive and dominance in-dicator variables for the single QTL (Haley and Knott 1992).We estimated the effects b0–b8 at a given pair of loci usingleast-squares regression.

The search strategy to find epistatic pairs of QTL involvesthree steps (see Figure S1 and Carlborg et al. 2004 for furtherdetails). First, we searched for single QTL as described above.Second, we performed a genomewide search for putativeepistatic pairs of loci. Third, each pair is tested for theexistence of epistasis.

For each pair proposed by the pairwise search in step two, weassigned significance in one of three ways. If both loci weresignificant by themselves in the single-QTL analysis, no furthertesting is necessary, and the pair is declared significant. If onelocus in the putative pair was a significant single QTL, we needto test only whether the second locus is significant (i.e.,whether its inclusion in the model already containing thefirst locus improves model fit). To derive the correspondingthreshold, we created, for each single QTL, 1000 randomizeddata sets by permuting only the indicator variables of thesecond QTL (ak, dk), as well as those of the interaction effects(aajk, adjk, dajk, ddjk), while the first QTL was kept in the modelas a fixed effect (permutation test ‘‘Type I’’ in Figure S1). Ineach permuted data set, we searched for the best fitting pairincluding the known QTL and a second QTL. We thencompared the model fit obtained from the putative pair withthe model fits obtained from the permutations. Finally, ifneither QTL in the putative pair was significant as a singleQTL, we need to test whether the joint inclusion of both lociimproves the model fit significantly. We performed 1000phenotype/genotype permutations and searched each ran-domized data set for its best fitting pair (permutation test‘‘Type II’’ in Figure S1). For increased efficiency, this was doneusing a genetic search algorithm (Carlborg et al. 2000).Significance of the putative pair was assigned by comparing itsmodel fit to the fits obtained from the permutations. Through-out, we used a cutoff of P , 0.05 for ‘‘significant’’ pairs of QTL.

So far, we have detected pairs of QTL, but not yet testedwhether there is significant epistasis between the members of agiven pair. To do this, we generated 1000 randomized data setsfor each pair by permuting only the interaction indicatorvariables (aajk, adjk, dajk, ddjk), while keeping the additive anddominance effects of the two loci in the pair constant(Carlborg and Andersson 2002) (permutation test ‘‘TypeIII’’ in Figure S1). Epistasis is assumed if the putative epistaticpair is in the top 5% of model fits obtained from thepermutations.

To construct the network influencing tameness, we considerloci (single or as part of a pair) with overlapping confidence

intervals to be the same locus. We show these loci as circlesin Figure 5, with lines between them indicating significantepistatic interactions for that given pair. We did not fit amodel incorporating interactions between more than twoloci. To visualize the directions of the epistatic interactions(Figure 5, B–F), we grouped F2 animals according to theirgenotypes at the respective loci. For each of the resulting ninetwo-locus genotype groups, we calculated the mean and thestandard error of the mean of the respective animals’ level oftameness.

Because some loci in the tameness network are part of morethan one epistatic interaction, we cannot calculate the residualphenotypic variance explained by the whole network by simplyadding up the variances explained by the respective pairs(Table 4). Instead, we used the NOIA model of genetic effects(Alvarez-Castro and Carlborg 2007) as implemented in Le

Rouzic and Alvarez-Castro (2008), with analyses restrictedto at most pairwise interactions. NOIA is specifically designedto estimate parameters, including genetic variances, in multi-locus networks (Alvarez-Castro and Carlborg 2007).


A cross between tame and aggressive rats: To createan intercross between the tame and aggressive rats, wemated one tame and one aggressive male to 5 aggressiveand 4 tame females, respectively. In the resulting F1

generation, we repeatedly mated six males with a total of37 females to produce an F2 population of 733 animals(362 females). Details of the mating scheme are de-scribed in materials and methods.

Analyses of phenotypes: We recorded a total of 45phenotypic traits in the F2 animals, including measuresfrom four behavioral tests, anatomical parameters, andserum levels of hormones, enzymes, and other serumcomponents (Table 1). To measure the level of tamenessand aggression, we used a paradigm that closely mimicsthe test used to select the two rat lines over the past36 years. In this ‘‘glove test,’’ a gloved human handapproaches a rat in an experimental cage and attemptsto touch it and to pick it up (Figure 1A). Various aspectsof the rat’s behavior are recorded (Albert et al. 2008).When testing F1 animals in this test, we found that theextreme levels of tameness and aggression observed inthe original F0 lines were absent (Figure S2). Bycontrast, F2 animals displayed the full range of behaviorsfound in the original lines (Figure S2). A few F2 animalseven exceeded the levels of tameness and aggressionobserved in the tame and aggressive lines.

A PCA of the behaviors recorded in the glove tests ofthe F2 animals confirms these observations. The firstprincipal component (PC1) corresponds to behaviorssuch as attacks, screaming, and (with inverse loading)the toleration of touch or handling (Table 2). PC1explains 26% of the variance in behavior of F2 rats. Ofthe PCs explaining .10% of the variance, PC1 mostclearly separates the tame from the aggressive F0

animals (Wilcoxon’s rank test: PC1, P , 10�15; PC2,P ¼ 0.003; PC3, P ¼ 0.07), although these animals werenot included in the PCA (see materials and methods).

544 F. W. Albert et al.

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (5)


Traits measured in F2 animals

Trait Unit No. F2 Higher trait value Comments

Glove test 700Approach Count Tame No. of occurrencesAttack Count Aggressive No. of occurrencesEscape Count Aggressive No. of occurrencesFlight Count Aggressive No. of occurrencesMove and leave Count Tame No. of occurrencesSqueak Count Aggressive No. of occurrencesBoxing sec Aggressive DurationFreeze sec — DurationScream sec Aggressive DurationTolerate handling sec Tame DurationTolerate touch sec Tame Duration

Open field test 689Time spent in center % TameTime spent in corner % AggressiveTime spent moving % TameTime spent rearing sec TameLocomotion speed cm/sec TameFecal boli Count —

Light–dark test 690Time spent in light compartment % TameTime spent moving % —Time spent rearing sec TameLocomotion speed in light compartment cm/sec —Fecal boli Count —

Startle response test 700Startle response g Aggressive Mean startle response across 10 trials

AnatomyBody weight g 700 —Adrenal gland weight g 664 AggressiveHeart weight g 669 —Kidney weight g 669 TameLung weight g 668 —Spleen weight g 668 TameTestis weight g 321 —White coat spotting Yes/no 573 Tame

Serum traits 638Hormones

Corticosterone ng/ml AggressivefT3 pmol/liter —fT4 pmol/liter Aggressive

EnzymesALAT mkat/liter AggressiveAP mkat/liter AggressiveASAT mkat/liter Aggressive

SubstratesCreatinine mmol/liter AggressiveGlucose mmol/liter AggressiveUrea mmol/liter Tame

Serum proteinTotal protein g/liter AggressiveAlbumin g/liter Tame

ElectrolytesCa21 mmol/liter TameCl� mmol/liter AggressiveFe21/31 mmol/liter Tame

ALAT, alanine aminotransferase; AP, alkaline phosphatase; ASAT, aspartate aminotransferase; fT3, free triiodthyronine; fT4,free thyroxine.

Genetic Architecture of Tameness 545

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (6)

Of the F1 rats, 94% (44/47) had PC1 scores between themedians of the tame and the aggressive rats. Of the F2

rats, 79% (551/700), fell into this intermediate range,while 6% (43) of the F2 rats had more tame and 16%(109) had more aggressive PC1 scores than defined bythe respective F0 medians (Figure 1B). This indicatesthat there is substantial variation in tameness in the F2

rats and suggests that PC1 is a useful measure of thisvariation. The glove tests were repeated in 470 F2 rats(materials and methods). The correlation betweenthe PC1 scores obtained for the two trials was 0.44(Pearson’s r, P , 10�15).

We also performed an open-field test, a light–darktest, and a startle response test, which measure traitsrelated to anxiety and fear as well as general activity(Table 1). The values of all these traits in F2 animalsoverlapped substantially with those in F0 animals (Fig-ure S3). This was also true for body weight, for theweight of six organs, and for 8 of 14 serum traits (FigureS4 and Figure S5). By contrast, .75% of the F2 rats hadhigher (corticosterone, creatinine, glucose, chloride)or lower (alanine aminotransferase, ALAT; alkalinephosphatase, AP) values in these measures than .75%of the tame and aggressive rats (Figure S5).

Sex differences were apparent for many traits in theF2 animals (Table S3). When males and females were

considered separately, most phenotypes were approxi-mately normally distributed in the F2 generation(Figure S6, Figure S7, Figure S8, and Figure S9). Bycontrast, raw glove test measures had highly skeweddistributions, with prominent peaks at zero counts/durations.

Correlations between phenotypes: Earlier work re-vealed a multitude of phenotypic differences betweenthe tame and the aggressive rats, including behavioral,anatomical, hormonal, and neurochemical differences(Naumenko et al. 1989; Plyusnina and Oskina 1997;Popova et al. 2005; Albert et al. 2008). If these differ-ences are caused by the same genetic loci, they shouldbe correlated in the F2 animals. We did observesignificant correlations among parameters recorded inthe same test. For example, correlations betweendifferent measures in the glove test are reflected intheir contributions to PC1 (Table 2). In contrast,parameters from different tests were generally not, oronly weakly, correlated (Figure 2, Table S4). Notably,two measures of ‘‘anxiety’’ (the percentage of time spentin the light compartment of the light–dark test and thepercentage of time spent in the center of the open field)were not correlated (r ¼ 0.03, P ¼ 0.48). There weresignificant but weak correlations between tameness andaspects of behavior in the open-field and light–dark tests.High levels of tameness were also correlated with lowcorticosterone levels (r ¼ �0.08, P ¼ 0.04), but not withthe weight of the adrenal glands (r ¼ �0.06, P ¼ 0.10).

QTL for tameness and associated traits: We typedthe animals in the pedigree for 201 genetic markers(152 microsatelites and 49 single-nucleotide polymor-phisms) that were selected to be polymorphic betweenthe parental strains and to provide coverage of most ofthe genome (materials and methods).


Principal component analysis of behavior of F2 animalsin the glove test

Measure PC1 PC2 PC3

Attacks (count) �0.43Boxing posture (duration) �0.36Escapes (count) �0.32Flights (count) �0.39Screaming (duration) �0.38Freezing (duration) 0.46 �0.36Move and leave (count) �0.42 �0.61Squeaks (count) �0.35 0.31Approaches (count) �0.43Tolerate handling (duration) 0.41 0.50Tolerate touch (duration) 0.46

% variance 26 15 11

The loadings shown for the respective principal compo-nents (PCs) indicate the degree to which a trait contributesto the respective PC. Only PCs that explain $10% of the var-iance and loadings with absolute values $0.3 are shown.

Figure 1.—Behavior in the glove test. (A) The glove testmeasures the level of tameness or aggression toward an ap-proaching hand. (B) PCA scores derived from glove test be-haviors of tame F0 (blue), aggressive F0 (red), F1 (purple),and F2 (black) animals. Circles, females; squares, males.

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Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (7)

The phenotypic and genetic data were used toidentify QTL for the traits measured in the F2 animals.A total of 23 significant and 125 suggestive autosomalQTL, and one significant QTL on the X chromosome,were identified when analyzing both sexes together(Table 3 and Table S5 and Table S6). All but two serumtraits (fT3 and calcium levels) showed at least suggestiveQTL. In what follows, we focus on QTL for tameness andoverlapping QTL, as well as one QTL for coat color.

Two significant QTL for tameness (measured as PC1)were identified (Figure 3A). The strongest of these(termed ‘‘Tame-1’’) is located at 58 cM on chromosome1. The difference in tameness between hom*ozygousgenotypes at Tame-1 corresponds to �20% of the differ-ence between the tame and the aggressive line (1.2 of 6.4units of PC1). Tame-1 explains 5.1% of the phenotypicvariance in tameness. The second locus (‘‘Tame-2’’) islocated at 78 cM on chromosome 8. Both the tameness

difference between hom*ozygous genotypes (�10% ofthe line difference) and the portion of residual pheno-typic variance in tameness it explains (2.3%, are abouthalf of those of Tame-1.

The region encompassed by Tame-1 also containssignificant QTL for rearing in the open field and foradrenal gland weight, as well as a suggestive QTL for thetime spent moving in the open field (Figure 3B). Theeffects of these QTL are in the expected direction—i.e.,alleles from the tame line influence the phenotype in thedirection expected from the comparison between tameand aggressive animals (e.g., causing higher tamenessscores and lower adrenal gland weight). However, Tame-1also overlaps with a significant QTL that influencesspleen weight. This QTL is transgressive—i.e., the allelesfrom the tame line reduce spleen weight although therats from the tame line have 30% heavier spleens onaverage (Albert et al. 2008).

Figure 2.—Correlations between phenotypes. Positive correlation coefficients are shown in red and negative ones in blue. Redboxes mark correlations within the same test or group of traits.

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Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (8)

In the proximity of Tame-2 several other QTL arefound, two of which are significant. At these QTL, thealleles from the tame line increase body weight anddecrease the time an animal spent in the corners of theopen field, respectively. These effects are in the ex-pected direction. Among suggestive QTL, those for timespent in the center, time spent moving and the numberof rears in the open field, kidney weight, and serumaspartate aminotransferase (ASAT) all have effects inthe expected direction. There were also two transgres-sive suggestive QTL, where the tame allele increasesadrenal gland weight and the magnitude of the startleresponse, respectively.

We found white coat spotting to be linked to asignificant QTL on chromosome 14, but no aspect oftameness mapped to this region (Figure 4). White coatspotting did not show association to Tame-1, Tame-2(Figure S10), or any other QTL for behavior during theglove test. Further, the tameness levels of individualscarrying white ventral spots did not differ significantlyfrom those without them (t-test, P ¼ 0.17, Figure 4A).

To assess whether the QTL we identified might bespecific to one sex, we analyzed all traits using only

female or male F2 animals, respectively (Table 3 andTable S5 and Table S7). For tameness, Tame-1 reachedgenomewide significance in females and chromosome-wide significance in males, where the F-value (8.6) wasclose to the genomewide significance threshold (8.8).Tame-2 reached chromosomewide significance only inmales. The QTL for adrenal gland weight on chromo-some 1 and for white spotting on chromosome 14 weresignificant in both sexes. Several QTL were suggestive inboth sexes (e.g., spleen weight on chromosomes 1 and10), whereas for several others we found significant orsuggestive linkage only in one sex. All individualbehaviors in the glove test, but not PC1, fall in the lattercategory. For example, at Tame-1, only males showed asignificant QTL for screaming, whereas only femaleshad significant QTL for flights and toleration of touch.Toleration of touch yielded one additional significantsex-specific QTL in females and males, respectively(Table S5).

Epistatic interactions: Epistatic interactions can havelarge effects on phenotypic traits. Hence, we searchedthe genome for interacting pairs of loci for all traitsdescribed in this study. Fifteen epistatic pairs affecting


Autosomal QTL identified at genomewide significance

Trait Chra Peakb 1 LOD C.I.b,c F Additive effect Dominance % varianced Femalese Malese

Glove testTameness (PC1) 1 58 54–64 19 0.60 0.43 5.1 Significant SuggestiveTameness (PC1) 8 78 68–85 9 0.37 0.43 2.3 — SuggestiveAttack 1 60 51–73 14 �0.55 �0.48 3.8 Suggestive —Flight 1 48 42–64 11 �0.36 �0.08 3.2 Significant —Screaming 1 69 64–80 10 �0.80 sec �0.97 sec 3.8 — SignificantTolerate touch 1 53 50–60 17 1.6 sec 1.0 sec 4.6 Significant —

Other behavioral testsTime in corner (OF) 8 90 85–96 8 �0.05% �0.02% 2.4 Suggestive SuggestiveRearing (OF) 1 72 66–83 10 3.1 sec �0.4 sec 2.7 Suggestive —Startle response 10 68 57–78 11 �66 g �7.5 g 3.0 — Suggestive

AnatomyAdrenal gland 1 55 52–60 42 �3.8 mg �0.6 mg 11.3 Significant SignificantAdrenal gland 20 34 21–42 10 �0.6 mg �2.0 mg 2.5 Suggestive SuggestiveBody weight 7 30 14–46 10 11 g 5.3 g 2.9 Suggestive SuggestiveBody weight 8 96 92–97 9 10 g 1.4 g 2.3 Suggestive —Heart 3 83 74–90 14 39 mg 64 mg 3.9 Suggestive SuggestiveSpleen 10 68 58–72 16 25 mg 1.1 mg 4.6 Suggestive SuggestiveSpleen 1 85 60–93 11 �20 mg 7.8 mg 3.0 Suggestive SuggestiveSpleen 5 114 107–114 9 �17 mg �10 mg 2.4 — —White spotting 14 26 21–33 22 0.20 �0.07 7.1 Significant Significant

Serum traitsAlbumin 6 87 75–93 10 �0.6 g/liter �0.3 g/liter 3.1 — SuggestiveAP 11 22 4–35 9 0.07 mkat/liter �0.02 mkat/liter 2.8 Suggestive —AP 5 114 98–114 8 �0.060 mkat/liter 0.008 mkat/liter 2.5 — SignificantCreatinine 2 90 82–108 11 1.3 mmol/liter 0.3 mkat/liter 3.3 — Suggestive

OF, open field test.a Chromosome.b Centimorgans.c Confidence interval.d Residual phenotypic variance explained after accounting for fixed effects.e Significance level when analyzing females/males separately.

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9 traits reached genomewide significance (P , 0.05),exceeding the random expectation of ,3 pairs for 48analyzed traits. Most pairs were found for tameness,forming an interconnected network of 5 loci (Figure5A). The network explained 14% of the residualphenotypic variance, compared to 7.4% explained byTame-1 and Tame-2 individually. It is discussed below,while epistatic pairs for the remaining traits are given inTable 4.

The tameness network comprises five pairwise inter-actions between five loci (Figure 5A). Two loci in thenetwork had significant individual effects (Tame-1 andTame-2). When considering these loci simultaneously,the tame allele (T) at locus Tame-1 increases tamenessregardless of the Tame-2 genotype (Figure 5D). Theeffect is, however, strongest when Tame-2 is hom*ozygous(AA) for the allele from the aggressive line (A). Theeffect of the tame allele at Tame-2 is smallest when Tame-1is hom*ozygous for the allele from the tame line (TT),where the difference between the three Tame-2 geno-types (AA, AT, and TT) is not significant.

Both Tame-1 and Tame-2 interact with a locus onchromosome 19 (denoted Tame-3) that reached onlysuggestive significance in the scan for single QTL. Thetame allele at Tame-1 has a significant effect on tamenessonly in a heterozygous (AT) background of Tame-3

(Figure 5B). There is no additive effect of Tame-3 ontameness, but strong overdominance for aggression inthe Tame-1 AA genetic background and a strong over-dominance for tameness in the Tame-1 TT geneticbackground. This interesting shift in the direction ofthe dominance effect deserves further investigation.When considering Tame-3 and Tame-2 together, the onlygenotype with a deviating phenotype is the AAAAdouble hom*ozygote that significantly increases aggres-sion (Figure 5C). In addition, Tame-1 and Tame-2 in-teract significantly with one additional locus each. Theeffect of the tame allele at Tame-1 is strongest when alocus on chromosome 4 (denoted Tame-4) is TT, and thetame allele at Tame-4 has a significant effect on tamenessonly in the AA Tame-1 genotype (Figure 5E). In thisbackground, it is transgressive, increasing aggression.The Tame-2 genotype also has a major effect on a locuson chromosome 6 (denoted Tame-5), in that Tame-5affects tameness only when Tame-2 is AA (Figure 5F).


A polygenic basis for tameness: To uncover thegenetic basis for tameness, we analyzed .700 F2 animalsproduced by cross-breeding two strains of rats that differdrastically in their response to humans. Tameness levels,

Figure 3.—QTL for tameness and aggression. (A) Evidence for linkage to tameness across the genome. High F-values indicatethe presence of a QTL. The dashed horizontal line represents the genomewide significance threshold. Solid horizontal bars are 2-LOD drop confidence intervals for QTL position. Chromosome boundaries are indicated by upward tick marks on the x-axis. (B)Several traits map to the two QTL for tameness. Only significant QTL are shown. Black and red upward tick marks are micro-satellite and SNP marker positions, respectively.

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as measured by the glove test in the F1 and F2 rats,approximate a normal distribution with the meancentered between those of the parental lines (Figure1), suggesting a polygenic basis for tameness andaggression in the rats (Lynch and Walsh 1998).

The linkage study confirms this. The largest QTL,Tame-1, explains 5.1% of the residual phenotypic vari-ance, while the remaining loci each explain smallerfractions when considered individually. These estimatesare in line with the generally small effect sizes reportedfor QTL for other rodent behaviors (Flint 2003).Across 45 measures and three principal componentscores, our study identified 23 significant and 125

suggestive QTL. We note that this greatly exceeds thenumber of QTL expected to be observed by chance. For48 traits, we expect ,3 significant QTL at a genomewidesignificance level of 5% and 48 suggestive QTL with asignificance level of 5% at each of 20 chromosomes.Given the sample size of .700 F2 animals, we consider itunlikely that other unidentified loci with large individ-ual effects exist in these lines.

Overlap of QTL for tameness-associated traits: Pre-vious studies have identified a multitude of phenotypicdifferences between the tame and the aggressive lines ofrats (Naumenko et al. 1989; Plyusnina and Oskina

1997; Popova et al. 2005; Albert et al. 2008). However,the behavioral response to humans was the onlycriterion used during selection. Are the loci influencingthe nonselected traits the same as those contributing tothe difference in tameness?

If phenotypic traits are influenced by the same locione would expect them to show some degree ofcorrelation. It is thus noteworthy that correlationsbetween the traits we measured in the F2 populationwere weak at best, often failing to reach significance inspite of the fact that hundreds of animals were analyzedand that some of the uncorrelated traits were markedlydifferent between the parental strains (Albert et al.2008). However, the power to detect a correlationcaused by shared loci may be limited given that theeffect sizes associated with the alleles are small andperhaps obscured by nongenetic influences.

In the QTL analyses, a number of traits mapped tothe same regions. This is especially obvious on chro-mosome 1 where weight of the adrenal gland maps to aregion overlapping Tame-1 with virtually identicalconfidence intervals (Figure 3B). It thus seems plausi-ble that alleles of a single gene with pleiotropic effectsunderlie both Tame-1 and adrenal gland size variation.Alternatively, a causal relationship might exist betweentameness and adrenal gland size. For example, suddenincreases of plasma corticosterone, which is producedby the adrenal cortex, promote aggressive behavior inrats (Kruk et al. 2004), while chronically high levels ofglucocorticoids seem to inhibit aggressive behavior inseveral vertebrate species (Summers et al. 2005).However, postmortem corticosterone levels did notmap to any locus linked to tameness or aggression. Itis thus equally possible that other hormonal activitiesof the adrenal glands are directly or indirectly linked tothe alleles that affect tameness in the rats. Theidentification of the gene or genes underlying Tame-1as well as adrenal gland size variation will eventuallyclarify this.

Tame-1 was obtained by mapping a principal componentscore summarizing, among other traits, attacks, scream-ing, flights, and the toleration of touch (Table 2). The factthat, at Tame-1, these individual behaviors yielded QTLapparently specific to one sex (Table 3) may suggest thatthe causative alleles underlying Tame-1 influence the two

Figure 4.—White coat spotting and tameness. (A) Tame-ness level of F2 animals with (n ¼ 190) and without (n ¼393) white ventral coat spots. (B) A QTL for spotting (blackline) does not show linkage to tameness (red line). The ver-tical dashed line indicates the location of the Kit gene. Blackand red upward tick marks are microsatellite and SNP posi-tions, respectively.

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Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (11)

sexes differently. However, since the QTL for the principalcomponent at Tame-1 is found in both sexes, it may be thecase that the absence of signals for the individual traitsreflects lower power due to using half the number ofindividuals. In addition, individual traits are likely to haveless power than the principal component they contributeto. Further work is warranted to clarify whether Tame-1 andother loci truly act in a sex-specific manner.

To our knowledge, this study is the first geneticmapping of tameness and defensive aggression againsthumans in any species. However, several studies in ratshave identified QTL for traits potentially related to thosestudied here. Tame-1 overlaps with earlier identified QTLinfluencing several anxiety-related traits (Terenina-Rigaldie et al. 2003), rearing behavior (Fernandez-Teruel et al. 2002), and adrenal gland weight (Solberg

et al. 2006). Tame-2 overlaps with two QTL for activity and

anxiety-related behaviors (Terenina-Rigaldie et al.2003; Conti et al. 2004). It is reassuring that phenotypessimilar to some of those studied here show linkage tosimilar genomic locations. However, in the absence ofinformation on the molecular basis of these QTL, itcannot presently be determined whether alleles at thesame genes are responsible.

A genetic network for tameness: Epistasis affects theexpression of numerous traits (Phillips 2008). Forbehavioral quantitative traits, however, epistatic net-works identified by genome scans remain rare (forexceptions, see Wright et al. 2006; Bailey et al. 2008).In this cross, a network of Tame-1 and Tame-2 and threeadditional loci that were identified only as part of theseepistatic pairs influence tameness (Figure 5A).

The additive effect of Tame-1 was robust across geneticbackgrounds (Figure 5), suggesting that Tame-1 is a major

Figure 5.—An epistatic network for tameness. (A) Overview of QTL (circles) and epistatic interactions (lines). Only QTL inpairs with significant epistatic interactions are shown. Bold (nonbold) solid circles: the QTL was significant (suggestive) in thescan for single loci. Dashed circles: the QTL was significant only as part of an epistatic pair. Numbers in circles indicate QTLchromosome and position (centimorgans). (B–F) Phenotypes for two-locus genotypes. Circles indicate the mean phenotypefor the respective two-locus genotypes; error bars show the standard error of the mean. The strength of the QTL effect at thefirst locus in the pair is indicated by the slope of the line connecting the hom*ozygous genotypes [both alleles from the tame line(TT) vs. both alleles from the aggressive line (AA)]. An effect at the second locus in the pair is indicated by nonoverlapping alleleeffects at a given genotype of the first locus.

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Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (12)

locus influencing tameness. In contrast, Tame-2 seems toact as a capacitor of other loci. When it is hom*ozygous forthe allele from the aggressive line, it magnifies the effectsof all three loci it interacts with (Figure 5, C, D, and F).This is reminiscent of epistatic loci underlying growth inchicken (Carlborg et al. 2006). In addition, the effect ofTame-2 itself is highly dependent on other loci. In a tamebackground, i.e., where the other loci are hom*ozygousfor the allele from the tame line, Tame-2 has at most asmall effect on tameness.

The epistatic network raises interesting questionsabout the role of Tame-1 and Tame-2 during selectionfor tameness and aggression. Due to the relativelyinvariant effect of Tame-1, it can be selected for in manygenetic backgrounds, driving alternative alleles rapidlyto fixation. On the other hand, the hom*ozygousaggressive genotype at Tame-2 might have had an initialrole in selection by magnifying the effects of other loci,allowing them to become more prominent targets ofselection, while the allele from the tame line would havedecreased the response of other loci to selection. Theincreased frequency of hom*ozygous tame genotypes atloci other than Tame-2 will, however, decrease theselective advantage of the tame allele at Tame-2, due toits small effect in this background. Given the intricateinteractions between Tame-2 and the other loci, it is anintriguing possibility that Tame-2 might harbor multiplealleles in the current tame and aggressive rat lines. Thus,the single tame and aggressive alleles might in fact be

average effects across several alleles. A more in-depthanalysis of patterns of polymorphism at Tame-2 andother loci might shed light on this.

White coat color and tameness: Many domestic ani-mals across a wide range of species are distinguished fromtheir wild relatives by conspicuous coat color variants.Possible explanations include direct selection for coatcolor variants by humans (e.g., Pielberg et al. 2008) andremoval of selective pressures for camouflage. It is furtherconceivable that coat color variation is a pleiotropic effectof alleles influencing other traits and particularly behav-ior, including the level of tameness (Keeler and King

1942; Cottle and Price 1987; Hayssen 1997).The F2 rats provide an excellent opportunity to test

whether loci influencing tameness also affect white coatspotting. If the same genes are responsible, F2 animalscarrying coat spots should be more tame than thosewithout. However, this was not observed (see results).Similarly, the QTL for coat spotting shows no linkage totameness or any other trait (Figure 4B), and neitherTame-1 nor Tame-2 is linked to coat spotting (FigureS10). Hence, we find no evidence for white spottingbeing caused by the same loci that contribute totameness. Pleiotropic effects linking tameness and coatcolor may occur in other species, or even in other linesof rats, but such scenarios are clearly not strengthenedby these results.

It is noteworthy that the QTL for white coat spots onchromosome 14 contains at its center the Kit gene


Epistatic pairs of QTL identified at genomewide significance

Locus 1 Locus 2

Trait Chra Peakb Positionb Chra Peakb Positionb % variancec

Tameness (PC1) 1 58 42–96 8 89 44–97 9.61 69 67–75 4 25 21–37 8.71 69 67–71 19 53 47–61 8.76 82 67–94 8 73 67–81 6.38 71 66–80 19 52 43–61 6.8

Flight 1 45 43–48 9 8 0–14 6.9

Boxing 1 75 73–79 8 95 88–97 6

Time spent moving (LDT) 8 86 83–88 9 84 82–84 5.4

Fecal boli (LDT) 1 10 5–10 10 59 49–71 6.64 8 1–15 13 22 17–27 6.1

Startle response 2 48 33–55 10 69 63–86 6.5

Body weight 7 55 22–68 8 97 95–97 6.38 96 94–97 18 16 12–17 6

Adrenal gland weight 3 0 0–2 11 43 38–48 5.2

Corticosterone 5 25 18–35 6 82 73–92 6.2

LDT: light–dark test.a Chromosome.b Centimorgans.c Residual phenotypic variance explained after accounting for fixed effects.

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Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (13)

(RefSeq NM_022264), which encodes a tyrosine-kinasereceptor involved in melanoblast migration (Yoshida

et al. 2001). Allelic variants of hom*ologs of rat Kit, or ofthe gene for the Kit ligand (Kitl; RefSeq NM_021843),are known to cause white coat color variants in mice( Jackson 1994), pigs (Marklund et al. 1998), horses(Haase et al. 2007), and stickleback fish (Miller et al.2007). Thus, Kit is an excellent candidate for causingthe white coat spots in the rats studied here.

Conclusions: We present a genetic analysis of traitsassociated with tameness in a rat model of animaldomestication. Tameness is found to be influenced bytwo major loci, which are part of a five-locus epistaticnetwork. A possibility not explored here are epistaticinteractions involving more than two loci. Such inter-actions are, however, very difficult to detect given thesample size limitations in mammals.

The confidence intervals for the two tameness locicontain 744 (Tame-1) and 339 (Tame-2) genes annotatedin the Ensembl database, respectively. Since few genesunderlying QTL for any behavior have been identified(for two notable exceptions, see Yalcin et al. 2004 andWatanabe et al. 2007), and none of them are located inTame-1 or Tame-2, it seems premature to speculate aboutwhat genes underlie Tame-1 and Tame-2. Rather, fine-mapping approaches such as advanced intercross lines,as well as other approaches, are needed to clarify whatgenes are involved.

This work greatly benefited from SNP genotyping courteously pro-vided by Ivo Gut and Marc Lathrop at the Centre National deGenotypage, Genome Institute of the French Atomic Energy Commis-sion, Evry, France. We are indebted to Lysann Wagner and ClaudiaNestler for experimental assistance; to Sandra Peter, Petra Madaj-Sterba,and Gudrun Lemm for assistance with animal maintenance; and toInger Jonasson, Jenny Jonsson, Katarina Davidsson, and Ulf Gyllenstenat the Uppsala Genome Center for help with genotyping and for beinggreat hosts to F.W.A. in Uppsala. We thank two anonymous reviewers fortheir constructive comments on the manuscript. This work was fundedby the Max Planck Society. The work by O.C. and F.B. was funded by theSwedish Foundation for Strategic Research and the Swedish ResearchCouncil for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning.


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Communicating editor: A. D. Long

554 F. W. Albert et al.

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (15)

Supporting Information

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal Domestication

Frank W. Albert, Örjan Carlborg, Irina Plyusnina, Francois Besnier, Daniela Hedwig, Susann Lautenschläger, Doreen Lorenz, Jenny McIntosh, Christof Neumann, Henning Richter, Claudia Zeising, Rimma Kozhemyakina, Olesya Shchepina,

Jürgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut, Daniel Teupser, Joachim Thiery, Torsten Schöneberg, Leif Andersson and Svante Pääbo

Copyright © 2009 by the Genetics Society of America DOI: 10.1534/genetics.109.102186

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (16)

F. Albert et al. 2 SI


Materials and Methods

Mapping pedigree: The pedigree described in this study was initiated from four unrelated tame and four aggressive

individuals (two females each; the “F-1” or “F minus one” generation) mated within line to yield 11 (five tame and six

aggressive rats, one male each) F0 animals. The F-1 animals did not have common parents and at most one common

grandparent. The F0 animals were crossed reciprocally, i.e. both sexes were used from each line. Two out of four tame

females and two out of five aggressive females were full siblings of the respective F0 founder males. Six hybrid F1 males (three

sired by the tame, and three sired by the aggressive F0 male) were repeatedly mated to 37 F1 females to produce a total of

733 F2 rats (383 females). F1 animals sired by the aggressive F0 male were mated only to F1 animals sired by the tame F0

male, and vice versa.

Behavioral testing: A list of all traits we collected can be found in Table 1. At six to eight weeks of age, F2 rats performed

the “glove test”, which measures an animal’s level of tameness/aggression by confronting it with an approaching human

hand and attempts at handling (see (ALBERT et al. 2008) for details on the testing procedure). Within two weeks, but at least

after a four-day break, rats performed an open-field test, followed three days later by a light-dark test. These tests provide

various measures of exploratory and anxiety-related behavior. After nine days, rats performed a startle response test, which

measures the behavioral response to a sudden acoustic stimulus. 470 (64%) of the F2 rats then performed a second glove test

trial after maximally two weeks. F1 rats were tested once in the glove test at 12 – 14 weeks of age, and then followed the

testing schedule described in (ALBERT et al. 2008). All tests were performed with minimal handling following the procedures

described in (ALBERT et al. 2008). Open field, light-dark and startle response test data were recorded using automated

measuring technology (TSE Systems, Bad Homburg, Germany). Glove test trials were videotaped and later analyzed by two

independent observers (5% of trials only by one observer) using the software “Interact” (Mangold Software, Arstorf,

Germany). Experimenters and observers were blind to the animals’ identity and to further data processing. A set of 11

behaviors (e.g. “attack” or “tolerate handling”) were scored (see (ALBERT et al. 2008) for detailed descriptions of the

behaviors), and each converted to a numeric measure (e.g. “number of occurrences” or “duration in seconds”; Table 1).

Serological phenotypes: We measured a series of serum traits, most of which had earlier been found (ALBERT et al. 2008)

to differ between the tame and the aggressive rats (Table 1). Serum was analyzed in 684 F2 rats (357 females) as described in

the main text. Corticosterone levels reflect the rats’ response to handling and sacrifice, rather than baseline (undisturbed)

levels. This is consistent with their high values compared to basal measures reported in the literature (VAHL et al. 2005).

Twenty-two F2 individuals were excluded from further analysis of all serum traits because they appeared to be outliers with

respect to the remaining F2 population: two individuals with chloride values < 90 mmol / l and 16 individuals with chloride

values > 110 mmol / l, and four individuals with triglyceride levels > 4 mmol / l.

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (17)

F. Albert et al. 3 SI

Glove test analyses: To summarize a rat’s behavior in the glove test, we performed principal component analysis (PCA)

on the individual glove test measures. The resulting principal component (PC) scores represent a linear, weighted

combination of individual behaviors. Combining animals from several generations when performing PCA could potentially

distort the results. Hence, we used only F2 animals in the analysis.

F0 and F1 animals performed only one glove test trial and were scored by a single observer. For comparing F2 animals’ glove

tests to those of the F0 and F1 generations, we used only observations from the first trial, and from the same observer who

scored the F0 and F1 animals. We applied the PCA regression coefficients obtained in F2 animals to the single observations

from F0, F1, and the comparable subset of single F2 observations. A small number of F2 animals had PC scores that exceeded

the range defined by the most tame and the most aggressive F0 animals. Since QTL mapping can be sensitive to phenotypic

outliers, we set these extreme individuals’ phenotypes to the most extreme values observed in F0 animals. Adjusting outliers

this way did not greatly alter the mapping results.

Marker ascertainment and genotyping procedures: Animals were genotyped with 152 microsatellite and 49 single

nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. SNPs were added after a preliminary scan for QTLs using only the microsatellite

data (not shown), to improve genome coverage and to obtain more data in putative QTL regions. Microsatellite markers

were ascertained from public databases. SNP markers were ascertained from a panel of 16,927 SNPs under study at the

CEA/IG-Centre National de Genotypage, Evry, France. All markers were selected based on their segregation patterns in the

outbred tame and aggressive rat lines as determined from preliminary genotyping of a panel of F0 animals. All markers used

in the QTL mapping are listed in Table S2. DNA was isolated either from lung tissue according to the NucPrep Protocol for

animal tissues (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) or from spleen tissue using the DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit

(Quiagen GmbH, Hilden, Germany) according to the manual’s section “Purification of Total DNA from Animal Tissues

(Spin-Column Protocol)”. The extraction protocols were slightly modified. For NucPrep, digestion at 65 °C for 1 h was

preceded by overnight incubation of the tissue samples at room temperature in NucPrep Digestion Buffer and Proteinase K

(both Applied Biosystems), and the pre-filtration step was skipped. For DNeasy, two final elution steps were performed, each

with 100 µl of Buffer AE. For all markers, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed in 384-well format. Microsatellite

marker PCRs were performed using the M13-primer PCR system (SCHUELKE 2000). 15 ng of dried DNA per sample were

used in a 10 µl PCR mix containing (per sample) 1.0 µl of PCR buffer (Quiagen), 0.5 µl DMSO (Merck KG, Darmstadt,

Germany), 0.4 µl dNTPs (5 mM) (Amersham Biosciences, Buckinghamshire, England), 0.2 µl forward and reverse primer in

a 1 / 10 ratio (1 / 10 µM) (Thermo Electron, Ulm, Germany), 0.2 µl M13-tail (10 µM) labeled with one of three fluorophores

[6-fam (Thermo Electron), Ned or Vic (both Applied Biosystems)], 7.66 µl of water and 0.039 µl of HotStarTaq® Plus DNA

polymerase (5 U / µl) (Quiagen). The M13-tail used in all reactions was 5’-[fluorophore]-CACGACGTTGTAAAACGAC.

PCR was performed on Eppendorf Mastercycler ep384 thermocyclers (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany) according to the

following touch-down PCR protocol: 95 °C for 5 min., 44 cycles of each at 94 °C for 30 s, a variable temperature for 30 s

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (18)

F. Albert et al. 4 SI

and 72 °C for 30 s. The variable temperature was 65 °C in the first cycle and decreased by 1 °C in the following 5 cycles,

then decreased by 0.5 °C for 17 cycles and then held constant at 52 °C for the remaining 21 cycles. PCR products were held

at 8 °C after program completion. Up to 10 PCR products of different expected lengths and labeled with different dyes were

pooled and analyzed on an ABI3730 DNA Analyzer (Applied Biosystems). Microsatellite genotypes were determined using

the software GeneMapper Version 4.0 (Applied Biosystems) and all genotypes were manually double-checked. SNP assays

were ordered from ABI Applied Biosystems. PCR co*cktails containing 10 ng of dried DNA / sample were prepared

according to the assay manufacturer’s specifications, but using “ABgene Absolute QPCR Rox Mix X2” (Applied Biosystems)

instead of “TaqMan Universal PCR Master Mix”. PCR was performed on Eppendorf Mastercycler ep384 thermocyclers

(Eppendorf) as follows: 10 min. at 95 °C, followed by 40 cycles of 15 s at 92 °C and 1 min. at 60 °C; reactions were held at 8

°C after program completion. Intensity scans of PCR products were performed on an ABI 7900HT Sequence Detection

System v2.2 (Applied Biosystems). SNP genotypes were called automatically as part of the scanning process, and genotype

plots inspected visually. Preliminary genotyping of 16,927 SNPs had been performed using the Illumina GoldenGate assay

according to manufacturer's instruction in an Illumina Beadlab, as described (SAAR et al. 2008).

Details on linkage map construction: We constructed sex-averaged linkage maps for each chromosome using a version

of the program crimap (GREEN et al. 1990) modified to handle large pedigrees by the University of California Davis,

Veterinary Genetics Laboratory. We used the option FIXED to estimate marker distances in centiMorgan (cM) on markers

ordered according to their physical chromosomal locations as annotated in the UCSC Genome Browser. Marker order was

confirmed using crimap’s FLIPS option. Markers that were not annotated in the genome browser were placed on the linkage

map using the option ALL. We used the option CHROMPIC to identify inferred double recombination events. For all such

events, genotype data was double-checked for errors.

Computation of linkage map information content: We estimated the information content at marker positions from

the respective gametic identical-by-decent (IBD) matrices Xg (see below for the matrix estimation procedure). For a given

position, the IBD matrices specify which individuals have inherited identical alleles. At informative positions, many allele

pairs can be assigned unambiguously (IBD = 1 or IBD = 0). At less informative positions, some estimated IBD estimates will

tend towards 0.5. We estimated the information content at a position as

2 1n2

0.5 − Xg∑ , where n is the number of

alleles in the pedigree. The information content statistic takes a value of one for perfectly informative markers, and zero if no

allele can be traced to its pedigree origin. On the X-chromosome, we calculated a lower limit for the information content at

marker positions as the average difference in allele frequency between tame and aggressive F-1 founders, weighted by the

respective allele frequency across all F-1 founders.

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (19)

F. Albert et al. 5 SI

Haplotype-based inference of missing genotypes: Missing F0 genotypes can lead to a loss of power in QTL mapping

because some alleles in F2 animals might not be traced reliably to parental lines. We sought to overcome this limitation by

including the genotyped parents of F0 animals (the F-1) in the analysis, and by tracing alleles back to them. This way, we

sought to infer missing genotypes of F0 and F1 animals based on their ancestors’ and offspring genotypes. We first determined

the phase of informative markers for all individuals in the pedigree. Then, we used a genetic algorithm to iteratively generate

chromosome segments carrying putative haplotypes. For each such segment, the algorithm calculates the likelihood that the

segment is compatible with the phase of the informative markers, and keeps the most likely haplotype from each iteration

until it converges to an optimum. We then inferred the missing genotype information in F0 and F1 animals from the

haplotypes of related F-1 and F2 individuals. Details of this procedure for inference of haplo- and genotypes will be published


Single QTL mapping on sex chromosomes: The analyses described thus far were designed to handle autosomal data.

To analyze the X-chromosome, we used the software QxPak (PEREZ-ENCISO and MISZTAL 2004), which is able to handle

sex chromosomal data appropriately. For each trait, we first fitted an additive QTL using the option ‘fix_a’. Where this

yielded a significant (p < 0.005) QTL, we then tested for dominance using option ‘fix_ad’. Since the permutation-based

significance thresholds derived for the autosomes cannot be directly applied to the X chromosome, we assumed QTLs with a

nominal p-value < 0.001 (0.005) to be significant (suggestive) at a genome-wide level, as suggested in the QxPak manual.

To test for linkage to the Y chromosome, we note that F2 males in our pedigree carry one of only two Y chromosomes, one

derived from the tame F0 male, one from the aggressive F0 male. Due to the design of our cross, F2 males carrying the Y

chromosome from one parental line always carry mitochondria (and potentially other maternally inherited factors) from the

same line. However, while F2 females share such maternal factors with F2 males, they do not carry the Y chromosomes. This

allows us to disentangle the effect of the Y chromosome by comparing the phenotypes of F2 males carrying the Y

chromosome inherited from the tame F0 male, of males carrying the Y chromosome inherited from the aggressive F0 male,

and of F2 females that were sired by the respective F1 males. A Y-linked locus should lead to a phenotype difference between

the two groups of F2 males, while the two groups of F2 females should not differ. In an analysis of variance (ANOVA), we

tested for interactions between the sex of F2 animals and the strain origin of the Y chromosome carried by their fathers.

Covariates were included in the ANOVA as listed in Table S6. We assumed linkage to the Y chromosome if the interaction

term was significant (p < 0.005) and if a post-hoc T-test showed a significant (p < 0.05) difference between F2 males, but not

between F2 females.

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (20)

F. Albert et al. 6 SI

ALBERT, F. W., O. SHCHEPINA, C. WINTER, H. RÖMPLER, D. TEUPSER et al., 2008 Phenotypic differences in behavior, physiology and neurochemistry between rats selected for tameness and for defensive aggression towards humans. Hormones and Behavior 53: 413-421.

BESNIER, F., and O. CARLBORG, 2007 A general and efficient method for estimating continuous IBD functions for use in genome scans for QTL. Bmc Bioinformatics 8.

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GREEN, S., K. FALLS and S. CROOKS, 1990 Documentation for CRI-MAP v2.4. Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis.

HALEY, C. S., and S. A. KNOTT, 1992 A Simple Regression Method For Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci In Line Crosses Using Flanking Markers. Heredity 69: 315-324.

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PEREZ-ENCISO, M., and I. MISZTAL, 2004 Qxpak: a versatile mixed model application for genetical genomics and QTL analyses. Bioinformatics 20: 2792-2798.

PONG-WONG, R., A. W. GEORGE, J. A. WOOLLIAMS and C. S. HALEY, 2001 A simple and rapid method for calculating identity-by-descent matrices using multiple markers. Genetics Selection Evolution 33: 453-471.

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Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (21)

F. Albert et al. 7 SI

FILE S2 A compressed folder is available at This folder contains four text files that contain raw data (as described below). This description is also available in the Read Me.txt file located in the compressed folder. 1. “genotypes.txt” – contains genotypes and marker info

• first line contains marker names • second line contains markers’ chromosomes • third line contains markers’ genetic position on a given chromosome • the rest of the file contains the genotypes:

• first column is animal id • there are *two* columns per marker, one for each allele • allele codes are arbitrary numbers, and do not by themselves contain information about strain origin or the

genotype • the two allele columns per marker do *not* indicate whether an allele was inherited from the mother or the

father • missing genotypes are coded as '0' • on the X-chromosome, ‘9’ indicates the “missing” allele in hemizygous males

2. “pedigree_fixed_effects_covariates.txt” • first column is animal id • second column is an animal's father ('0' for the first generation) • third column: is an animal's mother ('0' for the first generation) • fourth column is sex: males are '1', females are '2' • fifth column indicates an animals strain (tame or aggressive) or the respective generation in the cross (F1 or F2) • remaining columns are numerical covariates (measured only in F2 animals)

3. "phenotypes.txt"

• first column is animal id • only F2 animals were measured (beginning with animal ID 63), and only F2s are listed in this file • with the exception of glove test traits, all traits are "raw", i.e. not adjusted for family effects or covariates • glove test behaviors in this file *are* adjusted for observer, trial and family effects - see "raw_glove_data.txt" for

raw glove test data 4. "raw_glove_data.txt"

• data from the glove test, directly as scored from the video tapes • this data forms the basis for the principal components used to calculate tameness and aggression scores • only F2 animals are listed (beginning with animal ID 63)

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (22)

F. Albert et al. 8 SI

FIGURE S1.—Flow diagram of the search strategy for single QTLs and epistatic QTL pairs.

exhaustive genome scanfor epistatic QTL pairs

genome scanfor single QTLs

model with no QTLn = 0

putative QTLwith highest F-value

permutation testfor adding 1 QTL

add QTLto model

model withn+1 QTLs




Step 1Detect single QTLs

For each single QTL:permutation test “Type I”

permutation test “Type II”

thresholds “Type I”for adding

1 interacting QTL tosingle QTL

threshold “Type II”for adding

2 new interacting QTLs

putative epistaticQTL pairs

How many single QTLsare part of the pair?



compare tothreshold “Type II”

compare tothreshold “Type I”

significant?keep pair for testing epistasisyes

QTL pairs to betested for epistasis

Step 2Detect pairs of QTLs

epistatic QTL pairsFor each pair:

permutation test “Type III”Step 3

Test for significanceof epistatic interactions

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (23)

F. Albert et al. 9 SI

FIGURE S2.—Phenotype ranges for traits recorded in the glove test. Solid boxes represent the 50% of trait values

closest to the median (bold line). Whiskers represent the low and high 25% of trait values.

Tame Aggressive F1 F2




Tame Aggressive F1 F20





Tame Aggressive F1 F2





Tame Aggressive F1 F2





Tame Aggressive F1 F2





Tame Aggressive F1 F20




Tame Aggressive F1 F2




Move & Leave

Tame Aggressive F1 F2





Tame Aggressive F1 F2






Tame Aggressive F1 F2




Tolerate Handling

Tame Aggressive F1 F2




Tolerate Touch

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (24)

F. Albert et al. 10 SI

FIGURE S3.—Phenotype ranges for traits recorded in the open field, light-dark and startle response tests. Solid boxes

represent the 50% of trait values closest to the median (bold line). Whiskers represent the low and high 25% of trait values. For clarity, potential outliers are not shown.

Tame Aggressive F1 F2



8Open Field − Center

% ti



t in



Tame Aggressive F1 F2



Open Field − Corners

% ti



t in



Tame Aggressive F1 F2




Open Field − Activity

% ti



t mov


Tame Aggressive F1 F2



Open Field − Rearing



t rea



Tame Aggressive F1 F2


40Open Field − Locomotion speed

cm /


Tame Aggressive F1 F2



Open Field − Rearing



t rea



Tame Aggressive F1 F2



Light Dark Test − Time in Light

% ti



t in


Tame Aggressive F1 F2



Light−Dark Test − Activity

% ti



t mov


Tame Aggressive F1 F2



Light−Dark Test − Rearingtim

e sp

ent r


g (s


Tame Aggressive F1 F2



Light−Dark Test − Locomotion


d in


t are

a (c

m /


Tame Aggressive F1 F2





Light−Dark Test − Defecation

# fe

cal b


Tame Aggressive F1 F2




Startle Response


tle re


se (g



Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (25)

F. Albert et al. 11 SI

FIGURE S4.—Phenotype ranges for body and organ weights. Solid boxes represent the 50% of trait values closest to

the median (bold line). Whiskers represent the low and high 25% of trait values. For clarity, potential outliers are not shown.

Tame Aggressive F2


50Adrenal Gland


ght (


Tame Aggressive F2







ght (


Tame Aggressive F1 F2







ght (


Tame Aggressive F2






ght (


Tame Aggressive F1 F2



8 Spleenw


t (g)

Tame Aggressive F2






ght (


Tame Aggressive F1 F2




Body Weight


Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (26)

F. Albert et al. 12 SI

FIGURE S5.—Phenotype ranges for serum traits. Solid boxes represent the 50% of trait values closest to the median

(bold line). Whiskers represent the low and high 25% of trait values. For clarity, potential outliers are not shown.

Tame Aggressive F2




/ m


Tame Aggressive F2






/ l

Tame Aggressive F2






/ l

Tame Aggressive F2






/ l

Tame Aggressive F2








/ l

Tame Aggressive F2





at /


Tame Aggressive F2





/ l

Tame Aggressive F2





/ l

Tame Aggressive F2





ol /


Tame Aggressive F2



Total Protein

g / l

Tame Aggressive F2




/ l

Tame Aggressive F2










ol /


Tame Aggressive F2






ol /


Tame Aggressive F2






/ l

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (27)

F. Albert et al. 13 SI

FIGURE S6.—Phenotype distributions for traits recorded in the glove test. Red: female F2 rats, blue: male F2 rats

0 1 2 3







Number of approaches



of a



0 10 20







Number of attacks0 10 20






Duration of boxing

0 2 4 6 8





Number of escapes



of a



0 2 4 6 8





Number of flights0 20 40 60





Duration of freezing

0 1 2 3 4 5




Move & Leave

Number "Move & Leave"



of a



0 10 20







Duration of screaming0 10 20 30






Number of squeaks

0 10 20





Tolerate Handling

Duration of "Tolerate Handling"



of a



0 10 20





Tolerate Touch

Duration of "Tolerate Touch"

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (28)

F. Albert et al. 14 SI

FIGURE S7.—Phenotype distributions for traits recorded in the open field, light-dark, and startle response tests.

Red: female F2 rats, blue: male F2 rats.

0 20 40




Open Field Test − Center

% time spent in center



of a



0 40 80




Open Field Test − Time in Corners

% time spent in corners20 40 60




Open Field − Activity

% time spent moving

0 20 40 60




Open Field − Rearing

time spent rearing (s)



of a



20 30 40 50





Open Field − Locomotion speed

cm / s0 2 4 6 8 10







Open Field − Defecation

# fecal boli

0 20 40 60 80 100




Light Dark Test − Time in Light

% time spent in light



of a



20 40 60 80




Light−Dark Test − Activity

% time spent moving0 10 20 30 40 50




15Light−Dark Test − Rearing

time spent rearing (s)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120





Light−Dark Test − Locomotion

locomotion speed in light area (cm / s)



of a



0 2 4 6 8 10







Light−Dark Test − Defecation

# fecal boli−500 0 500 1000




Startle Response

relative startle response (g)


Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (29)

F. Albert et al. 15 SI

FIGURE S8.—Phenotype distributions for body and organ weights. Organ weights are shown relative to body

weight. Red: female F2 rats, blue: male F2 rats

0.02 0.04 0.06





Adrenal Gland

weight (g)



of a



0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0






weight (g)−0.4 0 0.4





weight (g)

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0






weight (g)



of a



−0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6






weight (g)0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0






weight (g)

100 200 300





Body Weight




of a



Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (30)

F. Albert et al. 16 SI

FIGURE S9.—Phenotype distributions for serum traits. Red: female F2 rats, blue: male F2 rats

1000 2000 3000






ng / ml



of a



3 4 5 6 7 8






pmol / l20 30 40 50 60 70






pmol / l0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2






µkat / l

1 2 3







µkat / l



of a



2 4 6 8







µkat / l20 30 40 50 60





µkat / l5 10 15 20 25







µmol / l

4 6 8 10





mmol / l



of a



60 70 80 90





Total Protein

g / l40 45 50 55 60 65





g / l2.5 3.0 3.5







mmol / l

95 100 105






mmol / l



of a



20 40 60 80 100






µmol / l

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (31)

F. Albert et al. 17 SI

FIGURE S10.—QTLs for tameness do not influence white coat spotting. Red line: tameness. Black line: spotting. Black upward tickmarks: microsatellite marker positions. Red tickmarks: SNP marker positions

0 50 100 150



Chromosome 1

Position (cM)

F −



0 50 100 150 0 20 40 60 80 100




Chromosome 8

Position (cM)

0 20 40 60 80 100

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (32)

F. Albert et al. 18 SI


Phenotype modelling

To account for repeated observations of the same rat, trial and observer were modeled as being nested within individual rats. § age was included for traits for which a significant correlation (Pearson’s product momentum correlation, p < 0.05) between trait and age was found (ALAT, ASAT, AP, creatinine, urea, chloride, iron, protein, albumin and fT4, but not for glucose, calcium, fT3 and corticosterone).

Phenotype group Fixed effects Random effects Covariates Adjusted effects Effects included in QTL model

Glove test* sex, trial litter, observer - litter, trial, observer sex

Open field & light-dark tests sex litter - litter sex

Startle response sex litter body weight litter sex, body weight

Organ weights sex litter body weight litter sex, body weight

Body weight sex litter age litter sex, age

Serum phenotypes sex litter age§ litter, batch sex, age§

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (33)

F. Albert et al. 19 SI


Genetic markers used in QTL mapping

Table S2 is available as an Excel file at

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (34)

F. Albert et al. 20 SI


Sex differences

Trait p-value females males Unit

Open Field Test mean s.e.m.1 mean s.e.m.1

time spent in center 0.4 3.46 0.2 3.43 0.2 %

time spent in corner 0.06 0.65 0.01 0.62 0.01 %

time spent moving < 0.0001 41 0.5 36 0.6 %

time spent rearing < 0.0001 23 0.7 17 0.6 s

locomotion speed < 0.0001 29 0.4 25 0.4 cm / s

fecal boli 0.6 2.1 0.1 2.2 0.1 count

Light - Dark Test

time spent in light compartment 0.6 26 0.9 26 1.1 %

time spent moving < 0.0001 52 0.5 48 0.6 %

time spent rearing < 0.0001 22 0.6 18 0.6 s

locomotion speed in light compartment < 0.0001 22 0.5 19 0.6 cm / s

fecal boli 0.01 1.9 0.1 2.4 0.1 count

Startle Response Test

startle response 0.01 76 9.9 72 16.4 g


body weight < 0.0001 111 1.3 222 2.2 g

adrenal gland weight < 0.0001 42 0.4 40 0.4 mg

heart weight < 0.0001 0.33 0.008 0.38 0.009 g

kidney weight < 0.0001 0.04 0.004 0.07 0.007 g

lung weight < 0.0001 0.67 0.01 0.64 0.01 g

spleen weight < 0.0001 0.16 0.004 0.15 0.005 g

Serum traits


corticosterone < 0.0001 1650 26 1192 25 ng / ml

fT3 < 0.0001 5.3 0.05 4.8 0.05 pmol / l

fT4 < 0.0001 38.5 0.4 45.3 0.4 pmol / l


ALAT < 0.0001 0.49 0.006 0.6 0.008 µkat / l

AP < 0.0001 1.5 0.01 2 0.02 µkat / l

ASAT < 0.0001 2.7 0.05 2.3 0.03 µkat / l


creatinine < 0.0001 36 0.3 33 0.3 µkat / l

glucose < 0.0001 7.00 0.1 10.5 0.2 µmol / l

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (35)

F. Albert et al. 21 SI

urea < 0.0001 6.2 0.06 5.3 0.05 mmol / l

Serum protein

total protein 0.014 71 0.2 70 0.2 g / l

albumin 0.0003 48.3 0.2 47.5 0.1 g / l


Ca2+ < 0.0001 2.82 0.008 2.89 0.007 mmol / l

Cl- < 0.0001 102.5 0.3 101.3 0.2 mmol / l

Fe2+/3+ < 0.0001 57 0.7 30 0.4 µmol / l

1 standard error of the mean

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (36)

F. Albert et al. 22 SI


Correlations between phenotypes

Table S4 is available as an Excel file at

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (37)

F. Albert et al. 23 SI


Suggestive autosomal QTLs


unit for


effects Chromosome

peak position





(cM) F-value





% residual



explained females? males?

Glove Test


(PC1) - 3 109 93 - 117 5.4 0.12 0.73 1.4 - -


(PC1) - 10 42 11 - 69 5.4 0.4 -0.08 1.4 suggestive -


(PC1) - 12 5 2 - 9 5.4 0.13 -0.69 1.4 - -


(PC1) - 19 61 45 - 62 5 0.14 -0.75 1.3 - -

PC2 - 14 5 0 - 25 6 0.32 -0.12 1.7 - suggestive

PC2 - 11 49 36 - 54 4.8 -0.1 0.46 1.4 - -

PC3 - 19 15 7 - 25 6 0.2 -0.26 1.7 - -

PC3 - 10 59 41 - 67 5.1 -0.16 0.39 1.5 - -

PC3 - 17 0 0 - 16 4.9 0.2 0.26 1.4 suggestive -

approach count 3 52 46 - 63 6.8 0.04 -0.15 1.9 suggestive -

attack count 8 72 67 - 90 6.6 -0.42 -0.19 1.8 - -

attack count 12 6 3 - 10 5.9 -0.18 0.68 1.6 - -

attack count 17 15 4 - 24 5.8 0.05 0.83 1.6 - -

escape count 10 94 89 - 94 7.8 -0.03 0.52 2.2 - -

escape count 18 24 16 - 38 6 -0.09 0.33 1.7 - -

flight count 10 49 36 - 71 6.8 -0.33 -0.16 1.9 suggestive -

flight count 9 27 16 - 41 5.7 -0.26 0.75 1.6 - -

move &

leave count 7 1 0 - 5 6.3 0.01 0.38 1.8 - -

move &

leave count 15 25 21 - 46 6 0.09 -0.36 1.7 - -

move &

leave count 19 1 0 - 15 5.3 -0.19 -0.15 1.5 - -

move &

leave count 11 43 33 - 52 5 0.03 -0.36 1.4 - -

squeak count 8 97 96 - 97 7.5 -0.02 -5 2.1 - suggestive

squeak count 17 1 0 - 11 6.8 1.1 1.5 1.9 - -

squeak count 3 63 51 - 72 5.5 -1.2 -0.5 1.6 - -

boxing s 6 15 6 - 26 7.3 -0.5 -0.3 2 - -

boxing s 1 78 72 - 102 7.1 -0.4 -0.5 2 - -

boxing s 19 54 42 - 62 6.8 -0.2 1.1 1.9 suggestive -

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (38)

F. Albert et al. 24 SI

screaming s 8 72 63 - 82 8.6 -0.73 -0.46 2.3 - -

screaming s 19 60 42 - 62 5.4 0.14 1.1 1.4 suggestive -

screaming s 10 15 6 - 60 5.3 -0.65 0.17 1.4 - -

screaming s 12 8 2 - 23 5.1 -0.4 0.76 1.4 - -

freezing s 10 84 68 - 91 6.2 2 -0.7 1.7 - suggestive


touch s 18 30 23 - 39 7.2 0.35 -0.22 1.9 significant -


touch s 6 86 73 - 93 6.6 1.05 -1.09 1.8 - -


touch s 8 0 0 - 17 5.5 0.46 -0.21 1.5 - -


touch s 8 80 67 - 92 5.2 0.78 0.99 1.5 - significant


handling s 19 17 0 - 27 7 0.79 -0.17 2 - -


handling s 14 11 0 - 27 5.6 0.83 0.25 1.6 - -


handling s 6 61 51 - 80 5.3 0.68 -0.17 1.5 - suggestive


handling s 13 52 32 - 52 5.2 0.46 1.2 1.5 - -


handling s 11 49 40 - 54 5 -0.22 1.3 1.4 - -

Open field

time spent

in center % 8 27 18 - 56 7.8 0.0095 -0.22 2.2 - suggestive

time spent

in center % 10 71 43 - 81 5.9 0.0079 0.0046 1.7 - -

time spent

moving % 2 103 96 - 118 6.3 0.011 0.028 1.8 - -

time spent

moving % 8 94 85 - 97 6.3 0.024 0.004 1.8 - -

time spent

moving % 1 70 62 - 87 6.1 0.021 0.012 1.8 - -

rearing s 8 93 85 - 97 4.9 2.3 -0.2 1.4 - -


speed cm / s 2 86 83 - 95 6.9 0.5 2.7 2 - suggestive


speed cm / s 13 52 48 - 52 5.1 -1.1 -2.4 1.5 - -

fecal boli count 2 63 36 - 79 7.6 0.5 -0.2 2.2 suggestive -

fecal boli count 9 0 0 - 10 6.6 -0.5 -0.04 1.9 - suggestive

fecal boli count 10 80 68 - 91 6.6 0.6 -0.3 1.9 - -

fecal boli count 17 18 6 - 25 6.3 0.4 0.6 1.8 - -

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (39)

F. Albert et al. 25 SI

Light Dark Test

time spent

in light % 6 38 27 - 54 7.6 0.044 -0.013 2.2 - suggestive

time spent

in light % 19 53 43 - 62 7 -0.028 -0.097 2 significant -

time spent

in light % 18 0 0 - 23 6 0.035 -0.025 1.7 - suggestive

time spent

in light % 2 82 72 - 86 5.9 0.0009 0.064 1.7 - -

time spent

moving % 3 0 0 - 2 7.1 0.015 0.036 2 - -

time spent

moving % 7 35 18 - 73 6.2 -0.023 -0.027 1.8 suggestive -

time spent

moving % 2 66 58 - 77 6 0.012 0.029 1.7 - -

rearing s 2 76 62 - 82 6 0.9 4 1.7 - -


speed in



nt cm / s 7 24 7 - 52 5.4 2.2 -3.3 1.5 - suggestive


speed in



nt cm / s 18 0 0 - 14 5.3 -0.3 2.5 1.5 - -

fecal boli count 18 21 2 - 25 8.3 0.5 0.3 2.4 suggestive suggestive

fecal boli count 4 58 52 - 71 6.5 0.5 -0.06 1.9 - -

fecal boli count 13 19 8 - 28 5 -0.3 -0.5 1.4 - -

Startle response


response g 2 47 26 - 57 7.6 30 -81 2.1 - -


response g 4 73 63 - 86 6 -32 -64 1.6 - significant


response g 8 26 17 - 38 5.7 43 -32 1.6 - -


response g 13 15 3 - 22 5.2 50 23 1.4 - -



gland mg 11 42 34 - 54 7.1 1.4 -1.9 1.8 suggestive -


gland mg 2 48 37 - 56 6.1 0.6 2.1 1.6 - -

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (40)

F. Albert et al. 26 SI


gland mg 6 65 47 - 82 6.2 -1.4 1.3 1.6 - -


gland mg 8 64 42 - 79 6.1 1.5 0.4 1.6 - suggestive


gland mg 16 18 15 - 26 5.6 1.4 1.5 1.4 - -


gland mg 12 11 6 - 25 5 -1.1 1.3 1.3 - -


weight g 18 16 0 - 22 6.8 6.3 -3.8 1.8 suggestive -

heart g 18 20 6 - 26 5.4 0.03 -0.005 1.5 - -

kidney g 3 54 31 - 66 6.9 0.02 0.01 2 - -

kidney g 7 13 0 - 25 5.9 0.02 0.02 1.8 - -

kidney g 8 88 85 - 97 5.9 0.02 0.01 1.7 - -

kidney g 20 26 11 - 42 4.3 0.003 0.007 1.3 - suggestive

lung g 10 53 35 - 67 5.8 0.02 -0.1 1.7 - -

lung g 6 35 19 - 43 5.2 -0.007 0.06 1.5 - -

spleen g 20 21 10 - 31 6.9 0.007 0.019 1.8 suggestive -

spleen g 3 63 51 - 75 6.6 -0.015 0.014 1.8 - -

spleen g 18 17 11 - 24 5.4 0.014 -0.005 1.5 - suggestive

testis g 10 92 86 - 94 6.4 0.06 0.26 3.9 n/a n/a

testis g 17 21 5 - 25 7.2 0.09 -0.09 4.3 n/a n/a

spotting - 6 48 39 - 56 5.8 0.06 -0.14 1.8 - suggestive

Serum traits

albumin g / l 3 5 0 - 22 7.5 0.47 -0.66 2.3 significant -

albumin g / l 4 62 52 - 85 5.4 -0.46 -0.17 1.6 - -

AP µkat / l 10 52 8 - 72 5.8 -0.06 0.15 1.7 - -

AP µkat / l 7 92 78 - 103 5.3 0.02 -0.11 1.6 - -

creatinine µkat / l 15 23 15 - 28 6.9 -0.97 -0.67 2.1 - -

creatinine µkat / l 19 51 30 - 62 5 -1.03 -1.10 1.5 - -


ne ng / ml 5 18 1 - 30 6 -23.8 201 1.9 significant -


ne ng / ml 6 88 64 - 94 6 -110 29 1.9 - -

fT4 pmol / l 5 94 76 - 109 8.5 -2.2 0.4 2.6 - suggestive

fT4 pmol / l 14 34 3 - 47 7.1 -1.8 -0.5 2.2 suggestive -

fT4 pmol / l 13 2 0 - 22 5.3 1.3 -1 1.6 - -

ALAT µkat / l 5 67 57 - 77 7.3 -0.015 -0.045 2.3 - -

ALAT µkat / l 12 21 10 - 42 5.8 0.026 -0.024 1.8 - -

ASAT µkat / l 8 87 81 - 92 7.8 -0.14 0.25 2.4 suggestive -

glucose µmol / l 2 49 37 - 57 6.6 0.67 -0.09 2 - -

urea mmol / l 7 106 94 - 106 5.8 -0.06 -0.37 1.8 - -


protein g / l 3 117 112 - 17 6.3 0.75 0.38 2 - significant

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (41)

F. Albert et al. 27 SI


protein g / l 11 15 7 - 19 6 0.28 -1.2 1.9 suggestive -


protein g / l 7 64 50 - 103 5.8 0.6 0.65 1.8 - -


protein g / l 8 2 0 - 36 5.6 -0.72 -0.86 1.7 - -


protein g / l 6 89 66 - 94 5.2 -0.64 -0.56 1.6 - -

Cl- mmol / l 2 144 134 - 147 6.3 -0.7 0.67 1.9 suggestive -

Cl- mmol / l 10 46 10 - 71 5.4 -0.51 -0.27 1.7 - -

Fe2+/3+ µmol / l 2 96 87 - 117 7 -2.4 -0.1 2.2 suggestive -

Fe2+/3+ µmol / l 18 22 0 - 26 5.4 -0.02 1.8 1.7 - -

Shown are QTLs with chromosome-wide (but not genome-wide) significance

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (42)

F. Albert et al. 28 SI


X-Chromosomal QTLs

Trait Peak (cM) d.f.1 LR2 p value additive effect % variance3

urea 47 2 13.9 0.00096 -0.34 2.2

1 degrees of freedom; 2 likelihood ratio; 3 residual phenotypic variance explained after accounting for fixed effects

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (43)

F. Albert et al. 29 SI


Sex-specific QTLs identified at genome-wide significance

Trait sex chr1 peak2 1 LOD c.i.2, 3 F additive effect dominance % variance4

adrenal gland females 5 48 44 – 58 9.5 -2.7 mg -1.3 mg 5.3

corticosterone females 12 0 0 - 2 8.5 12 ng / ml 280 ng / ml 4.9

Only significant QTLs that do not overlap with QTLs found in the sex-combined analyses are shown. See Table 3 and Table S5 for

sex-specific QTLs overlapping QTLs found in the sex-combined analyses. 1 chromosome; 2 cM; 3 confidence interval; 4 residual

phenotypic variance explained after accounting for fixed effects;

Genetic Architecture of Tameness in a Rat Model of Animal ......Henning Richter,* Claudia Zeising,* Rimma Kozhemyakina,‡ Olesya Shchepina,‡ Ju¨rgen Kratzsch, Lyudmila Trut,‡ - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.