Kiss me on the mouth (Please don't bite) - svpenn - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)

Jungkook doesn’t do hook-ups.

And so really, he’s as surprised as anyone that he’s found himself at the corner of a swanky bar, waiting on his suitor for the evening to return with his cosmopolitan, of which he was happy to order three of throughout the night while psyching himself up to talk to the pretty man working the bar.

It shouldn’t have shocked him then that the same slight, fair-skinned, broad-shouldered really really cute bartender he’d been eye-f*cking for all of three hours had finally called Jungkook over and asked him if he wanted something on the house, which is basically, basically, club speak for Have my babies.

Or at least that’s what Jungkook’s brain says three vodka shots, one martini and two and a half cosmos into the night.

Anxiously, he waits, fighting not to nibble at the skin around his freshly-painted black nails, dotted with constellations on each finger. He doesn’t want to f*ck up his Look that he and Taehyung, his enthusiastically gay best friend, worked so hard on for hours so Jungkook could go out to the club on his own and conquer his social anxiety. One would think with all the tattoos and piercings he’s braved throughout the years that he’d be better at confidence but twenty-seven years strong and no luck.

And so, he receives a thin-glassed cosmo from the pale, pink-knuckled hands of the sexy bartender he’s been making eyes at, who luckily is still across the bar finishing his shift but giving Jungkook The Eye in return every couple minutes.

Jungkook doesn’t do hook-ups.

And yet he knows deep down it’s more than the alcohol telling him to take the pretty bartender home and see if the rest of him is pink too.

Jungkook giggles into his drink at the thought, drawing attention to himself from his suitor, who sidles over with that same gorgeous gummy grin he’d given Jungkook at the beginning of the night. ‘’What are we giggling so cutely about on our own here?’’

He’s leaning close across the countertop, customers hollering after him from behind because he’s just that good at his job and he’s cute and he’s so close Jungkook can count the moles on his face, and it doesn’t matter that he’s watched other customers try to flirt with his bartender because he’s leaning forward for Jungkook and staring at Jungkook with the whole Milky Way in his eyes.

And so, and so. Jungkook blushes high in his cheeks, a little too tipsy to keep himself as tight-lipped as usual, so with barely concealed heat he stares at the other man head on and says, ‘’Thinking about if you’re pink everywhere like on your knuckles.’’

The man, bless him, only manages to sputter a little bit at Jungkook’s drunken admission, but it’s only seconds later he’s practically clawing his black apron off – nicely cinched, gave Jungkook an eyeful of his tiny waist all night – and flinging himself to the end of the room where their employee doors are, with barely a glance backwards to see if Jungkook would follow.

It hits Jungkook like a truck then that, sh*t, it was happening. He was hooking up. Taehyung was going to freak. out.

With wobbly limbs and a face-splitting grin, he slams cash over the counter for his other drinks and makes a beeline for wherever his bartender disappeared to.

His bartender.

The thought makes his toes curl in his Chelsea boots – of just picking someone up at the bar and sleeping with them, being intimate with a near stranger. His whole body tingles with anticipation. This isn’t somebody who he’s had time to learn; it’s somebody whose body he doesn’t know, doesn’t know if he likes his pretty lips bit mid-kiss, doesn’t know if he’ll moan pretty and deep when his hair is pulled, doesn’t know how he likes to be touched, played with, admired. But f*ck, would Jungkook like to find out.

‘’My place is right down the street, come on.’’

There his bartender stands, artificial club lights bouncing off of his dewy pale skin, already dotted with sweat from his intense shift and maybe the heat from Jungkook’s constant staring. With a breath caught in his throat, Jungkook stumbles forward unsteadily, reaching forward to grab onto the only man he ever wants to hook up with.

‘’Come on!’’

Both of them giggling conspiratorially, they push their way through the throng of sweaty bodies, making a hasty exit for the double doors at the back of the venue. It isn’t long before they’re standing outside under a lamppost, Jungkook getting a closer look at his bartender as the world around them buzzes with the ambient sound of nighttime traffic.

And – Oh-

They both realize in the same moment that Jungkook is in over his head.

‘’You’re a – ‘’

‘’Thought you knew?’’

They say at the same time.

Under the lamppost, the man’s skin is so clear it’s almost translucent, face glossy with reservation now that they both know Jungkook previously had no idea what the other man was.

‘’No, I- Whoa.’’

And really, it would be just his luck to have been making eyes all night at a f*cking creature of the night, a goddamn vampire.

But before the bartender can take a step back, Jungkook jolts forward and wraps the man’s smaller frame in his arms, a sudden feeling of loss overtaking his whole body.

‘’It’s fine,’’ he says, because it really is. ‘’C’mere.’’

The vampire keeps still as Jungkook’s curious fingers find their way to his mouth, tracing plump lips with the tip of a shaky finger. The smaller man bares his teeth for him, allowing the human to scrape lightly at his fangs in awe. He holds back an aroused hiss at the contact, allowing this pretty boy near free reign in his adorable curiosity. He usually keeps his distance from humans like this, who don’t know about his kind, humans who just wanted to use him for The Experience.

But. But. This human is disgustingly cute. And in all of the vampire’s three hundred and ninety-three years, he’s never encountered such a delicious smelling human.

‘’Ow,’’ the boy says, frowning adorably as he cuts himself on the edge of one of his fangs. Vampires have only been around a couple centuries, and this one being one of the eldest, having become afflicted with the vampiric disease almost four hundred years prior, his venom was fast-acting, potent like a triple shot of morphine.

He sees the immediate effect of even a pin-prick of his essence make its way through the young human’s veins. But of course, as adorable as expected, the only thing the taller man has to say to that is, ‘’Oh man holy sh*t.’’ His big, wild eyes find the vampire’s. ‘’Now that’s a kick.’’

‘’We don’t have to carry on,’’ the vampire lies through his teeth.

The truth is he’d been looking at the boy across the bar since he walked in, inhaling his intoxicating scent above the crowd of other bodies around them, and letting himself get distracted at work (which he never does). He doesn’t pick up strangers to f*ck either, only ever picking up humans as a quick snack. If he’s being completely honest, which he oft attempts to be, what he really wants to do is take the boy home, f*ck him and get drunk on his blood. He’d be awfully disappointed if him and the boy didn’t want the same thing.

The vampire hears a sweet giggle sound above him, bringing him back to the moment. ‘’Hey, what’s your name?’’

A sharp breath through sensitive teeth, the boy’s blood coating one of his fangs. ‘’Min Yoongi.’’

The boy steps away, bending forward in a comedically dramatic bow. ‘’Jeon Jungkook,’’ he informs, swooping back up with another saccharine laugh. ‘’Pleased to make your acquaintance.’’ He steps back into the vampire’s space, circling large hands over Yoongi’s delicate wrists. ‘’Let’s go.’’

Yoongi is frowning, unmoved from his position under the bright lamp light. ‘’What?’’

‘’Did you think your being a vampire would change my mind? Come on,’’ Jungkook whines.

He struggles at first to tug Yoongi along, because Jesus can he stand his ground, moving him feels like moving Jungkook’s heaviest bench press. But eventually the vampire understands, stumbling gracefully after his overzealous human with an enamoured smile on his face.

They make it back to Yoongi’s high rise apartment in one piece, Jungkook staring up at the offending building with shock. Working in tech himself, he’s only just began climbing the steep hierarchy of video game developers at Korea’s biggest Samsung subsidiary, but this…wow.

Yoongi pulls him excitedly along up his private elevator, jabbing the button to the ninety-third floor with almost too much strength. He sees the steel bend slightly and winces at how much he’s looking forward to this. He hasn’t fed from a live host in months but that doesn’t explain the need brewing just under his skin and deep in his bones.

He admits to himself that this is something else, something more.

Just standing in the same enclosed space with Jungkook is an aphrodisiac. He loses control of himself, tightens his hold on Jungkook’s delicate human hand till the boy flinches. ‘’Sorry,’’ Yoongi says immediately, bringing the hand forward to kiss his knuckles in apology. He gives the boy a lopsided grin, hesitating for a second before just deciding to be honest. ‘’I’m really excited.’’

He’s rewarded with a gorgeous smile, tiny dimples forming at the corners of Jungkook’s mouth. ‘’Me too.’’

As soon as the elevator opens, Yoongi’s being tugged forward, Jungkook zooming through the hallway like a man on a mission. Yoongi laughs loudly, joy sweeping through him in a way it hasn’t in years. ‘’You don’t know where you’re going!’’

They find Yoongi’s door, slumping against it with breathy giggles and tangled limbs. They’ve barely made it inside when Yoongi feels himself pressed insistently against the wall, Jungkook’s warm hands on his shoulders.

‘’Okay so.’’ The boy starts, stops. Even under the dim light of Yoongi’s apartment overhead light, his eyes are a beacon, calling to the vampire like a siren at sea.

‘’What?’’ He brings up his hand and is delighted to find Jungkook’s soft cheek fits perfectly into his palm.

‘’I don’t hook up.’’

Yoongi’s hand doesn’t pause in its gentle caress, internally marvelling at how mortal the boy is, how precious. ‘’You don’t want to go all the way tonight?’’ And because Yoongi, despite his tendency to be quiet, keep to himself, is often blunt and straightforward he asks, ‘’Don’t want me to f*ck you?’’

He feels his human shiver at the words, a pretty groan leaving his lips.

‘’No, it’s just – ‘’ he tilts his head, closing his eyes and squeezing them shut like something hurts. Yoongi presses his thumbs at his brow to smooth out the frustration. ‘’I don’t know what the f*ck I’m doing Yoongi. I don’t want to disappoint you.’’

Jungkook’s eyes open then, inciting Yoongi’s primal instinct to protect. ‘’How could you ever disappoint me when just looking at you sates me?’’ He feels the air leaving Jungkook’s lungs fan across his face. The boy pulls him forward away from the wall, drawing his body against his searchingly. ‘’It’s okay not to know, Jungkook-ah, hyung will help.’’

‘’Hyung,’’ Jungkook repeats, a little sweet, a little dumb. Yoongi thinks he’s hit the jackpot.

He reaches up to card his fingers through Jungkook’s blonde hair, tugging the boy into him, dragging his fangs lightly over pouty lips, just shy of breaking skin. ‘’Are you gonna be a good boy and let hyung lead you, Kook-ah?’’

Kook-ah, good boy. Jungkook’s head spins, pin-prickles of desire focusing all his body’s energy to his dick. His mouth is so wet and open he thinks he’s dangerously close to drooling.

‘’Good boy,’’ he repeats, testing the words on his tongue.

‘’Mmm.’’ Yoongi finally lets himself have a taste, sinking his teeth into Jungkook’s bottom lip just as an appetiser, a reminder to both of them what Yoongi is, why they’re here. The human’s body bows, jaw slacking, a high whine breaking free from somewhere deep inside him.

Yoongi’s tongue curls around Jungkook’s own, cleaning up Jungkook’s mess, the zing of his venom coupled with the action making the young human almost collapse with need. He can barely form words, but he wants to consent to whatever Yoongi has in mind, all the filthy things possible.

‘’Touch me, hyung.’’

Their movements are slow, molasses over a cool surface even as a singing fire burns at every point of contact between their heated skin. Yoongi tries, fails, to prevent himself from giving the human too much too soon, because for all his strength, his bulging muscles, he’s just a boy. Young, malleable, suggestible. Yoongi’s got the pretty thing curled into him so sweetly, pulling him into the world’s filthiest kiss.

It’s wet, tongues slick and prodding as they lick into each other’s mouths, Yoongi leading Jungkook in a centuries-old sensual dance that makes even his experienced hands tremble. Because Jungkook tastes so good. Not just his blood, but him – the give of his lips, the pressure of his tongue. He tastes like cherries and intoxication. Like sin and salvation all wrapped in one damning little ball.

They make it to Yoongi’s bedroom, gaining momentum and excitedly exploring each other just as they’d wanted from the moment they made eye contact at the bar. Yoongi quickly realizes he has Jungkook wrapped around his finger, and his long-dead heart nearly stops (once again) in his chest. He pauses as he sits on the bed, looking up at Jungkook like he’s really seeing him for the first time.


And somehow, Jungkook knows. He knows. ‘’Please. Anything. Anything.’’

He slots himself between the pretty vampire’s legs as they crawl upwards towards the mountains of pillows on the bed. For a second nothing happens; Yoongi, not for the first time this night, completely awed by Jungkook. If not for his supple skin, his telltale human blush and naivety, Yoongi would have thought he was a vampire too.

‘’Hyung,’’ the boy complains, his hips pressing into Yoongi’s jean-clad thigh.

‘’Eager little thing, aren’t you?’’

‘’M’not little,’’ petulant, ironic. He buries his tongue between Yoongi’s neck and shoulder, teasing the skin as best he can. But he quickly realizes something’s off.

‘’Hyung, hyung why can’t I mark you up?’’

Yoongi sighs, the ghost of sadness marring the otherwise perfect night. ‘’Hyung’s skin doesn’t bruise, Jungkook-ah, not like yours.’’

With an indignant growl, Jungkook pokes Yoongi’s skin in way that might be painful for a human but to Yoongi feels akin to a mosquito bite. In fact, the human almost hurts himself instead, pulling his finger back with another cute little ow.

‘’Wanna mark you up, make you feel good.’’

Yoongi giggles, kissing the pout away from Jungkook’s lips and curling his fingers back in his hair. ‘’I know just how you can make hyung feel good.’’

The next few hours are a blur of movement and ecstasy like Yoongi’s rarely felt before. Jungkook is everything all at once, almost overwhelming and yet the old vampire knows he can’t take too much. With every bite, he’s hit again and again with the realization that he’s well and truly f*cked.

The first time his co*ck slips into Jungkook’s body, Yoongi thinks he sees god in the way the boy’s body keens, thighs thick and trembling, knees pulled up to his chest as he stares up at Yoongi like he trusts him, like he lo –

Yoongi has had his fair share of sexual partners, some human, most vampires, but never quite anyone like Jungkook.

Jungkook, whose blonde locks spill beautifully against Yoongi’s black sheets, reminiscent of the way his flushed co*ck spills his pleasure all over his own stomach.

Jungkook, whose mouth makes music rivalling Bach and Yun; whose voice sings in a melody Yoongi knows, even as a prodigy back when his heart still thumped, he could never replicate on any of the earth’s instruments.

Jungkook, who bares his throat and begs, begs to be touched, begs for praise, begs to be filled. Yoongi’s never had someone take his co*ck so easily, so well. Jungkook’s hole flutters, stretches around his girth like he’s made for it. And really, Jungkook doesn’t even have to ask. Yoongi would praise him for just lying there and taking it. And god can the boy take it.

‘’So pretty, Jungkook-ah, feel so good around me.’’ When Yoongi stretches him on his co*ck the first time, bullying his way into the human’s tight muscle inch by inch, skin almost raw with buzzing nerve endings that haven’t fired in centuries.

‘’That’s it baby, take hyung so well. Made for it, you’re made just for my co*ck, huh, baby?’’ When he reaches deep against his softest parts, f*cking in nice and slow to get Jungkook used to how long and thick he is. He’s had vampires struggle to take him, but Jungkook barely winces, opens up wonderfully like he is truly made just to take co*ck. And well, once that thought’s out there, Yoongi can’t help but f*ck Jungkook so well he draws three org*sms from his body before he can even think to come himself.

Yoongi finally allows himself to come as Jungkook tightens around him after a particularly rough round, his dick spurting copious amounts of cool cum, filling Jungkook up in a way that has the human sobbing and overwhelmed.

‘’Hyung,’’ he babbles, pretty brown eyes brimming with tears. The vampire coos, folding himself into Jungkook’s chest, sinking his fangs lightly around his nipple just to hear him hiccup and whimper. Yoongi thinks his heart does that thing again when Jungkook bites his lip to hold back his cries and makes grabby hands at him.

‘’You okay, bun?’’ And that’s a new development, because when Jungkook pouts and sinks his teeth into his own lips, eyes big and wet and- Yoongi’s reminded of prey. Adorable Jungkook who looks just like a little bunny. Yoongi dips down to kiss his wrinkled nose, petting the space between them where their bodies meet just to feel how deep he is inside the man below him.

Jungkook smiles up at him lazily. ‘’He rearranges my guts then asks me how I’m doing.’’

It’s so vulgar, Yoongi can’t stop the laughter that shakes its way out of him, arms barely holding him up on either side of Jungkook’s head. ‘’Potty mouth.’’

Grinning, Jungkook runs his inked fingers sacredly over a pink nipple and tugs at it, making Yoongi’s dick twitch inside him. ‘’Bad boy, I’m supposed to be giving you a break.’’

‘’Don’t wan’ a break. Want you to break my butt.’’ Jungkook rolls his hips into Yoongi’s co*ck, the shift making them both moan as the tip presses heavily against Jungkook’s prostate. The human shivers, having had his ass pounded to tenderness; the stimulation makes his legs start shaking again.

Large hands fold over his hips, forcing him to stop moving. ‘’Jungkook.’’


The vampire smiles, pinching a dusky brown nipple in admonishment. ‘’Thought you agreed to behave? Be good?’’ He watches Jungkook’s eyes cloud over, almost slipping back into that suggestible headspace but he roughly yanks himself back almost physically.

‘’Don’t do that, I’m trying to focus,’’ he pouts.

‘’Do what?’’

Jungkook huffs again, playing with the damp ends of Yoongi’s hair. It’s almost black now that it’s wet. ‘’I didn’t even know I could cum that much.’’ He shuffles, wincing at the slick sound of cum between their stomachs, the slosh of it where Yoongi is still nestled inside him.

‘’We should get cleaned up,’’ Yoongi suggests, though he makes no move to get up, just letting himself enjoy the tightness around his dick, sighing in contentment even as desire still thrums restlessly just beneath his skin. It doesn’t help that Jungkook doesn’t seem to want to stop yet either. He honestly doesn’t know how the human hasn’t passed out already; vampires aren’t really known for f*cking all that gently.

The world pauses for another second, the sound proofed room preventing all ambient sound from reaching them except for the sounds of their laboured breathing, the wet squelch of cum every time Jungkook clenches. Yoongi’s almost delirious with need, but he says nothing; only takes what he’s allowed, what is safe.

Though nothing at all feels safe about the way Jungkook’s body wrings him for every drop of cum he’s got, in these rhythmic waves that drive him mad and milk his spent co*ck so well. Made for it.

‘’Hyung,’’ the boy breathes now, lashes long and wet fanning across his blushing cheeks.

‘’Anything,’’ Yoongi whispers back, nuzzling his cool cheek to Jungkook’s feverish skin.

‘’Wanna f*ck you.’’

And –


Yoongi thinks his eye twitches. He begins to pull out of Jungkook slowly, deliriously, but is stopped by the boy’s hands at his shoulders, the clench of his ass. Gods, that ass. Yoongi could write sonnets about it, compose concertos – shall I compare thee to a goddamn juicy peach? He thinks he’s losing his mind.

‘’Wait, please.’’ Jungkook grabs at him, weak limbs trembling with aftershocks but surprisingly strong for somebody who’s been f*cked to tears. ‘’Don’t go, didn’t mean to upset you.’’

Yoongi’s eyes widen in worry at the way Jungkook’s whole face falls. ‘’Jungkook, sweetheart, I’m not upset.’’ Yoongi sways, the smell of sex to his heightened senses f*cking him up just that little bit more. How could Jungkook think he was upset? He’s so horny he thinks he might burst into flames. He strokes the boy’s cheek, wanting nothing more than to sink his teeth into them, devour him whole.

But he chooses safe, keeps his feelings locked tight lest they frighten the human. He focuses back on Jungkook, making sure he hears every emotion in his next words. ‘’You can’t f*ck hyung if I’m still inside you, Kook-ah.’’

Yoongi practically cackles as Jungkook pulls himself away from his co*ck, flipping them around so he’s on top, barely flinching even though all his muscles must be on fire. He grins down at Yoongi with something like admiration in his eyes, which Yoongi promptly stores away to deal with later. They grin at each other stupidly, Jungkook stroking his fingers down the side of Yoongi’s face in a way that’s almost too tender for a hook-up.

That thought doesn’t get to fester though, because Yoongi barely gets a breath in before Jungkook, the little sex demon, flips Yoongi over, earning himself a startled squeal in response. Jesus, the vampire’s never been flipped like a goddamn pancake before, not even by other vampires.

‘’My turn,’’ is all he hears behind him before his ass is lifted from the bed and a hot, wet appendage strikes his centre.

Yoongi astral projects, his eyes dancing, mind galaxies away but simultaneously focused on nothing but the fire Jungkook spits straight against his hole. He was turned at a time when vampires and humans alike did not have the freedom to touch anybody of the same sex. Needless to say, his sexual forays have ranged from the vanilla to downright life-threatening but never anything like this.

‘’Jesus, hyung, you’re tighter than I was.’’

And Yoongi doesn’t mean to cum a little at those words, but he does, pre-cum dripping wet onto his ruined sheets. His head is spinning, down down down, a gyre of pleasure-pain as Jungkook nips at his skin, burying his tongue ridiculously far inside him.

At the first touch of teeth to his rim, the vampire shakes apart, cumming so easily he has the presence of mind to be upset; he’d wanted to last a little longer, keep going. But he doesn’t have to worry for a second because Jungkook does keep going. Jungkook’s fingers dig further, dimpling his ass, spreading him open to buckle down and lick into Yoongi more. Aborted sounds of pleasure force their way out of the vampire, the slick tug of Jungkook’s drooling mouth keeping him tethered to the bed. Jungkook is eager, messy, isn’t afraid to take take take like Yoongi was, he just does.

‘’Ju- hmm.’’ He’s a mess and he knows it, forehead pressed into the sheets as two fingers spear him open and immediately go for his prostate. ‘’Oh god, bun, please – ‘’

And Jungkook, he’s not faring any better. He’s near feral with determination, to make Yoongi feel good, to be good, to –

He suddenly stops, smiling into Yoongi’s pale ass cheek. The contrast of his darker, tanned skin to Yoongi’s, even though Jungkook’s skin is so much lighter this winter, is beautiful. He stares at the clench of Yoongi’s hole, could cum just from knowing he’ll be inside him soon. He moves his fingers faster, closing his eyes and humming in delight at being good for his hyung. He leans over, sinking his teeth into Yoongi’s hip and relishing in the answering whine, surprisingly high compared to Yoongi’s usual deep timbre.

‘’I knew you’d be just as pink here too.’’

Yoongi c*ms.

He collapses into the bed, vision blanking out, nothing keeping him from drifting this time. He goes away for what feels like hours, wading back and forth in a pleasure so frightening he vaguely registers gripping onto something so harshly it rips. He’s definitely going to need new bedding.


He comes to to the sound of Jungkook humming into his skin, chest pressed to the vampire’s warm back. They’ve been f*cking so long Jungkook’s body heat has transferred itself to his skin. Yoongi smacks his lips, whining at the wetness all around them, pretending like he doesn’t like things messy, doesn’t like filthy and wet and too much. Too much –


‘’You went away for so long, was worried.’’

A tentative, feather-light kiss presses into the back of Yoongi’s neck. ‘’You’re a liar,’’ Yoongi whispers.


‘’You’re a dirty dirty liar, Jeon Jungkook.’’

He twists around to face him, lids still droopy from being ate out within an inch of his life. Very few things can kill a vampire, much less an elder like Yoongi, but looking into Jungkook’s desperate, beseeching eyes, Yoongi thinks maybe he has more weaknesses than he thought.

Jungkook frowns, playing along. ‘’What did I lie about?’’

‘’Don’t know what I’m doing,’’ Yoongi mimics, pitching his voice higher to match Jungkook’s. ‘’Filthy, filthy liar.’’

‘’I don’t!’’ Jungkook giggles, his smile lighting up the dim room almost too bright for Yoongi’s sharp eyes.

‘’You’re a goddamn menace, little liar.’’

They catch their breath, lying on their sides facing each other. Yoongi takes in the dark growth of Jungkook’s natural hair at the base of his skull, the scar on his right cheek, the way his top lip is so much smaller than the bottom one – these things that are so blaringly human about him. He smiles, shaking his head in wonder at how a random night in the bar he’s worked at for years could bring him someone so incredible.

‘’What?’’ Yoongi asks, a slight lisp in his voice due to the extension of his teeth.

‘’I haven’t f*cked you yet.’’

Jungkook utters it so simply, like it’s an indubitable fact of the universe – grass is green, the sky is blue, I haven’t f*cked you yet.

‘’You’re insatiable, you know that?’’

Jungkook giggles, playing with Yoongi’s hair. ‘’You’ve unleashed a monster.’’

‘’My little monster.’’

And. Well. Yoongi admits he may have f*cked up.

He bites his tongue hard enough to hurt as Jungkook rears up on his elbow to look down at him, looking every bit a mortal Adonis – hard muscles, tight abdomen – he’s too good, too fragile. What is Yoongi thinking? Jungkook said he was looking for a hook up, and they’ve done that. Yoongi doesn’t need to complicate this with his feelings, shouldn’t try to tether Jungkook to him just because they’re sexually compatible. The boy’s probably not even interested, probably –


‘’Hmm?’’ Yoongi hasn’t slipped into his habit of overthinking since he turned. He knows better. He tries to focus back on Jungkook, running his fingers down the boy’s side, his eyes lingering on the tattooed slope of his peck.

‘’You went away again. This time not in a good way. Come back to me.’’

Somehow, this human boy who he’s only known for a few hours has him wrapped around his pinky. Yoongi knew going in that he was f*cked, but he finds he doesn’t mind. Jungkook said himself he doesn’t hook up, doesn’t usually go home with strangers. So there must be something different about Yoongi, must be something different about them together. And if Yoongi was only allowed to have that momentarily, then he can content himself with that much. His random little miracle.

‘’Hyung, can I ask you something?’’ Jungkook’s voice is small but strong, like he’s sure, decided. Yoongi swallows, takes a breath he doesn’t need.


In the space between them, when Jungkook pulls him close to drape him in his human warmth, Yoongi’s cold heart flutters, lids heavy but eyes wide open to catch every last detail of Jeon Jungkook, human storm.

‘’Did you mean it?’’ he whispers. And Yoongi knows, he knows.

‘’Of course I do, Kook-ah.’’

A satisfied smile spreads across Jungkook’s pretty mouth. It makes Yoongi want to kiss him again regardless of his decision. ‘’Good.’’

Yoongi’s eyes fly up to meet the human’s. ‘’That’s it?’’

‘’What’s it?’’



‘’Jeon f*cking Jungkook.’’

And then the human giggles, because of course he does. He could rip out Yoongi’s heart with silver and the old vampire would still find him adorable.


‘’You’re a little devil, you know that?’’ Yoongi rasps, raising his brow in disbelief at the way Jungkook presses himself to Yoongi’s thigh, co*ck stirring with a last valiant effort to harden. ‘’Jesus, Kook.’’

‘’Didn’t get to f*ck hyung yet.’’

And Yoongi’s heart hurts, wound up tight, beating every second the syllables of Jungkook’s name.

When Jungkook slips inside Yoongi, it makes sense that he wants to be his, else why would he fit so perfectly inside him. Even in this position, with Jungkook staring right at him, if Yoongi was capable he thinks he would cry just like Jungkook did. It’s a lot, it’s too much, the angle tight and intense, punching little moans out of his mouth, Jungkook seemingly even more determined now than before, to please, to be good. f*ck, could he ever not be good?

‘’S’good hyung, is it good for you?’’

Yeah, Yoongi could definitely cry.

In lieu of an answer, he crushes Jungkook’s lips to his, take take taking everything he was afraid to take before, because if Jungkook isn’t sure – doesn’t want this – then Yoongi gets to make the most of the time they have left, gets to suck him dry before he goes and selfishly make a home in Jungkook’s heart like the human has made a home of his.

‘’Just like that, Jungkook-ah, made just for me.’’

Jungkook whines, hips stuttering, chest heaving. The drag of his hips into Yoongi is mind-numbing, almost makes him cum too soon. But he’s a man on a mission. He presses his way back inside Yoongi, watching the way his vampire’s eyes brighten to gold with every thrust, every wet jolt into the other’s body forcing him to open up further, take it deeper. He holds Yoongi’s knee to their chests, f*cking him tenderly, too tender for a hook-up, and Jungkook laughs, thinking back to what Yoongi said.

The vampire’s molten stare finds his human’s again, smiling at the silly grin on his lips, the expression of bliss on his face – memorises it. ‘’What are you giggling so cutely about on your own?’’ Yoongi whispers into the sliver of space between them.

A particularly hard thrust has Yoongi shrieking Jungkook!, head slumping forward into the mattress.

‘’Thinking about how good you feel.’’ Yoongi keens as Jungkook’s co*ck spreads him thoroughly, his body shaking with pleasure.

‘’Thinking about how pretty you are, taking my co*ck.’’ Yoongi shudders, brows furrowed at the ball of pleasure growing incessantly at the base of his spine, his groin; he’s so close.

‘’Thinking,’’ Jungkook reaches out, tracing his thumb over Yoongi’s bottom lip and tugging it down to see his retracted fangs, ‘’about how much I want you to cum on my stomach.’’ He releases Yoongi’s trembling knee, fingers travelling over his skin down to his co*ck. He gives the head a gentle pull and Yoongi has to clench his jaw to keep focus, to try to listen.

But it’s a losing battle.

Because Jungkook knows exactly what he’s doing, knows somehow just how to pull Yoongi’s strings and leave him writhing for more. A thumb nail digs into Yoongi’s slit, co*ck red and twitching. He’s so close.

And he watches then, mouth gaping, in complete awe as Jungkook scoops the mess between their stomachs and shoves those two fingers straight into his own mouth.


‘’Wanna be your little monster. Bite me, hyung.’’ And because he’s so good, so devilishly polite, ‘’Please.’’

And Jungkook feels for the first time in his life like nothing can touch him. He’s safe, here, in Yoongi’s arms, no anxiety or fear in his veins as his head is tilted to the side and two pinpoints of pain sear into his neck.

He c*ms so hard, a strangled shout making to leave his mouth, though no sound comes out. All his muscles convulse, pleasure shooting light from his every pore as those teeth sink deep deep deep into his body and give him everything he’s ever needed. Flames lick at every inch of his skin, tears wetting his cheeks, eyes rolled back to the whites in rapture.

And eventually he knows Yoongi stops drinking from him, but he feels it forever, down to his toes, the spasm in his legs, burning through him like he’s being reborn. Absently, he acknowledges that he’s filling Yoongi up with his cum, the older man petting his hair, whispering him back to consciousness. There are limbs all around him as he shakes, Yoongi cuddling him to his body like he’s precious, like he’s everything. Jungkook wants to be everything.

‘’Come back to me, bun.’’ Yoongi’s voice is just as wrecked as his, the faint scent of iron in the air. ‘’Come back, little one.’’

Jungkook mumbles incoherently, heart drumming in his ears, his mouth slack as Yoongi covers his face in kisses.

‘’Yours,’’ he finally manages to say, exhaustion slurring his words.

But Yoongi hears him. Yoongi, perfect Yoongi, with his pretty, feline eyes and pink lips (and pink ass), and wonderful fangs, smiles into his skin and kisses him on the mouth.


Kiss me on the mouth (Please don't bite) - svpenn - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.