Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)

TelepKone 3-1 Hi Arizona Republic, Phoenix, Sahiray Mprainir, April 20, 1935 Page Six (Section Two)' 2 DEATHS AND FUNERAL Southside Department Joint Services Are Arranged CHANDLER The annual combined Easter sunrise services of Human Relations Meet Set Friday TEMPE. The human relations conference at the Arizona State Teachers college here will be held Friday and Saturday "of next week and not yesterday and today, a incorrectly announced in the Arizona Republic yesterday morning. Educators throughout the United States will attend the meeting, designed principally to create a better understanding of social problems of today. George Sanchez, director of information and statistics of the New Mexico department of education, will be a speaker, taking as his subject, "Bi-Lin-gual Relationships and Problems of the Southwest." The meeting is a feature of the Golden Jubilee, of the W. T.

Machan Is Club Host MESA V. T. Machan. pact mas-j ier builder of Hiram was bout to members of the Gahtsoj Club, honor organization of Mesai L'nion high nchool. when the Mesa.

Hiram Club observed annual Cahtso Day at the noon luncheon meeting yesterday in El Portal boteL N. D. PuUlam. formerly of Mesa, the speaker, bla aubject being "Success." Huney L. Taylor.

John P. Hale. Holland Melvin and Miaa Florence Kwift. members of the high school faculty and aponaora ef the Oahtno Club, spoke briefly. A vocal solo was given by Misa Ruth Clark, accompanied by Miaa Annella Morris, and a piano number by Mm Mildred Maier.

Club niembrs honored were Miss Kvelyn Avey, Min Mildred Maier. Miaa Gayle DeWitt. Misi Ruth riark. Darrell Taylor, anus Inez hi Larho'n, Mis Hop- Urimhall. Missjing.

on the desert and at Tempe i Marriage Licenses AROLLO, Antonio 23, and ABRIL, Virginia 16, both of Phoenix. COX, lRoy, 2i, Merced, and SIMPSON, Beulah, 18, Phoenix. HARRIS, Dallas. 21. and SMITH, Vera Mae, 16, both of Phoenix.

JAUREGUI, Ygnacio, 19, Scotts-dale, and URBANO, Roesie, 15, Tempe. JENNINGS, Albert, 19, and HUTCHISON, Virginia. 18. both of Phoenix. STOFER, Ernest.

22. and FOSTER, Ilene. 21. both of Phoenix. WALKER, FldVd, 27, and LEMON, Carmen, 22.

both of Phoenix. WHITNEY, John 5S. and JONES, Lucy 52, both of Syracuse, X. Y. Weather Report ARIZONA 3 FORECAST Partly cloudy and somewhat unsettled today and tomtir- 2 row; little change in temperature.

Abilene 54 Amarillo 44 58 64 "58 4 54 54 66 SO SO 60 64 52 66 53 82 78 66 72 64 76 so 60 84 54 Ody Pt.Ckiy Boston ar Pt.Cldy .00 Buffalo si Pt.Cldy Cldy Cldy Cldy Clear Rain Cldy Clear Clear Pt.Cldy Clear .00 Cheyenne 30 Chicago as .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Cincinnati iR Cleveland 4 4 Corpus Christi 74 Dallas Detroit ss Dodge City ,18 Duluth El Paso 4S Flagstaff so Fresno 5" Cldy Idy .00 Clear .00 Pt.Cldy .36 Pt.Cldy .00 Pt.Cldy .00 Galveston 72 Havre 38 Huron 36 Kansas City 36 Knoxville 54 Los Angeles is Pt.Cldy .00 .00 .00 T. .00 .00 .00 .00 .12 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 T. .00 Cldy Clear Cldy Clear Cldy Cldy Clear Ram Clear' Cldy Memphis Miami 70 Milwaukee Modena jj Needles 54 86 84 58 62 New Orleans 65 New York 4 2 Oklahoma City 50 Omaha 3 70 Clear S5 Clear PHOENIX -52 Pittsburgh 4 2 Portland, Ore. 4S Pueblo 36 Raleigh 5S Roseburg 3g 66 68 66 80 Clear Cldy Clear Clear Cldy Cldy Cldy Roswell 44 St. Louis 4 8 Salt Lake City 42 San Diego 56 San Francisco 52 Santa Fe 30 Savannah 62 Seattle 4s Sheridan 40 Shreveport 6 4 Spokane 3S Tonopah 44 Tucson 4 2 Washinston 44 "WinnemiK-ca 36 Winnipeg 3d Winslow '31- Yuma 54 58 62 68 68 70 58 88 66 64 70 66 68 79 7 74 4 8 68 Cldy .00 Pt.Cldy .00 Rain T.

Rain T. .00 .01 .00 .82 .00 .00 Clear Rain Clear Cldy Clear Cldy Pt.Cldy .00 CIdj Clear .00 Pr.Ctdy .00 Clear .00 9 Local Weather Apr. 19, in35 6 a.m. Noon 6 p.m. 54 78 84 4 55 57 48 IS 14 2-6 4 0 0 0 Clear Clear Clear dry bulb wet bulb Humidity, per cent Wind from Wind, miles Rainfall Weather Highest yesterday Hiehest same date for Lowest yesterday 85 33 years 100 52 40 Lowest same date for 33 years lotai raintail a Kxcess in temp, yesterday.

0 dee. Excess in temp, since Apr. 1. 37 desr. Accuni.

excess in temp, since Jan. 1. 101 des. Total precip. this month, 0.09 in.

Xormal precip. Jan. 1 to date. 2.52 in. Actual precip.

Jan. 1 to date. 5 61 in. Kxcess since Jan. 1.

3.09 in. Today: Sun rises a. sets 7:02 m. moon rises 9:14 p. sets 6:41 a- m- W.

B. HARE. Etctt Maniac aaa Sudor Eatablished 1890 Everr Week Day ETeninc Established 1889 ARIZONA PUBLISHING COMPACT 118-110 N. Central Mail Address P. O.

Box 1557. Pboenix. Arizona. SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN ADVANCE la Fer Per Three Six One Arizona Cop Mo. Mos.

Mos. Year .05 .60 J1.75 $3.50 6.50 Republic .05 .75 2.00 4.00 8.00 Both Paper .10 1.35 3.75 7.50 14 50 Ont of Per Three Six One Arizona Mo. Mos. Mos. Year Gazette $1.00 $2.75 5.50 $10.50 Republic 1.25 3.50 6.75 13.00 Both Papers 2.25 0.25 12.25 23.50 LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES One daily insertion consists of publication In Republic and Gazette of same day and Sunday insertion consists of publica tion in Sunday Republic alone.

Pei word Per word per day fj Sunday 4C No discount for time or space: cash wKh order, minimum charge 25c. Contract rates on application alone. Ads Teceived before 8 p. m. will be properly classified.

After 8 p. will appear under "Too Late To Classify" on following mOrninjr and thereafter under proper classification. These newspapers are not responsible for mora than one incorrect insertion of any advertisem*nt. ADVERTISING INDEX Apts. for Rent Auctions Autos for Sale 17 9 31 30 Money to Loan 58 Meeting Notices 1 Monuments 6 Nursery Stock 42 Obituaries 4 Pastures for Autos Wanted Business Chances 56 Card of Thanks 3 City Property Rent Personals Pet Stock Realty for Sale or Eschanse Real Estate Wanted for Sale 10 69 39 Country Property for Sale 11 Educational 52 Hgizs and Poultry 40 Flowers 5 13 Foodstuffs 34 Found 8 Room and Board 21 Salesmen and Saleswomen Wanted 47 Situations Wanted Male 45 Situations Wanted Female 46 Special Notices 63 Stores and Offices Fruits and Produce 41 Funeral Notices 2 Furnished Houses for Rent 18 Furnished Rooms for Rent 19 Help Wanted Male 49 Help Wanted for Rent 26 Suburban Property for Sale 10A Summer Homes for Rent 22 Transportation Freight 60 Transportation Licensed 61 Transportation Miscellaneous 62 Female 50 Housekeeping: Rms.

for Rent 20 Land for Rent 25 Livestock 38 Lost 7 Male and Female Help Wanted 81 Miscell's for Rent 27 Miscell's for Sale 35 Miscell's for Sale or Exchange 36 Miscell's Wanted 37 Money Wanted 57 Trucks for Sale 32 Unfur. Houses for Rent 15 Wanted to Rent 14 PHONE your ads 3-1111 Southside office. Mesa. Phone 341 Nortbside office. Glendale.

Pbone 14 Divorces Granted NORVIEL, Scott L. from Helen B. TALLEY, Mildred W. from J. Fred.

Irrigation Reports Salt River Project ROOSEVE1T RESERVOIR Height of dam, linear feet 240.00 Klevation of water, linear feet 166.12 Capacity of reservoir, acre feet 1,637,000 Contents of reservoir, acre feet 477,727 Gain in 24 hours, acre feet 6,053 HORSE MESA RESERVOIR Height of dam, linear feet 274.00 Elevation of water, linear feet 256.10 Capacity of reservoir, acre feet 245,000 Contents of reservoir, acre feet 224.335 MORMON FLAT RESERVOIR Height of dam. linear feet 147.00 Elevation of water, linear feet 134.60 Capacity of reservoir, acre feet 63,000 Contents of reservoir, acre feet 51,340 STEWART MT. RESERVOIR Heizht of dam. linear feet 116.00 Elevation of wkterV linear' fee 94.30 Capacity of reservoir, acre feet Contents of reservoir, acre feet 42.400 Loss in 24 hours, acre feet 300 TOTAL STORED WATER, ETC. Total stored water, acre feet 795.802 Total net stored water, acre feet 792.474 Total net stored water, year ago.

acre feet 534,953 Net sain in 24 hours, acre feet 5.6S3 WATER DIVERTED Southside use. miner's inches 31,600 N'orthside use. miner's inches 27.300 At Granite Keef. acre feet 2.993 At Joint Head, acre feet 122 Water pumped, acre feet S05 ORMAE FLOW From 6 p. m.

April IS. to 6 p. m. April 26, for use on lands in cultivation in or before 1909. San Carlos Project SAX CARLOS RESERVOIR Available storaee.

acre feet 187. 1S4 Water discharge 24 hour period. acre feet 500 Reservoir loss, acre feet 342 LEGAL NOTICE Is hereby given that C. D. Moore has applied for authortiy to operate a motor vehicle freight line between Monolith, California, and Kinc-Phoenix-Tuma.

Arizona, over the public highways. This application will come before the Arizona Corporation Commission at public hearing: at State Office Phoenix. Arizona, at 10 A. April 1935. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS N'RS 111-B (1935) A.

F. S0H3 tit*OX-FLOREXrE HIGHWA BIDS OPENED APRIL 23. 193d SEALED BIDS will be received until 10:30 A. M. on tho above date, and then publicly opened and read at the office of the Arizona State Hishway Commission.

Phoenix. Arizona. No bids will be received after the time specified. All bids must be marked upon the outside of the envelope "State Highway Contract. Tucson- Florence Hishway.

NRS-111-B l3o)" and MUST fLEARI.Y SHOW THE NAME OF THE BIDDER ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE ENVELOPE THE ATTENTION OF BIDDERS IS CALLED TO STATE STANDARD SPECIFICATION' 1-2-7. "DELIVERY OF ENVELOPES MAT BE OBTAINED AT THE OFFICE OF THE STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. The work which is to extend from the Florence-Coolidee Highway Junction at Florence fioiiThf.ntf.riv Baptist Union Events Listed CHANDLER. The second session of the three-day annual Arizona Baptist Training Union convention will begin today at 9 a.m, at the Chandler Baptist church. Neil Record, vice-president.

Phoenix, will preside, the thought for the day being. "His Church a Light House of Truth." A schedule of events for the day will be: 9 a.m. "I Will Praise the Lord with a Song." C. F. Frasier of Coolidge.

chorister; Mrs. W7ilma Jones of Phoenix, pianist. 9:15 a.m. "The Light That Shines Through Us," John Johnston. Phoenix.

9:30 a.m. "Magnifying His Church Through Organization." (five simultaneous conferences). 10:30 a.m. Special music by Ray West. 10:33 a.m.

"The Endurance' of Thy Word Giveth Light," by Ed G. Butler. Glendale, 10:55 a.m. Entertainment by Pima Indian chorus, Sacaton. 11 a.m.

"Messengers of Light, by Dr. C. M. Rock, Special music. 11:25 a.m.

"What It Means to be a Christian," by J. P. Edmunds. Lit tie Rock, Ark. Noon Recess 2 p.m.

"I Will Sing a New Song Unto the Lord," C. F. Frazier. song leader; Mrs. Wilma Jones, pianist, 2:15 p.m.

"Let Us Walk in the Light," by Austin Mitchell, Phoenix. Conferences. 3:25 p.m. Special song by C. F.

Frazier. followed by business session and report of nominating committee. 3:55 p.m. Duet by Misses Christina and Opal Kinard, Tucson. 4 p.m.

"His Church an Ally of the Home," Dr. J. N. Campbell, Tucson. Adjournment- 7:30 p.m.

"My Heart is Fixed, God; I Will Sing," by C. F. Frazier and Mrs. Wilma Jones. 7:45 p.m.

Devotion from Luke by George Boren, Glendale. Drill Of Groups 7:45 p.m. Intermediate sword drill, Mrs. Reuben Smith, leader. Junior memory contest, Mrs.

Chester M. Pierce, leader. 8:25 p.m. Quartet. Cecil Stewart.

Frank Bradford, Neil Record, Glen Smith, all of Phoenix. 8:30 p.m. "The Glorification of Youth," J. E. Lambdin, Nashville.

Adjournament. Simultaneous conferences held today are as follows: Leaders from 9:55 to 10:55 a.m. are general officers and pastors, led by J. E. Lambdin: senior BYFU, George F.

Elam; BAU, J. B. Edmunds; intermediates, Mrs. Reuben Smith, and juniors, Mrs. Chester Pierce.

Leaders from 2:23 to 3:55 p.m. are general officers and pastors, headed by J. P. Edmunds: senior BVPU. J.

E. Lambdin: BAU. George F. Elam: Intermediates, Mrs. J.

N. Campbell: juniors, airs. John D. Davis. Standard of excellence and the 1935 calendar of activities will be used as a basis of discussion in each group.

Vealers Score 50 -Cent Gain KANSAS CITT. Apr. 19. (AP Hoes. 800; fairly active, mostly 5c higher than Thursday's average; closed weak; top 8.85 on choice 200-290 lha.

cooi and choice, 140-160 7.90-8.50: 160-180 Inc. 8.20-70: 180-200 8.60-83: 200-220 8.70-85: 220-250 8.70-85; packins sows. 275-500 7.00-S.35. Cattle. 1.000: calves.

350; killing classes generally steady; vealers steady to 60c higher: stockers and feeders unchanged: 10 loads 970-1037 lb. stock fed Nebraska steers. good light weight steers held at 11.25. Steers, good and choice. 550-900 9.25-12.75; 10.50-14.25: common and medium.

550 lbs. up. 6.00-11.50: heifers, good and choice. 550-900 S. 50-11.

50: cows. good. 7.50-8.75; common and medium, 5.25-7.50; low cutter and cutter. 3.00-5.25; vealers. me dium to choice.

6.00-9.00; stockex and feeder steers, good and choice, (all weights) 6.50-10.00. Sheep. 2.0O0; through: slow, very little done: odds lots native spring lambs weak to 25c lower: fed lambs weak to 10c lower; odd lots sheep about steady; small bunches native spring lambs down from 9.10: scattered lots wooled lambs down from 8.25: early top clipped lambs. 6.90: some held higher: spring lambs. choice, 8.25-9.25: good.

7.25-8.25: medium. 6.25-7.25: lambs, good and choice. 90 lbs. down. 7.50-8.25: common and medium.

5.25-7.50: yearling wethers, medium to choice. 90-110 5.00-7.00; ewes, good and choice. 90-150 3.75-4.75. I.OS ANGELKS LOS ANGELES. Apr.

19. TAP) Hogs, none: grain fed quoted around 9. 2o. Cattle 300; mostly steady; steers 8.00- 9.00; grass cows 6.00-65; low cutter to common 4.00-5.50. Sheep none: good to choice spring lambs quoted 7.00-25.

DENVER DENVER. April 19. (AP) Cattle. 250: calves 200: steady; load Utah steers 850- 1200 lbs 8.25-11.50: heifers 6.75-9.00; cows 4.o0-6.i5; cutters 2.75-4.00: vealers 10.00 down: heavy calves up to 8.00: low grade bulls 3.75-4.50; stock steers 5.00-7.00. Hoes.

steady: 1SO-I50 lb butchers I K.SS-S.SO: 130-150 lb S. 00-35; sows 7.75- S.on. Sheep. 10.000: asking steady or 8.4C freight on better fed wooled lambs: bids weak: top fed lambs Thursday S.40 freight paid. Produce LOS ANGELES.

Apr. 19. TUP) De mand and trading continued about mod erate with supplies liberal in most lines and prices generally steady. ARTICHOKES: Castroville 4Ss. 1.40- 1.50.

Arroyo Grande 48s 1.25-1.35. Tor rance and I.omita 4Ss 1.25-1.35. ASPARAGUS: Local and San Diego county, loose extra fancy 6-6 'ic. Fancy 5Vi-6c. Porterville extra select 4zC.

Fire- baugh best 5-6c. AVOCADOS: Local Fuertes 8-8 Vic lb. San Diego county Inland TVa-Sc. Coast Fuertes 7-7 He. BEANS: San Pedro Kentucky Wonders 19 -J0c lb.

Laguna Beach fair quality 15- ISc. Coachella valley ISc lb. BUNCHED VEGETABLES: Beets 60- 5c: carrots best 75-99e; poorer 35-60c; green onions 1.50-1.73; leeks 60-70c: mustard 30-35c; napa 40-50c: parsley 75-30c: radishes 30-35c; spinach 40-50c; watercress 0c. CELERY: Local storage. 1.50-1.73 half crate.

San Diego county storage 1.75-2.00: Long Beach 1.75-2.00. Cbula Vista fair quality 1.50-2.00. LETTUCE: Guadalupe and Santa Maria dry pack 4 doz. 1.63-1.75. San Luis Obispo os 1.40-1.50: Pismo and Oceano 4s best 1.75-1.S5: Orange county 4s 1.00-1.25: js 5-90c.

Local loose 50c crate. PEAS: San Luis Obispo best o-c. Pismo and Oceano ordinary 3Vi-4c. Guadalupe Nipomo poor i'S-Jc Bakersfield good pole llr. SQUASH White summer 1.35-1.40; Coachella valley 4 basket crates 8U1mmer 1 n-i Italian fiats white summer 1.35-1.40; Orange county', white summer lugs 1.50-1.

60: San lugs 1.65-1.75: Italian 1.75 lug. STRAWBERRIES: Local Klondike. I 1.35-1.50 12-pt. tray. Missionaries 1.00- 1.2: San Diego county Klondikes 1.50 SWEET POTATOES: L.

A. lugs Coachella valley Nancy Halls 85- suc lus. Births Reported CHILSON Born to Mr. and Mrs. H.

enilson, 2113 West Madison street, a daughter, in Good Samaritan hospital. April 19. FIMBRES Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fimbres, route 1, box 256, Glendale.

a daughter, in Good Samaritan hospital. April 19. Divorces Asked PEARSON, Robert L. sues Lo- retta Snyder (annulment). QUAYLE, Leona Muriel sues Gerald David.

SKUBINSKI. Matilda Dora Weill sues Aleksander Ed. P. all in or to A. be to of the for for to as per to by of of any 10 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE Kenilworth Distrifit This 6 room modern home conm of large living room; dining large kitchen with breakfast lots of cabinet space.

SerW porch. 3 bedrooms. Tile bath shower built In closet space. Tv house has both cooling svstem central heating plant. Price ISnon Terms to responsible party.

Dwight'B. Heard Iriv. Co Heard' Bldg. REALTORS. Ph ,7.

WILL Rf 11 pnnittf -uvj rrn home, north of Roosevelt, x-l Ctm dition, paving pd. Home Own. Loan. Box 2 Republic and CHOICE OFFERING Completely andattractively furnfsi, ed. Spanish type home, consisting of 3 bed 1 sleep, porch.

2 bath. $8,500.00 with terms. Ifis GEO. E. LILLEY 214 K.

Central. Realtor, Ph. 3.tnT $100.00 down, balance easv teTnt gives you a new home at the HaW yam pa Mountain Club. Call SmmT 4-3128. 'w' HOME INCOME Brick home.

5 bedrooms, 3 bathi. 5 sc. porches a good frame homi Both on large lot 100 ft, wide close in on Xo. 2nd pav. paid.

Fin. yard. 30 large palm trees. Ideal for rooming house or large family. Prjc.

only $5,500 on terms. O'Malley Investment Co STORE bldg. close oig oociiucci casn, run price. Also have another steal right in town. Garage bldg.

50x137. Price $15.000. Inq. 1034 E. McKinlev $12.50 a month buys modern hom close in.

Has orchard, good garage, grapes. 60 cycle elec, bath, soft water. Total price $1,25. $50 down. Also has ample land for chicken ranch, al.

fenced, close to i3 N. 1st Ave. lO A SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE SUBURBAN HOMES With ground large enough for the cow, chickens and family garden. North side East Indian School Road and 17th, 18th and 21st Streets. Favorable terms Xo mortgages to finance HOME BUILDERS Tel.

34187 124 N. 1st Ave. CLOSE IN 14 ACRES $20 8 some alfalfa, faces 2 sts. Samlisce, N. 2nd Ave 4-ROOM brick house, acre.

$875 cash. 3Sth Street, North of Thomas Road. 3 brick and stucco, north near Camelback Rd. 2 acres of ground. A real buv in a real home.

$3.000 $1,000 will handle. LANIER-MARTIN Security TJldar- Lobby. Ph. 3ftfiS3 40 W. COLTER.

Wedlock Place. New English stucco, 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. Owner, Wm. Rasmussen.

9294S $22 a month, which includes interest and insurance will buy for you a modem home with 3 piece bath, soft water, 60 cycle elec, close In and closr to school. Three-fifths of an 3 ere, 18 fruit trees, grape vines, shrubbery, good garage. Everything fenced with tigrht Keystone fence. Chicken runs. Total price $2,100.

Only $50 down. N. 1st Ave. 11 COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR SALE Excellent 30 Acres Now in cantaloupes. Nice set-up for small dairy or general farm.

Good silo, large concrete milk house, feed pens-hog wire fence, frame house, pressure water system. Ail nicely located north of Priced for the man with moderate means, with payments arranged so they can be handled. $1,000 down payment. Bal. $250 every six months int.

at 6. Exclusive with wight B. Heard In v. Co. Heard RIdg.

REALTORS. Th. 341T3 14 A. 2 large warehouses on Grand Ave. in Glendale, attractive price.

John X- Irvin Co. 32 N. 1st Ave. OWN this home and chicken ranch for a month. Modern.

newly decorated 5 room home, good water. 3 niece batfc. 60 cycle elec orchard, grapes, shrubs, garage, all fenced Total price $r0 down. See me at 223 N. Is Ave.

REALTY FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE TRADE duplex for small acreage 633 N. 10th Ave. LET me find what you want my extensive listings. J. Ogden Hoffman.

Realtor. 29 W. Monroe. 13 REAL ESTATE WANTED WILL buy with Home Loan. Box 3E, Republic and Gazette.

14 WANTED TO RENT UNKUKISHKD house N. E. not over $15. Box 90 Republic and flazette. WANT summer home.

3 rooms or more. Prescott district. 334 N-15 St. Ph. 42717.

Good furnished and unfurnished 14 E. Monroe Ph. 4-3334 WANTED to rent equipped chicken ranch, thre acres or larger Box 78 Republic and Gazette 15 UNFURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT 3 BEDROOM brick, large screen room, close in, partly furnished, $40. The Best in Rentals HERBERT S. PRINCE CO.

141 North 2nd Ave. Ph. 37002 16 FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT Duplex elect, adults, W. Monroe street. ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom bungalow in country.

Everything new. completely furnished or part. furnished. Special rate to perma nent tenants or reasonable for summer. Phone 94644.

2 BEDROOM brick, near carline. $30.00. 9-1972. NICE clean home. 1413 Fillmore.

MODERN, clean. 4 rooms, hath. well furnished. $18.50. Open 2 to 1910 East Harvard.

FURNISHED house, two bed- rooms. University apartmenLS- tsn inside bed rooms, large screen porch, electric refrigerator. 1022 E. Culver. 3 RMS.

lecu refrijr Starage, itor $27.50. 21st Ave. Adams. FIVE room house; clean apartment. 211 East Roosevelt.

FOR RENTAL SERVICE MRS. TRITLE OR MRS. COOK -A NL-SMITH CO. Pbone 4-3L5 3 ROOMS, sleeping porches. 440 N.

Central. BRICK; o'stufd; free gaf $28.50 mo. Palmdale. 2138 W. Wash- 6 ROOMS, overstuffed! 1209 McKinJey.

SHADE, gas. elec turn-. $4. IS wk. 2224 West Vaa Buren.

NOTICES BARNETT, Mary Ida, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Bliss, 1142 E. McDowell road, yesterday tnorniaff. Funeral arrangements will be announced later by A. Ia Moore ana aons.

BLOOMER. Edward Baxter, ol years old, died Thursday at his home in Mesa. Funeral services at -3fi r.m. todav. Meldrum parlors; burial in Mesa cemetery, Odd Fel lows officiating.

ci i SWORTH. Mrs. Martha. 64 years old. wife of W.

w. tuiswortn DiHo.hnnw riiffl in a. Phoenix hos pital yesterday mbrning-. Funeral services at 3 p.m. today.

Latter Day Saints church at Chandler. Burial in Mesa cemetery. The Gibbons mortuary i in charge. WH ITT EM ORE, Klla. passed Dsns vesterdav morninsr at a local hospital.

Funeral arrangements will be announced later by A. I Moore and Sons ROBINSON. Kranres -Mav Serv ices will be held Monday at 2 p. m. from the Memory Chapel of A.

I Moore and Sons. Interment in Oreenwood. 5 FLOWERS JULIA FULLKR FLOWKRS Truster T5ououet.s. Corsasres. delivery 1330 E.

Indian School Rd. Ph. 97747 EASTER FLOWERS We Telegraph Flowers Everywhere ARIZ. SEED FLORAL CO. 31 W.

Adams. Ph. -740 FOR Beautiful Easter Lilies Growing In Pots SEE DOXOFRIO FLORAL World Wide Telegraph Service 136 N. Central Ph. 3-2503 McELHANEY'S Flowers 120 N.

First Ave. Phone 43478 Easter Suggestions Potted Plants, Corsages. Cut Flowers KEEN'S 838 N. Central Ph. 3-3246 Flowers Telegraphed 6 MONUMENTS JOHN H.

QUAING 2249 W. Van Buren -Ph. 30908 -LOST DOG Large brown-black, hair marked with white. Front rigrht paw crippled. Reward.

803 N. 1st Ave. 30S40. KEYS, two on chain, Sunday, west end Tempe bridge. numbered 1018.

Phone 3-2291. TIRE, tube and rim. Dayton, 36x8. Between Benson and Phoenix. $25 reward.

Box 2293. Phoenix. Phone 3334. Reliance Truck Co. 9 AUCTIONS AUCTION April 20th 3RD AVE.


M. LIVESTOCK 3:30 P. M. FARM TOOLS Dojle's Auction Service Auction Sale Monday, April 22 Commencing At 1 P. M.

Sharp miles northeast of Glendale on Lateral 16 or- 2. miles east and 1 north of Glendale. I have leased my ranch and will sell all my cattle and farm equipment. High Grade Young Jersey Cows Heifers 23 20 20 2 wagons, 3 mowers, 2 rakes, 1 planter, 2 plows, 2 harrows, 1 cultivator, 4 sections stanchions and other articles too numerous to mention. Most of this machinery is nearly new and is all in first-class condition.

If interested in jrood cows and machinery, attend this sale. See clerk for terms Judge II. C. Gilbert OWNER BOB WALL Auctioneer Phone 30697 G. L.

WRIGHT. Clerk Phone 38649- 10 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE TWO story brick 4 3 rented. $1,000 down will handle. Box 64-D. Republic and Gazette.

of $25. Onn.OO In the event contract unit prices indicate a total cost of the project as planned in excess of the amount of funds pros-rammed for the nmiect. the If-ncth of the project will be shortened if necessary, to keep the cost of the work witnin the funds allotted thereto. Phoenix. Arizona, April 13.

1935. T. S. CONN ELL. State Highway Engineer.

NOTICE OF HEARING ON PLAN OF K.UKUA.MZ.TIO. OF PACIFIC HOTELS COMPANY No. B-73S-Phoenix In the District Court of the United States, i'r me liis-rici or Arizona IN THE MATTER OF PACIFIC HOTELS COMPANY, tion. corpora Debtor. interested: The PACIFIC HOTELS r-n-vf 1 vv havinsr in the above entitled pro reeding Its petition, verified December 31st.

siaiing mat It desires to propose pursuant to Section 77 of the Fedora Bankruptcy Act; the Plan of Reorganiza tion. dated December 31. 1934, hereinafter c-iiiea tne flan." which Plan was filed in said Court with said netitinn- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the nas made an order, dated April 9th 1935. requiring all creditors and stock nomers of the Debtor, and the Trustee ji iue estate or tne Debtor, to show cause at a hearing to be held in the United States District Courtroom. In the Federal Buildins.

in Phoenix. Arizona, on May 27th. 1935. at ten o'clock a. or as soon thereafter as the matter' can be heard, and at which time said Plan may be proposed pursuant to said Section 77B why the Court should not fa) Make such order as the Court deems proper dividing the creditors of the Debtor into classes according to the nature of their respective claims and interest, for the purposes of said nan ana its acceptance; b) Find that the said Plan is fair and equitable and does not discriminate unfairly In favor of any class of creditors or the stockholders, is feasible, and complies with the reve-lant provisions of said Section 77B: (c) Confirm said Plan upon the filing In the above proceeding of acceptance by or on behalf of the creditors or stockholders required by said Section 77B.

and grant such other relief as may be equitable. Satd hearing may be adjourned from ijmB time witnout further notice otherwise than by announcement at the bearing or other adjournment thereof. That this notice be published In the Arizona Republic and a copy be mailed to each creditor and stockholder of Debtor, postage prepaid, and mail to the address of" each creditor as appears upon the books of said Trustee on or before May 1st. 1933. Copies of said plan are available to any-creditor.

stockholder, or other interested person, upon application to the Debtor at its office in Hotel Westward Ho. Phoenix. Arizona. Published by order of the Court. PACIFIC HOTELS COMPANY.

By CHARLES L. RAWLINS. Vice President. Dated AprU 135. I Republic and Oazetta Towae Building.

68 W. Main St. Phona 341. Chandlar Whita Crow Drug. Phona 21.

Chariotta Lamon. 184 8. Oregon. Phona 137. I am po Laird and Oinaa.

Phona 22. Mrs. C. E. Coffin, corraa-o-ndnt.

127 Watt Sevsnth atraet. Tampa. Phona 106. Gilbert Mr. W.

MeConnalL Phona 34R21. Mesa. Mesa Plans For Easter MESA Sunrise services will be held by young peoples organizations of Mesa churches, tomorrow morn- Butte, according to plans announced by officers of the respective groups. Younjr ople of the Baptist church W'lll go to Double Knolls, leaving the church at 4 45 a. and will have services and a breakfast there.

James Creasman and the Rev. Fred Pulliam will be the speakers; Miss La Verne Miller, Tempe, will sing- a vocal solo, and lawrencc Armistead will present a trumpet solo. Maricopa Stake Men and Glean ers will po to Tempe Butte for their annual Kaster service. Transpor tation will be provided at each of the wards, cars to leave at 4 4i a. m.

The program: Trumpet call. Bill Wright: invocation, Marion Claw-son: "Kaster Morn." congregation; 'The World is Waiting: for the Sunrise" and "Angels Rolled the Stone Away," Lynwood Noble; talk "The Crucifixion," Margaret Stew art; "A Whisper of Hope." Rachel and Naomi Dana; "The Shepherd ess." violin duet by Mildred Maier and Gene Gilpin: "The Palms." vo cal solo by Elizabeth Phelps; talk. "The Resurrection." Homer Phelps; trumpet solo. "The Holy City." Bill Wright; "I Know That My Redeemer L.ives," congregation; benediction. Miss Pearl Scott.

Stake officers directing the ser vice are Miss Mabel Peterson, Miss Pearl Scott, Miss Mary Montgom ery, Airs. I.eavirn K. unpin, Marion Clawson. Herbert Merrill, Max Mil let and Ferrel Dana. Returns To St.

David Mrs. W. G. Goodman has return ed to her home in St. David, after an extended visit lifre at the home of her daughter.

Mrs. J. A. Miller, 237 South Hibbert street. Student Home Louis Phelps, student at the Ari zona State Teachers College at Flagstaff, came last night to spen6 the Kaster vacation at home with his parents.

Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Phelps, South Mesa drive.

Here From Hollywood Mrs. Elizabeth Nelson, Hollywood, is visiting relatives and friends here. She is the house guest of her niece, Mrs. Charles l'eterson, southeast of Mesa. Entertain Guest The Rev.

end Mrs. P. M. Bell entertained as their house guest during the past few days Mrs. Hesket Markley of Tucson.

From Tucson Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Hendricks, Tucson, will be here late today to visit over Kaster Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. lice, 49 North Sirrine street.

Home From School Miss Myrtlebelle Jarrett, student at the University of Arizona, is home from Tucson to spend the Kaster vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. -C. Jarrett.

27 South Sirrine street. Girls Plan Supper Members of Mesa assembly. Or der of Rainbow for Girls, and their mothers will meet at 6 p. m. Mon day, in Masonic hall, for a pot luck supper and social evening.

Primary Party Primary children of Mesa Second ward will be entertained with an Easter egg hunt, at 3 o'clock this afternoon, at the church grounds. it was announced by Mrs. L. A. Peel, superintendent.

Mrs. Hiram Mortensen and Mrs. Evelyn Hunsaker. play directors, will assist in the entertainment of the children. Visits Here Mrs.

George Rogers, Tucson, spent several days this week visiting her sisters and friends here. Rehearsal Called A meeting of the young peoples' choir of the Baptist church has been called for 7:30 o'clock tonight at the church, preparatory to the presentation of a Biblical drama and Easter music entitled "He l.ives," at services tomorrow night. Miss Ruth Creasman, Miss Gwendolyn Wallace, James Creasman, Lester Wolgast. Elmer Guthrie, Miss Margaret Spain, Miss Jennie trances Pruitt, Miss Winnie Courtney and Miss Virginia Wallace play- principal parts, under direction of Mrs. S.

Davis. From Prescott Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis and Miss IaPreel Hanco*ck are coming from Prescott tonight to spend Easter Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. C. Hanco*ck, East Urst avenue. Bloomer Funeral uneral services for Edward Baxter Bloomer, 81-year-old Mesa pioneer who died Thursday follow ing a long illness, will be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon from the Meldrum parlors, with the Rev. W.

A. Matson, pastor of the Meth odist church, officiating. Burial will be in Mesa cemetery, with the Odd Fellows lodge conducting the graveside services. Bloomer is survived by six children. Ed Yuma; Scott, Brawley.

Charles, Mrs. Jess Hill and Mrs. Earl Kirkpatrick, Mesa, and Mrs. Edith Boren, Oakland. Calif.

-o- EASTER Flowers. Lilies. Potted Plants, Mesa Floral Co. 424 W. Mam.

(adv.) GENERAL INSURANCE W. H. Passey. Ph. 17 7 J.

Mets Bldg. (adv.) Mesa Egg Hunt Set Tomorrow MESA. Mesa, kiddies will be guests of the Nile theater at a matinee today at 10 admission to be one or more hard hoi led eggs, preferably colored. The theater party is preparatory to the annual Easter egg hunt, which is sponsored jointly by the American Legion post and the Nile theater, assisted by the legion auxiliary women. Rendezvous nark will he the -n.

of the egg hunt at 11:30 o'clock to morrow. Kotn the events of the Easter jubilee are own to all chil dren of the community. ivocKy KDOdes with Buck Jones, ia the theater attraction booked for the SDecial entertatnmonr cnuaren today. 1 Chandler churches will be held tomorrow at the San Marcos bowl, in the foothills of the West mountains. Prof, Fred P.

Austin i chairman of the program, scheduled to begin at 5:30 o'clock. The program, with Bishop Guy V. Lamoreaux of the Latter Day Saints church presiding, follows: "The Palms, a trumpet duet by Stanley Lemon and Hubert; invocation by the Rev. H. 1L Cochran of the First Nazarene church; "Holy, Holy, Holy," by string quartet of Misses Murray, Donna Mur ray, U.

L. Eikenberry and Horace Gilbert; "Joyous Easter Chandler high school girls' chorus and Girl Reserves; scriptural read ing by the Rev. F. B. Nickerson, Church of Christ; vocal duet "The Old Rugged Cross," Mr.

and Mrs. Ben Riggs. The Rev. Reuben Smith of the First Baptist church will give the main address, followed by "Christ the Lord Has Risen Today," song by girls' chorus and Girl Reserves; "Come Thou Almighty King." by congregation; benediction by the Rev. B.

B. Evans, pastor of Pente costal church. Last Program Miss Laura Herron, supervisor of playgrounds in Phoenix and state chairman of the recreation and playground committee of the parent-teacher association, will be speaker at the final meeting of the local association, which is being planned for Monday night. Miss Herron's subject will be "Value of Play and Playgrounds in the Community." Installation of offic ers also will be held. Holiday Visitor Mrs.

Ida Massey of Williams Is spending Easter with her mother, "Grandma" Sellers on est Chicago street. Easter Hunt Members of the Chandler American Legion Auxiliary are giving an Easter party and egg hunt for children of the legion and eligibles. AH those attending will meet at the south park at 2 o'clock this after noon, and will motor to Goodyear for the hunt. Mrs. William Mc- Gaughey, chairman for the party, is being assisted by Mrs.

Wrade Thurlo. Daughter Born Mr. and Mrs. Evan Melton are the parents of a girl. Nancy Carrol, born at the Southside District hospital in Mesa Thursday afternoon.

Pass Tests George Miller, Tom Frost and Lucian Mecham, on the Chandler Boy Scout board, reviewed the scouts at their meetng Thursday and passed four boys on tests. Boys passing the tenderfoot tests were Howard Armstrong. Clyde Stall and Preston Stidham, and Raymond Armstrong received the merit badge. Entertains Club Mrs. Jim Bolen entertained members of the Get-together Bridge Club with an Easter contract party, airs.

Meade Miller of Gilbert was special guest of the afternoon. Prizes were Mrs. C. J. Stan-field, high; Mrs.

Fred puller, consolation; Mrs. C. H. W. Smith, single-hand prize.

Arm Injured Wayne Naegle, two-year-old son of Mrs. Madeline Neagle, suffered an injury to his left arm Wednesday when it was caught in a washing machine wringer. The arm was seriously bruised to the elbow. Visitors Here Miss Meredith Tranbarger of Puente, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Kent Goodykoontz. left last night for her home. Mrs. Merle Honn of Los Angeles also was a visitor at their home yesterday. Special Sermon The Rev.

Norman Taylor will present an Easter sermon on "The Triumph of the Cross" at a special Easter service in the Chandler Methodist church this morning at 11 o'clock. Mrs. C. C. Wright, Sac-aton.

will sing "The Lord Is My Strength." Selections from the Easter cantata "Hosanna" will be presented by the choir, which will lead the congregation in hymns. Members of the choir are Miss Priscilla Calder, accompanist; Miss Elizabeth Gholson, director: Mr. and Mrs. U. L.

Eikenberry, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Weiler, Mrs.

Gail Johnson, Mrs. Maude Sparks. Mrs. C. C.

Wright. Mrs. P. R. Mitten, Misses Catherine.

Mitten, Olive Goodykoontz, Violet Krepela and Horace Gilbert. Wins Medal Maydelle Evans was winner of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union silver medal contest held Wednesday afternoon in the Nazarene church. Her oration was entitled "Abou Ben Adhem." Chandler Woman Dies Mrs. Martha Ann Ellsworth. 64 years old, wife of W.

W. Ellsworth of Higley. died in a Phoenix hospital early yesterday after a brief illness. Mr. and Mrs.

Ellsworth moved here seven years ago from Peoria. Survivors are four sons. Leo, Lawrence and Donald of Higley and Carl of Mesa: daughters, Mrs Claire Patterson of Farmington, N. Mrs. Paul Jones of Long Beach; Mrs.

William Nelson of Mesa; Mrs. Reese Pew of Chandler; Mrs. Velva Clowd of Geronimo, and Mrs. John Freestone of Duncan. Funeral services will be held in the Latter Day Saints church this afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Bishop Guy V. Lamoreaux officiating. Burial will be at the Mesa cemetery, with Gibbons Mortuary in charge. Legion Dance Legionnaires here will present a spring dance tonight at 9 o'clock in theT Western Tavern. More than 300 invitatons have been sent to the legion posts and auxiliaries in I Casa Grande.

Coolidge, Tempe, Mesa. Florence, Glendale. Buckeye and the two Thoenix posts. The dance committee consists' of R. C.

Muse. Fred Robertson, J. W. Chason and John Hamilton. A six- piece orchestra from Mesa has been engaged.

i'roceeds Will so to the funds of the Chandler post, to help further the chil.H -oif- lurtner trie child welfare program, Markets Closed On Good Friday NEW YORK. Apr. 19. (AP) Virtually all financial and commodity markets, domestic and foreign, suspended business today in observance of Good Friday. The exceptions included New York dairy, poultry, bar silver, foreign exchange rates, and federal reports of the various livestock centers.

The banks were ooen. While the New York Stock Exchange and other securities markets will resume tomorrow, most of the commodity exchanges will extend the holiday until Monday. Leading European exchanges will be closed until Tuesday. Theda Jenkins. r.idon Ktrcnoii.

Minn Marc-la Maya. Mins Dicie Jen-tiincn. Hal Hunsaker, F. J. Krzna- rirh I'ete Guerrero, Miss Louise Jfolmon.

Mis Norene Pomeroy, Roy Alldredge, Dil worth Brinton. Miles Alldredge. and Richard Creawell. president, who Introduced the members. Vlsdting Hirarna were Harry R.

Itlgglni, J- Reason, Ezra W. Thaver. W. D. O'Neil.

Chester Wlckltffe. A. L. Frees. B.

H- Oibbs. all of Phoenix. I W. Otto, also Of T'hoenix, was a guest. The annual custom of honoring the students was Instituted ry jur.

Machan. Death Takes Mesa Woman MESA Mrs. Martha Ellsworth. C4 years old. wife of W.

V. Ellsworth, died yesterday morning In a Phoenix hospital, after a short 111- Bess. A native of I'nris. Mrs. Ellsworth arrived in Mesa about 18S0 with the second group of Mormon pioneers who came overland from Utah.

She made her home here for many years, later spending some time in Peoria. During the past seven years she resided at Ritten-house. Surviving Include her husband and 10 children, Leo, Lawrence, and Donald. Rittenhouse; Carl. Mrs.

Willaid Nelson. Mesa; Mrs. Reece Chandler: Mrs. John Freestone. Duncan.

Mrs. Velva Cloud, fjfronimo: Mrs. Paul D. Jones, Ixing Beach. and Mrs.

Clair Patterson. Karmington, N. M. Brothers and sisters surviving are Fa Passey. Fred O.

Passey. James Tassey. A. I. Passey.

C. J. Passey, all of Mesa; Mrs. Minnie Lisonbee, Phoenix; Boyd Passey. Provo.

and Joseph Passey. Salt Lake City. Funeral services will be at 3 p. m. today, from the Latter Day Saint chapel In Chandler, with Bishop Guy Lamoreaux officiating.

Burial will be in Mesa cemetery. The Gibbons mortuary is in charge. Driver Reverses Not Guilty Plea Reversing a former plea of not guilty, George Thompson pleaded guilty yesterday before Judge Howard C. Speakman "of the superior court, to driving an automobile while under the influence of intoxicating liquor. He will he sentenced at 1:30 p.m.

April 29. He admitted driving while Intoxicated January 12 on "West Main street. Mesa. Todays Radio I tl5.7 KOY. Thnenlx 1390 MORNING Firnt ViinclHmental Fsptist Church.

9 sn -H luh 1'ioaram. 10 30 Th Vendor Poems. AITIRMION AMI ENINfi 1 no The CaliznntanK. 15 liimer I'anre Alusic. T.3t Tommy Tyler's Arizona Cowboy Bund.

Kreilily ire's Orchestra. Son charlev Norton's rt nest ra. 9:30 Sam I'amen's Orchestra. I oM.fl KTAR. ThoenU R20 I MORN1NO I.on Iluehea, Wall Street Journal NMC.

Kiva Hours Back NBC, lnlte.1 State Marina Band NBC. 11 30 Tax PruMenis IMsrussion NBC. AKTKKNOON ANI MEMMi 3 O'l Hotel Kiltmore Orchentra NBC. 3.30 "Youth to Save the Day." Dr. J.

W. Crahtiee NBC. 4 on Torn Com ley 'a Orchestra NBC. 15 Industry' Stake in Foreign" Alfred P. Sloan.

Jr. NBC. no Premier. The Hit Parade NBC. 7 On Wandering Hill Billies.

Secretary et War lern Speaks NBC. li Charles Renard'a Orchestra. 4j Arxona Heiutlic NiKht Owl Radio New draper. 10 Oft Meredith Wtllmin'a Orchestra NBC 10 30 Cugal'i. Ooodman'a Or- hestra'a in Thre-Hour Dance Trosram NBC.

ARIZONA'S GREATEST BROADCASTING STATION loon Watt Fnll Tlma tlperallnc I'owrr StTlKllW, APRIL St. 1935 A. M. Our Mnrninc Greetin 1 Farm Flashea A Family lvotional with Rev. W.

K. Ma lan 7 3ft Mornmt Buaineaa Brevitiea no C.ovi Moroinc NBC a 05 yonima Jack. Cow boy Snnca NBC li The Goail Sinarr NBC 30 Financial Service NBC 4S Musical Totpourri 00 Johnny O'Brien NBC li Th Vaaa Family NBC 36 International Week End NBC IB po Fields And Hall NBC 10 la Sears' Dollar DayaNBC 1 SO National farm-Home Hour NBC 11 30 roi lea Lebby NBC P. M. IS 30 Mill-Day Business Bre ittea 1 13 Western Asruultu NBC- i 00 Coquettes NBC I II Our National Park -NBC I 45 Ctm-k Webh a Otchestra NBC 3 Hotel Piltmor Orchestra NBC 3:30 -Our American Schools NBC 4 0 Tom Coakley'a On-best ra NBC 4 '30 -Kveninc Business Brevities 1 AmerKan lnierity and World Trade NBC Kvein Business Brevities A par be Beera But Lue Rase- ball Bitvadoaet 4 Oo Lmkv Procram NBC 7:0 The Wandering Hill Billies SO Joieef Hotnik' Orchestra NBC VCan Sniphonv NBC 1 ansiratcthere Flight NBC Dl.k Mclntyre's Hswsnans i Charlea Renard'a Orchestra 4S Arivnna Kepublie Nisht Owl New 1 VU Time BO ivanoa Program Of The National Biscuit Company NBC M-M1AY.

AFRIT SI. 1U -rt Mtnln lister Prwcraais 'tinl BnMdcaat from Roto. Pop, piua xi, Easter "Slctioo Servira NBC from Grand Artao NBC CCTAIR Legal Advertisem*nt three (3) miles, consists of the gradins and'To th" and Stockholders of the draining of the roadway and furnishins I named Debtor, and to All Other fl I MEMBERS OF THE LATHING AND PLASTERING CONTRACT INDUSTRY DIVISION OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. That an application has been made for the approval by the President of the United States of a proposed agreement under section 7 (b) of the National Industrial Recovery Act and under Article III. Sec tion 1 of Chapter 1 of the Code of Fair Competition for the Construction Industry The agreement will affect, upon approval, members of the said Division and cer tain of their employees in the region of the counties of Apache.

Yavapai. Coco nino. Navajo. Mojave, Maricopa. Gila and Final, except the territory south of the Southern Pacific Railroad in Pinal County including the town of Casa Grande, in the State of Arizona.

A Public Hearing of said agreement will be held on. Saturday. May 4. 1935. at the Labor Temple.

1637 West Jefferson Street. Phoenix. Arizona. beginning at 10:00 A. M.

Notice 1s hereby given that all members of said Division the region, all of said class of em ployees and all other interested parties may be Heard either in person or In writ ing at said hearing, provided a written telegraphic request for an opportunity be heard is filed before 4:00 P. M. on Thursday. May 2. 1935, with Mr.

Steve Spear, State N. R. A. Compliance Director. 704 Heard Building.

Phoenix, Arizona, and a carbon copy thereof shall mailed to the National Industrial Re covery Board. Room 616. Albee Building. Washington. D.

C. Notice is also hereby given that any criticisms of, objections or suggestions concerning said agreement or the approval thereof may be filed either in writing at the hearing or before 4:00 P. M. on Thursday. May 2.

1935. with Mr. Steve A.Spcar. State N. R.

A. Compliance Director. 704 Heard Building. Phoenix. Arizona, and a carbon copy thereof shall be mailed to the National Industry Recovery Board.

Room 616. Albee Building. Washington. D. C.

Copies of the agreement may be obtained at the office Mr. Steve A. Spear. State R. A.

Compliance Director. 704 Heard Building. Phoenin. Arizona, and at the office of National Recovery Administration. Room 3320.

Department of Commerce Building. Washington. D. C. PROPOSALS FOR TEXTBOOKS Sealed proposals for textbooks for the common schools of Arizona for a period win oe received at the 01- taw cihis 01 t.auca- tion.

until 12 o'clock noon June 10. 1935. nd will be opened immediately there- tier, proposals must oe directed to H. E. -secretary or me state Board ot Education, and be endorsed.

Textbooks." A certified check for IsOO.oo must accompany each bid. Bids are invited for textbooks to cover reading in the fifth aad sixth grades, and health and hygiene books and dictionaries the common schools. The successful bidder will be required enter into a contract and give bond required by law. Bids must slat? a wholesale Introductory and an exchange price on books offered and all bidders must submit bids book o. b.

cars at a central depot, Chicago. The successful bidder will be required pack, label and ship books as ordered a properly authorized state official. Said bids shall be made with the understanding that the publishers shall maintain a central joint depository in the city Phoenix at the expense of said publishers and that the depositary or depositaries. as designated by the State Board of Education, shall be in chare. such depository.

The Board reserves the right to reiect or all bids or parts of bids. H. E. HENDRIX. Secretary State Board of Education.

first fust-cation, April 20. Itii, 'Last Publication. May SO, 193a. and plat-Ins Road Mir and is to be com- Pleted on or before inr PRINCIPAL ITEMS AND APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES 11.400 C.Y. Imported Borrow; ono C.Y.Mi.

Imported Borrow Haul; SO Ft 2.4" CM. 3.400 C.Y. Mineral Aggregate" 66.000 Gals. Road Oil; 70 C.Y. Concrete1 10.000 Lbs.

Reinforcing Steel AND OTHER INCIDENTAL ITEMS No Contractor shall be eligible to submit a bid until duly licensed as a Contractor in the State of Arizona and until his certified statements of Financial Re sources. Construction Experience nnrt Equipment. made on forms supplied by the Arizona Highway Department hav approved. A certificate of compliance on the scribed form which will be furnished for that purpose shall be signed and submitted by all bidders, in accordance with it five Order No. 616.

issued by the President on March 14. 1934, ONLY BIDS AC. COMPANIED BY SUCH CERTIFICATE SHALL BE CONSIDERED OR ACCEPT-i ED. The contractor to whom awart made shall reouire snhmntra.tnr. ana ueaiers lurnishing eouinment ma.

terials. and supplies to siim similar ceriuicaies oeiore making: awards to or purcnasea from such contractors or aeaiers. copies or wtiicn shall be furnished to the contracting: officer. The attention of bidders Is directed to the Special Provisions covering subletting or assigning the contract and the use of Domestic Materials. A Proposal Guarantee in an unendorsed Certified or Cashier's check of not less than a of the gross amount of the bid.

made payable to the State Treasurer of Arizona, is required. A copy of the Standard Specifications, Issue of October. 1930. with REVISED AMENDMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTS is required. The riht is reserved to reject for cause, any and all biis.

Labor lists, shall be obtained from the Pinal County Reemployment Office Manager. Mr. Dan J. Sullivan. Casa Grande.

Arizona. The minimum wages paid skilled labor employed on this project shall be in accordance with the classified rates attached to the Specifications, of which the minimum is one dollar ($1.00) per hour. The minimum wage paid intermediate labor shall be sixty-two and one-naif S2H) cents per hour, unskilled labor, fifty 50 cents per hour. i Funds have been programmed for- the construction of this project ia tha amount.

Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

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Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.