Oregon Workers' Compensation Division : Oregon workers' compensation terms and abbreviations : Oregon workers' compensation terms and abbreviations : State of Oregon (2024)

Oregon workers’ compensation terms and abbreviations

The workers’ compensation community has a language of its own. This information is intended to help clarify Oregon workers’ compensation terms and acronyms.

These terms and acronyms are listed in alphabetical order.

A | B | C | D | E | F-H | I-L | M-N | O-P | R | S | T | U-V | W-Z


accepted condition — A medical condition for which an insurer accepts responsibility for the payment of benefits on a claim filed by an injured worker. Insurer provides written notice of accepted conditions. (ORS 656.262) The insurer generally will accept specific conditions based on the diagnosis by the physician or nurse practitioner. It is important that the health care provider report a diagnosis rather than a symptom.

administrative law judge — An employee of the Workers’ Compensation Board who reviews appealed administrative orders, holds impartial hearings, and issues legal opinions.

aggravation claim — A claim for further benefits because of a worsening of the claimant’ s accepted medical condition after the claim has been closed. Aggravation rights expire five years after first closure on disabling claims or five years from date of injury on nondisabling claims. (ORS 656.273)

alternative dispute resolution (ADR) — A voluntary process through which parties resolve disputes instead of using the formal hearing process.

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) — A private nonprofit organization that oversees the development of voluntary consensus standards for products, services, processes, systems, and personnel in the United States. The organization also coordinates U.S. standards with international standards so that American products can be used worldwide.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) — A federal act directing employers to make reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities.

ancillary care — Care such as physical or occupational therapy provided by a health care provider other than the attending physician, specialist physician, or authorized nurse practitioner.

appeal rights — Legal rights that any party may exercise when not satisfied with an insurer’ s decision, action, or order.

assigned claims agent — The company contracted to process claims referred under a noncomplying employer order.

assigned processing agent — The company contracted to process and pay supplemental disability benefits to injured workers on behalf of the Workers’ Compensation Division.

attending physician — A health care provider primarily responsible for the treatment of an injured worker. (ORS 656.005)

authorized nurse practitioner — A nurse practitioner authorized by theDepartment of Consumer and Business Servicesdirector to provide compensable medical services to an injured worker for a period of 180 days from the date of the first visit to a nurse practitioner on the initial claim. The nurse practitioner also may authorize temporary disability benefits for a period of up to 180 days from the first visit to a nurse practitioner on the initial claim.

authorized training plan (ATP) — A contract between the insurer and worker regarding the type of training that the worker will complete as well as the responsibilities of both parties during the course of the training plan.

average weekly wage (AWW) — The Oregon average weekly wage of workers in covered employment, as determined by the Employment Department. (ORS 656.211) The AWW affects the rate of temporary disability, permanent partial disability, permanent total disability, and death benefits. (ORS 656.204, 656.208, 656.210, 656.212, 656.214)


beneficiary — An injured worker's spouse, domestic partner, child, or dependent entitled to receive payments under workers’ compensation law. (ORS 656.005)

board — The Workers’ Compensation Board of the Department of Consumer and Business Services.

board review — The appeal level following a hearing before an administrative law judge of the Workers’ Compensation Board Hearings Division.

board’s own motion (BOM) — The reopening of a workers’ claim after aggravation rights have expired for a worsening, new, or omitted medical condition claim. ORS 656.278

bulletin — A director/administrator-approved release of information outside the agency regarding legal provision, requirements and/or administrative rules.

Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) — The state agency that investigates discrimination in the workplace and enforces employee rights.

business identification number (BIN) — The number assigned to a business by the Oregon Department of Revenue (printed on the employer’ s Oregon tax coupons). This number is used by the Oregon Employment Department and the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services to keep track of taxes and workers’ compensation premium assessments and contributions.


certified rehabilitation counselor — A certified vocational counselor on staff of an authorized vocational assistance provider, insurer, or self-insured employer.

claim — A written request by the worker, or on the worker’ s behalf, for compensation.

claim closure — The process of closing a claim and determining permanent disability when an injured worker is found to be medically stationary.

claim disposition agreement (CDA) — An agreement between the parties to a workers’ compensation claim. The worker agrees to sell back theirrights (e.g., rights to compensation, attorney fees, expenses), except medical and preferred-worker benefits, on an accepted claim. Also known as a C&Ror a compromise and release.(ORS 656.236)

claimant — A person who files a claim for occupational disease or injury benefits under workers’ compensation law.

claims examiner — An insurer representative who processes claims filed by workers.

claims information system (CIS) — The computer data system the Workers’ Compensation Division uses to track activity and status of claims that are required to be reported to the division (only disabling and denied claims must be reported).

CLE — Continuing legal education. Active members of the Oregon State Bar mustcomplete a minimum number of credit hours of CLE activities to maintain their status.

closed claim — A claim for which the insurer or the Workers’ Compensation Board has issued a Notice of Closure.

closing examination — A medical examination to measure a worker's impairment, which occurs when the worker is medically stationary.

combined condition — Occurs when a pre-existing condition combines with a compensable condition. A combined condition may cause disability or prolong treatment. (ORS 656.005)

compensable fatality claims — Compensable fatalities are claims accepted by insurers during the year resulting from a fatal occupational injury or disease that entitles workers and their survivors to compensation. Data exclude deaths of noncovered workers, such as workers who were self-employed, worked in Oregon for out-of-state employers, city of Portland police and fire employees, or federal employees.

compensable injury — An accidental injury to a person or prosthetic appliance, arising out of and in the course of employment that requires medical services or results in disability or death. (ORS 656.005) A claim is compensable when it is accepted.

consequential condition — A condition arising after a compensable injury and for which the major contributing cause is the injury or treatment rendered that increases either disability or need for treatment. (ORS 656.005)

consulting physician — A physician who advises the attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner regarding the treatment of a worker’ s injury.

Consumer and Business Services Fund — The major operating fund of the Workers’ Compensation Division and workers’-compensation-related functions of other divisions within the Department of Consumer and Business Services. (ORS 656.612)<

contested-case hearing — A formal proceeding at which parties can present evidence in support of their case to an administrative law judge who issues an order resolving the dispute.

Court of Appeals — The level of appeal for workers’ compensation disputes following a Workers’ Compensation Board review or director review after hearing.

curative care — In the workers’ compensation system, treatment to stabilize a temporary waxing and waning of symptoms after a worker is medically stationary. (ORS 656.245)

CY — The calendar year (Jan. 1 through Dec. 31).


de facto denial — The failure of an insurer to accept or deny a claim within the statutory timeframe. The insurer has 60 days to accept or deny a claim.

deferred claim — A claim not yet accepted or denied by the insurance company or self-insured employer.

degree — For dates of injury before Jan. 1, 2005, a unit of measure for permanent partial disability benefits that is used to convert disability percentages to dollar amounts.

denied claim (denial) — A written refusal by an insurer to accept compensability or responsibility for a worker's claim of injury. (ORS 656.262)

department — See the Department of Consumer and Business Services.

Department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS) — The state agency consisting of the Workers’ Compensation Division, Workers’ Compensation Board, Oregon OSHA, Division of Financial Regulation, Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace, Building Codes Division, Ombuds Officefor OregonWorkers, Small Business Ombudsman, and other offices and programs.

Department of Justice (DOJ) — The state agency that provides legal representation to other state agencies. The attorney general is the head of the Department of Justice.

designated paying agent — The insurer temporarily ordered to pay benefits for a compensable injury until responsibility for the claim is determined. (ORS 656.307)

disability payment — The payment for disability resulting from an accident or disease from which a worker is not expected to recover. Determined at the time the condition becomes medically stationary. May be partial or total. See also permanent partial disability and permanent total disability

disabling claim — Any injury is classified as disabling if it causes the worker temporary disability (time-loss), permanent disability, or death. The worker will not receive time-loss benefits for the first three days unlessthe workeris off work and not released to return to any work for the first 14 consecutive days or is admitted to a hospital as an inpatient during the first 14 consecutive days. The claim is also classified as disabling if there is a reasonable expectation that permanent disability will result from the injury.

disabling compensable injury — An on-the-job injury that entitles the worker to temporary, permanent partial, or total disability payments, or results in death benefits. (ORS 656.005)

disputed-claim settlement (DCS) — A DCS is a settlement of a workers’ compensation claim in which the worker gives up all rights to benefits for the entire claim or for a specific medical condition. If the DCS settles the entire claim, the claim remains forever denied, the worker has no right to any medical benefits, and medical bills are not paid by the insurer, except as specified in the DCS or unless they were paid as interim medical benefits. Oregon law requires that, under a DCS, health care providers be reimbursed for medical services at half the amount allowed by the fee schedule; however, total reimbursem*nt to health care providers cannot exceed 40 percent of the total settlement. Generally, only those bills that have been received by the insurer are included in the DCS.

division — The Workers’ Compensation Division of the Department of Consumer and Business Services.


electronic data interchange (EDI) — The electronic transmission of data such as workers’ compensation claims data, coverage data, and medical bills data.

employer — Any person who contracts to pay for work or services, with the right to direct and control the work or services of any person. (ORS 656.005) See also subject employer.

employeratinjury — A worker’ s employer at the time the worker was injured.

Employer-at-Injury Program (EAIP)— A program that provides employer incentives for returning injured workers to transitional work. (OAR 436-105)

employer data system (EDS) — The Workers’ Compensation Division’ s database used to capture coverage data for Oregon employers.

employer knowledge date (EKD) — The date on which an employer has notice or knowledge of a worker's claim.

Employer'sLiability Law — An Oregon law requiring employers to exercise a higher degree of care for their employees and the public in work involving risk or danger.

employment purchases (EP) — Tools, equipment, clothing, tuition, and other purchases through the Preferred Worker Program that are necessary for a worker to find, accept, or continue employment.

exclusive remedy — One of the basic concepts of workers’ compensationthat an employee injured on the job is entitled to workers’ compensation benefits but may not sue the employer for damages. Workers’ compensation is thus the exclusive remedy for a work-related injury.

experience rating modification — A calculation that compares the employer'sactual claims experience to the average for the employer's type of business. If the employer'sexperience is better than average, it gets a rating lower than 1.00. If it is worse than average, it gets a rating that is higher than 1.00. This rating affects the cost of the employer'sworkers’ compensation premium.

extraterritorial coverage — Oregon workers performing temporary work in other states receive benefits for an injury as if the workers were in Oregon.

extraterritorial reciprocity — Oregon honors the extraterritorial coverage of other states as long as the other states honor Oregon'sextraterritorial coverage.


federal employer identification number (FEIN) — A number assigned to a business by the Internal Revenue Service.

Form 801 (Report of Job Injury or Illness) — A form used by workers and employers to report a work-related injury or occupational disease.

Form 827 (Worker'sand Physician'sReport for Workers’ Compensation Claims) –A form used by workers and physicians to report a work-related injury or illness to insurers. It can be used as a first report of injury, report of aggravation, notice of change of attending physician, progress report, closing report, and palliative care request.

Form 1502 (Insurer Report)–A form used by insurers to make claim status reports to the Workers’ Compensation Division.


geographical service area (GSA) — An area of the state in which a managed care organization is authorized by the director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services to operate. There are 15 geographical service areas in Oregon.

guaranty contract — A contract between the insurer and the department in which the insurer agrees to assume without monetary limit the liability of an employer for prompt payment of benefits for compensable injuries. Starting July 1, 2009, the law changed and insurers are no longer using guaranty contracts.


Handicapped Workers Program — See Workers with Disabilities Program.

health care provider — A person duly licensed to practice one or more of the healing arts. See also medical service provider.

hearing — A formal proceeding at which parties can present evidence in support of their case to an administrative law judge who issues an order resolving the dispute.

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) — A federal law that ensures the privacy and security of protected health information and patients’ access to their health-care records.

House Bill (HB) — A legislative bill initiated in the House of Representatives of the Oregon Legislature.


impairment findings — A permanent loss of use or function of a body part or system as measured by a physician. (OAR 436-035-0005)

independent contractor — A person contracted to do work who is not subject to the direction and control of an employer. Unless independent contractors purchase workers’ compensation insurance coverage for themselves, they cannot collect benefits for on-the-job injuries or illnesses. (ORS 656.005, 670.600)

independent medical examination (IME) — A medical examination of an injured worker by a physician other than the worker's attending physician performed at the request of the insurer. This includes physical capacity evaluations and work capacity evaluations, if requested by the insurer. The insurer or self-insured employer pays for this examination.

industry notice — A singular and urgent official agency communication informing groups that have an interest in the workers’ compensation system of new information, processes, requirements, and changes affecting the workers’ compensation system.

initial claim — The first open period on the claim immediately following the original filing of the occupational injury or disease claim until the worker is first declared medically stationary by an attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner.

inpatient — An injured worker admitted to a hospital before and extending past midnight for treatment and lodging. (OAR 436-010-0005)

insured employer — An employer who has workers’ compensation insurance to cover work injuries of subject workers. (ORS 656.005)

insurer — An insurance company authorized to transact workers’ compensation insurance in Oregon, a self-insured employer, or a self-insured employer group.

interim compensation — The time-loss benefits paid for the period between the filing of a claim and acceptance or denial of the claim.

interim medical benefits — The benefits paid by the insurer or the worker'shealth benefit plan for medical services provided during the interim period.

interim period — The period beginning when an employer first learns of a claim and ending when the insurance company accepts or denies the claim.

International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions (IAIABC) — The International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions, an association of government workers’ compensation regulatory agencies.


job analysis (JA) — A detailed report outlining the specific job duties of a worker related to the physical requirements of the job.

Job TrainingPartnership Act (JTPA) — Provides job-training services for economically disadvantaged adults and youths, dislocated workers, and others who face significant employment barriers.


litigation — A legal process that usually results in a judge deciding the resolution of the dispute based on the facts and the law.

lump sum — The payment of a permanent disability award in one check. Awards that are less than $6,000 are always paid in a lump-sum. Workers may request lump sum payments for awards greater than $6,000 instead of receiving monthly payments. (ORS 656.230)


major contributing cause (MCC) — A cause deemed to have contributed more than 50 percent to an injured worker'sdisability or need for treatment.

managed care organization (MCO) — An organization that contracts with an insurer to provide medical services to injured workers. (OAR 436-015, ORS 656.260)

Management-Labor Advisory Committee (MLAC) — A committee made up of management and labor representatives appointed by the governor that advises the director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services.

mediation — The act of facilitating agreement and settling differences between disputing parties.

Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) — A committee whose members are appointed by the director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services. The committee provides advice to the director on matters relating to the provision of medical care to workers.

medical arbiter — A physician selected by the director to perform an impartial examination for impairment findings. (ORS 656.268)

medical fee schedule — The maximum charges for medical services in workers’ compensation claims, issued as the Oregon Medical Fee and Payment Rules (OAR 436 Division 009).

medical only — A workers’ compensation claim that does not result in time loss or permanent disability but requires only medical treatment. See also nondisabling claim.

medical provider — A health care provider, hospital, medical clinic, or vendor of medical services. (OAR 436-010-0005)

medical sequela — A condition that originates or stems from the accepted condition, as determined by a health care provider. ORS 656.268

medical service — Medical, surgical, diagnostic, chiropractic, dental, hospital, nursing, ambulance, drug, prosthetic, or other physical restorative services. (ORS 656.245, OAR 436-010-0005)

medical service provider — A person licensed to practice one or more of the healing arts. See also health care provider. (OAR 436-010-0005)

medically stationary — The point at which a worker's medical status is not expected to improve, either from more medical treatment or the passage of time. (ORS 656.005)

modified work — A modification to an injured worker's job duties or work schedule to accommodate the physical limitations resulting from the injury or disease.


national provider identifier (NPI) — A unique identification number assigned to health care providers, individuals, groups, or organizations that provide medical or other health services or supplies.

new medical condition claim — A worker'swritten request that the insurer accept a new medical condition related to the original occupational injury or disease.

noncomplying employer (NCE) — An employer who fails to provide workers’ compensation coverage when the employer has one or more subject workers. (ORS 656.017)

nondisabling claim — A workers'compensation claim that does not result in time-loss or permanent disability, but requires only medical treatment. See also medical only.

nondisabling injury — An injury is classified as nondisabling if it does not cause the worker to lose more work time than the three-day waiting period, it requires onlymedical services, and the worker has no permanent impairment. ORS 656.005.

Notice of Acceptance (NOA) — A notice from the insurer or self-insured employer that informs the worker that the worker'sclaim has been accepted.

Notice of Closure (NOC) (Form 1644)–A document sent by the insurer to the worker that closes the claim and states the extent of permanent disability. (ORS 656.268)

Notice of Compliance — A notice that must be posted in the employer'splace of business, which shows the employer has complied with workers’ compensation insurance coverage requirements.

Notice of Ineligibility — A notice from the insurer informing an injured worker that the worker is not eligible to receive vocational assistance benefits.


OAR — Oregon Administrative Rule. State agencies adopt rules to implement law or policy, or describe procedural requirements. The Workers’ Compensation Division's rules are in OAR Chapter 436; the Workers’ Compensation Board'srules are in OAR Chapter 438.

objective findings — The indications of injury or disease that are measurable, observable, and reproducible, used to establish compensability and determine permanent impairment.

occupational disease — A disease or infection, arising out of and occurring in the course and scope of employment. It is caused by substances or activities to which an employee is not ordinarily subjected or exposed other than during employment and requires medical services or results in disability or death. (ORS 656.802)

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) — The federal agency that oversees workplace safety and health in federal offices and in states without state OSHA programs. See also Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division.

OED — The Oregon Employment Department.

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Services — The office within the Oregon Department of Human Services that helps disabled people find employment.

offset — A reduction of compensation to a worker to recover an overpayment or because the worker is receiving federal Social Security disability benefits. (ORS 656.209, 656.268)

Ombuds Officefor OregonWorkers (formerly known as the Ombudsman for Injured Workers)— The Department of Consumer and Business Services office that serves as an independent advocate for injured workers in the workers’ compensation system.

omitted medical condition claim — A worker'swritten request that the insurer accept a medical condition the worker believes was incorrectly omitted from the Notice of Acceptance.

open status — A claim not yet closed by a Notice of Closure. The worker may be receiving temporary disability payments and medical treatment or vocational rehabilitation assistance while the claim is “open.”

opinion and order — A formal decision issued by an administrative law judge at the Workers’ Compensation Board that resolves a dispute.

Oregon Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (OARP) — A professional organization of vocational providers.

Oregon Court of Appeals — The next level of appeal for workers’ compensation disputes after review at the agency or administrative level.

Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Oregon OSHA) — A division of the Department of Consumer and Business Services that oversees workplace safety and health in Oregon.

Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) — The laws as adopted by the Oregon Legislature.

outpatient — An injured worker who is not admitted overnight to a hospital for treatment and lodging. “Overnight” means beginning before and extending past midnight. (OAR 436-010-0005)

overpayments — Money paid to an injured worker by the insurer that is more than is due the worker.

OWI — Oregon Wage Information.

own motion claim — See board's own motion.


palliative care — Medical services rendered to reduce or temporarily moderate the intensity of an otherwise stable condition to enable the worker to continue employment or training. (ORS 656.005, 656.245)

partial denial — Denial by the insurer of one or more conditions of a worker’ s claim, leaving some conditions of the claim accepted as compensable.

penalties — An action taken against a party for violations of workers’ compensation laws or rules, such as monetary fines or suspension of benefits.

permanent impairment — The permanent loss of use or function of a body part or system due to a compensable injury.

permanent partial disability (PPD) — The permanent loss of use or function of any portion of the body as defined by ORS 656.214.

permanent total disability (PTD) — The loss of use or function of any portion of the body, in combination with any pre-existing disability that permanently prevents the worker from regularly performing gainful and suitable work. (ORS 656.206)

physical capacity evaluation (PCE) — Measurements of a worker'sability to perform a variety of physical tasks.

pre-existing condition — A medical condition that existed before the compensable injury or disease.

preferred worker — An Oregon worker who, because of permanent disability resulting from a compensable injury or occupational disease, is unable to return to previous (regular) employment and meets the eligibility criteria for the Preferred Worker Program.

preferred worker identification card — A card that lets employers know the preferred worker is participating in a state program to help themget back to work.

Preferred Worker Program (PWP) — A program that provides employer incentives for the re-employment of Oregon workers whose on-the-job injuries have resulted in permanent disabilities. (OAR 436-110)

premium — The amount of money an employer pays an insurance company for a workers’ compensation policy.

premium assessment — A tax paid by employers, based on their workers’ compensation insurance premiums, that funds workers’ compensation and safety administration programs. Insurers collect the premium assessment monies and remit them to the Department of Consumer and Business Services.

preponderance of evidence — Evidence that is of greater weight or more convincing than evidence on the other side of the issue. In workers’ compensation, the term is often used in relation to weighing medical opinion.

primary care physician — A physician qualified to be an attending physician (see attending physician) who is a general practitioner, family practitioner, or internal medicine practitioner. When an injured worker is enrolled in a managed care organization, the workercan choose to treat with a primary care physician who does not belong to the managed care organization if the physician maintains the worker'smedical records and has a documented history of prior treatment to the worker and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the managed care organization.

private rehabilitation organization (PRO) — A private firm that provides or manages vocational rehabilitation services for injured workers on behalf of an insurer.

professional employment organizations (PEO) — A term used to refer to worker leasing companies; this term is used more frequently in other states and by the leasing industry.

pro se — A party that participates in a formal or informal dispute process without an attorney.

prosthetic appliance — The artificial substitution for a missing body part, such as a limb or eye, or any device that augments or aids the performance of a natural function, such as a hearing aid or glasses.

pure premium rates — The base premium that reflects the actual cost of paying workers’ compensation claims, projected for a given year.


reciprocal or reciprocity agreement — An agreement between states regarding jurisdiction in workers’ compensation claims. (ORS 656.126)

reconsideration — A review by the director of a claim closure at the request of an insurer or injured worker. (OAR 436-030-0005)

reconsideration order — An order issued by the director following its review of a claim closure.

Re-employment Assistance Program — A program that encourages early return to work of injured workers. See Employer-at-Injury Program and Preferred Worker Program. (ORS 656.622)

regular work — The job the worker held at the time of injury or a substantially similar job.

Reopened Claims Program — A program that funds costs of claims reopened by the Workers’ Compensation Board or the insurer after the five-year aggravation rights on the claim have expired. (ORS 656.625)

Request for Reconsideration(Form 2223)A form used by workers and insurers to request reconsideration of a claim closure.

Retroactive Program — A program that provides cost-of-living increases to workers or beneficiaries whose statutory benefits are lower than those currently being paid. (ORS 656.506)


SAIF Corporation — See State Accident Insurance Fund Corporation.

sanctions — An action taken against a party for violations of workers’ compensation law or rules, such as monetary fines or suspension of benefits.

scheduled disability — For dates of injury before Jan. 1, 2005, the complete or partial loss of use or function of an arm, hand, leg, foot, or other extremity of the body, or the loss of visual or hearing ability. (ORS 656.214)

security — Deposits, bonds, assignments, and certificates of title provided by self-insured employers to guarantee payment of compensation for injuries or other existing debts. (ORS 656.407, 656.430)

self-insured employer — An employer that directly assumes financial and processing responsibility for workers’ compensation benefits rather than purchasing an insurance policy. A self-insured employer must meet certain financial qualifications and be certified by the Workers’ Compensation Division.

Senate Bill (SB) — A bill initiated in the Senate of the Oregon Legislature.

service company — A company contracted by a self-insured employer or insurer to administer its workers’ compensation claims. Also called a third-party administrator.

Small Business Ombudsman — The Department of Consumer and Business Services office that assists small businesses with the workers’ compensation system.

Social Security offset — A reduction of permanent total disability benefits based upon the amount of federal Social Security disability benefits received by a worker.

specialist physician — A specialist physician is a physician who qualifies as an attending physician but does not assume the role of attending physician. A specialist physician examines an injured worker or provides specialized treatment, such as surgery or pain management, at the request of the attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner. During the time you provide specialized treatment, the attending physician continues to monitor the injured worker and authorizes any time loss.

State Accident Insurance Fund Corporation (SAIF) — The publicly owned insurance company that sells workers’ compensation insurance to Oregon employers.

state'saverage weekly wage (SAWW) — See average weekly wage.

stipulation — An agreement reached between an insurer and worker.

subject employer — An Oregon employer that employs one or more subject workers, and, therefore, mustprovide workers’ compensation insurance coverage for those workers. (ORS 656.023)

subject worker — All workers in Oregon who are not specifically exempt from Oregon’ s workers’ compensation laws. (ORS 656.027)

superimposed condition — A condition arising after and not related to the compensable injury that increases disability or need for treatment.

supplemental disability — Additional wage-loss replacement due a worker employed in more than one job at the time of injury.

suspension of benefits — An interruption of payment of benefits to an injured worker. (ORS 656.268, 656.325)


temporary partial disability benefits (TPD) — Payment for wages lost when a worker is only able to perform modified or part-time work because of a compensable injury. (ORS 656.212)

temporary total disability benefits (TTD) — Payment for wages lost when a worker is unable to work because of a compensable injury. (ORS 656.210)

third-party administrator — A company contracted by a self-insured employer or insurer to administer its workers’ compensation claims. Also called a service company.

three-day wait — The waiting period before a worker's time-loss benefits begin. Waived only if a worker is admitted as an inpatient to a hospital or is off work for at least 14 calendar days.

three-way system — A workers’ compensation system in which employers can provide workers’ compensation coverage in one of three ways: private insurance, a state fund, or self-insurance.

time-loss benefits — Compensation due to an injured worker who loses time or wages because of a compensable injury. Time-loss benefits include temporary partial disability and temporal total disability. (ORS 656.212, 656.210, 656.262)

time-loss computation — Generally, compensation equal to 662/3 percent of gross wages of the worker, but not more than 133 percent of the state’ s average weekly wage or less than 90 percent of the worker’ s weekly wages or $50 a week, whichever is less. (ORS 656.210)

type “A” attending physician — A medical doctor, osteopathic physician, podiatric physician, or oral and maxillo-facial surgeon as defined in ORS 656.005(12)(b)(A).

type “B” attending physician — A chiropractic physician or naturopathic physicianas defined in ORS 656.005(12)(b)(B).

type “C” attending physician
— A physician associateas defined in ORS 656.005(12)(b)(C).


unrelated condition — A medical or physiological problem not medically related to the injury.

unscheduled disability — For dates of injury before Jan. 1, 2005, the impairment to those body parts not listed as scheduled.


vocational rehabilitation counselor — A certified vocational counselor hired by the insurer to provide vocational assistance to the injured worker.

vocational rehabilitation organization (VRO) — A business that provides, at an insurer'srequest, vocational assistance to injured workers.


work capacity evaluation (WCE) — A physical-capacity evaluation that focuses on the ability to perform work-related tasks.

worker — Any person who provides services for pay under the direction and control of an employer. See also subject worker. (ORS 656.005)

worker leasing company — An entity that provides workers, by contract and for a fee, to work for a client; does not include an entity that provides workers to a client on a temporary basis. (ORS 656.850)

worker-requested medical examination (WRME) — An impartial examination available to an injured worker when an insurer has issued a denial of compensability claim based on an independent medical exam and the injured worker'sphysician does not concur with the findings.(ORS 656.325)

Workers’ Benefit Fund — A fund for financial management of cents-per-hour assessment revenues and expenses. This fund supports benefits distributed from a number of programs, such as Workers with Disabilities Program, Re-employment Assistance Program, Reopened Claims Program, and Retroactive Program.

Workers’ Benefit Fund assessment — An assessment paid by workers and employers.

Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) — The part of the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services responsible for conducting hearings and reviewing legal decisions and agreements that affect injured workers’ benefits.

Workers’ Compensation Division (WCD) — The division of the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services that administers, regulates, and enforces Oregon’ s workers’ compensation laws.

Workers with Disabilities Program — A program established to encourage the employment or re-employment of workers with disabilities. Previously called the Handicapped Workers Program. (ORS 656.628, OAR 436-040)

worksite modification — The changes made to an injured worker'sjob, tools, tasks, or worksite to accommodate the worker'sinjury-caused limitations

Oregon Workers' Compensation Division : Oregon workers' compensation terms and abbreviations : Oregon workers' compensation terms and abbreviations : State of Oregon (2024)


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Article information

Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Views: 6385

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.