San Antonio Daily Light (2024)

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San Antonio Daily Light (1) Previous item Next item

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jIBF. D. Hick.- aprominent citizen -o
■fie Alamo City is spending some time
this city visiting his friend Mr. M.
Groa. at his residence No 1313 Eigh-
teenth street.—Galveston News.
New bailor hats L</o at Special
sale Monday.
And St. Henry's School conducted
by the Sisters of Divine Provijlence
afford a solid and refined education.
Particular attention is paid to mor-
al and physical training of the pupils.
Class willl l>e resumed Tuesday. Sep-
tenil>er 1. 8-30-2 t
The following death certificates have ”
been filed for record in the city health
office: . *'
John Tony aged 37 years from *'
hemorrhage of the lungs.
J. L. Bruce aged from frac I:
tore of skull. '
Mamie Burroughs aged one year
And nine months from typhoid fever.
4 o
A Distinguished Visitor- „
Gen. Wade Hampton arrived In r
this city last night in the Southern (
Pacific directors’ private coach c
from California. 8
A committee of citizens com-
posed of A. W. Houston M. D-
Monseratte general manager of
the Aransas PassL and Dr. Amos n
Graves Sr. met the train and ac- t
Companied the general to Govern- t
ment Hill where the coach re- 0
mained last night. This morning b
at 9 o’Cltck the coach will be trans-
ferred to the Aransas Pass yards
and leave this afternoon for Rock-
• port where the general will enjoy 0
the gulf breezes for the next 11
few days. During his few hours a
stay in this city today Gen. Hamp- (I
ton will be shown' the. sights of n
thls/old historic city.
May be Sunstroke.
F. B. Cobb a laborer employed P
on the Houston street sewer
trench was overcome by the heat
” yesterday and taken to his home .
on Monterey street where he re-
ceived medical attention. He is “
reported to be in a critical condi-
tion. |
—Misses Martha and
Yeager of Flatonia are in the ®
city visiting the Misses Degen at
JHHMBqgfcett street. j
—Gue. a young shoe c
i maker Imbibed too much of the (
foaming lager at Connor’s grove t
last night and on his way home Q
stepped-off of a South Flores street
.car to curse and abuse some ladies. £
He was arrested by Officer Mcßae .
on a charge of being drunk and *
disorderly. ।
There Was Plenty of It. '
-A hypochondriac who was staying 1
with Father Healy at Bray in the hope '
of obtaining relief from chronic dys-
pepsia was one day taking a walk along 1
the beach with his host. ‘‘l have de-
rived relief from drinking a tumbler of !
' salt water from the tide” said the
invalid solemnly; “do you think I
might take a second?” “Well” said
Father Realy with equal seriousness
■“I don't think a second would be
West MCdlson Street Jeweler* Arrange a
Novel Alarm Idea.
A West Madison street jewelry firm
in Chicago has solved the problem of
protection against bandits and ' bur-
glars. While the plan adopted savors
somewhat of a return to th© period of
the town hall bell the use of electricity
gives the plan modern associations.
At the northeast corner of Morgan
and Madison streets where Youngdahl
& Lilja have been running a jewelry
business for eight years a bell about
80 inches in diameter is fastened to
the corner of the building 20 feet from
the sidewalk and just beneath it is a
sign which
: When This Bell Rings There Are :
Robben. :
tongue of the bell is on a circuit
'whicm cSnries the elr tri cal current
from eight batteries V’ ordinary size
and when the current is on the resonant
tones of the bell will carry a distance
of a quarter of a mile.
In the interior of the store which is
barely 30 feet deep are 14 buttons un-
der the counters and desks and in un-
expected places where they may ba
touched with the foot while the hands
are'pointed heavenward and the eyes
are looking into the awful depths of
a revolver barrel. Once the button 's
touched current is on and the be’l
begins its appeal for assistance and can-
not be stopped until the current is cut
I off. The plan is not only effective dur-
I ing the day but at night.
I If the front'or back door is opened at
' night the current is on and the bell will
sound an alarm. The doors of the safe
arc protected by a heavy piece of wood
which if removed will start the bell
’ y?glng.
nf "' c n1 '" 111 ' s ' 6.
’ V-Wlf InLL V. ho flic
- ■

Sam Wilkin a young gambler
wits stabbed Saturday morning six
times by Manuel Coy another young
man while they were nt an opium
don on Dolorosa street. The men had
had a fight earlier in the night and
Wilkin it is said then whipped Coy.
About 2 o'clock Saturday morning
Coy and Wilkin again met with the
result stateil. Thq wounds of Wilkin
are not considered vital.
Coy has not yet been apprehended
are not considered fatal.
Childrens’ school hats—Special sale
Mr. J. Albert Berry the well known
foreman in Contractor T. T. Shields
shops and Miss Rosa Dresch. daugh-
ter of Mrs. Dresch of Victoria street
were married in the parish residence
of St Mary's church by Rev. Father
O'Callaghan. Tuesday evening last.
After the ceremony bridal party
repajrc|l to their imine on Pine street
between Lamar and Hays where a
large party of friends assembled and
tendered congratulations.
Deputy United' States Marshal Eu-
gene Y'glesias arrived in the city last
nightfroni Laredo with the following
prisoners who were placed in the
County jail charged with smuggling
cattle: Remelo Rodriguez Rafael Vpr-
gas and Leonardo Santos.
Mr. Ben. Moke of the Moke Milli-
nery company being unable to leave
the business of the concern to visit
the market in person has engaged
one of the finest trimmers that could
be secured in New York city who will
arrive in San Antonio about Septem-
ber 15 k with one of the finest stocks
of fall milliner goods ever shown
here. His lady customers are especi-
ally requested to call about this date
(Sept. 15.) and see the finest art in
Pitcher Bolsz Was an Easy Mark for the
Bronchos Yesterday.
There were nine pictures of pro-
tracted trouble at San Pedro park
yesterday afternoon. The sorri-
est one of the lot was Louis Bolsz
the proclaimed wonder from the
Pacific slope. He was caught graz-
ing In strange pastures and was
smothered under a cloud of base-
He was hit from Lawrence to
Herbert and when the hits were
counted it was found that Mike
O’Connor and his herd bad met the o
ball safely two dozen times with t(
one to spare. n
Red Herbert was on the slab for C
San Antonio and was as unap- ri
proachable as an office-holder after
election day. Thirteen times did s
the Buffalos’ bats safely collide s
with Red’s delivery but only two
runs were netted by their exer- h
tlons. • a
The San Antonio fielders would
not let anything get away from j
them and their playing was as j
systematic as if by machine. s
The umpirical work was per- I
formed by ex-Broncho John Otten
and he was very fair.
The score by Jnnings was: t
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R. H. E- i
San Antonio 40110 10 0 0 0-16 25 1 .
Hits 5 0 4 2 in 1 0 1 .
Houston 01001000 0-3 13 3 '
Hits 12213032 0
Batteries: Herbert and Stanley Bolsz •
and Cote. Umpire Otten.
The same herds will meet again
this afternoon. Keefe or Parvin '
will pitch for San Antonio and
Roach will be put in for Houston.
Catcher Otten left for his home j
in Chicago last night.
Third Baseman Clark bad some
hard cbanches yesterday but ac-
cepted all of them.
The game this afternoon will be
called at 4:15 instead of 4:3b
Eddie (‘Butsy”) Klee man bade
his friends farewell jakt night and
left for his home In Cincinnati. He
may however finish tbo season
with Austin before going north.
A meeting of the local associa-
’ tian will be held some time this
' week to arrange for next season. It
. Is expected that Mike O’Connor
will be retained as manager and
l most of the present players re'
. served. Matt Stanley may also
. play in San Antonio next season
j at least the cranks hope so.
’ At New York— R. H. E.
r Cleveland 3 8 4
’ New York 1 7 2
Second game—-
‘ New York 4 6 0
Cleveland 1 8 6
At Baltimore—
Pittsburg j 11 14 1
. Baltimore 5 7 5
At Washington—-
' Chicago 13 15 3
j Washington 9 15 5
At Philadelphia-
Philadelphia 5 13 2
.’ Cincinnati 4 8 1
’ At Brooklyn—
Brooklyn 7 9 1
B St. Louis 1 5 3
■f —The Mexican taken to the city
n hospital a few ago suffering
’• from snn stroke died last night.
1 He had never regained conscious-
r ness and bis name was not learned.
—Wantep-Position of trust by
reliable young man good morals
age 19 speaks and writes English
Spanish and French; owns type-
writer. Address L. A. care
—R. A. Read who has been with
Joske Bros for some time has ac-
cepted the position of superinten-
dent and advertising manager
with J. M. High A Co. Atlanta
—Tbe employes of the West End
Street Railway company were paid
their salaries yesterday.
—Two fine pianos used very lit-
tle for :slsoandsl7s. A.Nordman
manufacturer of pianos. Tel. 392.
—The patrol wagon drivers
changed watches yesterday at
noon. Miller is now on the day
watch while May does night duty.
—Tbe high tea given Mrs. Fol-
som Wednesday last at the resi-
dence of Mrs. Fry on Alamo
Heights was a most pleasant en-
—School books and School supplies.
8-28-3 t NIC TENGG.
—F. M. Daniels a farmer resid-
ing near Boerne sustained a
wrenched wrist yesterday by being
thrown from his horse on South
Flores street.
—School books. W. Corner 26-15 t
0 —Chief Deputy United States
Marshal John B. Walter since his
return from the coast has been
laid up (rom the effects of sun-
burn received while standing in
the water fishing at the coast.
Tom Abbott Is also a sunburn
—Mr. Fred. W. Stone has a tine
pointer pup which he secured by
trading a gun to Mr. Tschirhart.
—School books and School supplies.
8-28-3 t NIC TENGG.
—School books. W. Corner 26-15 t
—Finest cool beer In the city
drawn from tbe wood at Bull Bros.
private stock at the Crystal Saloon
407 Main Plaza. 6-20-tf.
—School books.
—Miss Jennie O’ConneJl a
charming young lady of this city
is now numbered among the lady
bicyclists of this city. .
—Will Davy and Bert Hoven
have taken to the wheel.
—For Sale: Good paying beer sa-
loon and grocery. Address Business
Light office 8-26 2wks
—C. W. Cox of Whittaker Cali-
fornia is in the city and is a guest
of J. Spangle at his home at West
—School books. W. Corner 26-15 t
—Miss Birdie Darnall residing
on Icing William street was
tendered a surprise party Friday
night in honor of her departure for
Chicago on an extended visit to
—For the best assortment of stoves
see C. H. Dean in his new mammoth
store 228 S. Flores street. 8-28-lmo.
—Wanted —A Lather. T. Engel-
hardt Santa Rosa Infirmary. It*
ad catholic news.
—C. H. Dean will sell you a New
England Queen or improved “Silent
Singer” sewing machine from $25 to
$4O one-half cash balance in monthly
installments. 228 S. Flores street.
—Ed. Limburger pleaded guilty
to a charge of using abusive lan-
guage toward John H. Rogers and
was fined $5 by Justice yes-
—For fine harness at lowest prices
€. H. Dean 228 S. Flores street. Imo.
Plaza. Commissions executed on all
racing events.
2-10-tf LYNN & WALL.
—Arthur Saft living at 110
South Alamo street was reported
to police beadquarters as missing
—The steam roller Is at work on
Austin street.
—School books. W. Corner 26-15 t
*—A large show window of Joske
Bros. on Alamo street was broken
last Friday afternoon while the
window was being decorated.
—School books and School supplies.
8-28-3 t NIC TENGG.
—Henry Marsh an Indian and
Nora Harris colored were arrested
by Officer Porter yesterday for
—School books and School supplies.
8-28-3 t NIC TENGG.
—Dedlof H. Bormer and Miss
Katie Gass were united in mar-
riage in the St. John’s Lutheran
church by Rev. Ulrich yesterday
afternoon. The groom is a well
known farmer of the Leon and the
bride’s parents live on the Culebra.
—Just received two car loads of tne
best Oak Hickory Ash and Poplar
that ever came to Texas at Ed. Steves
& Sons. 8-12-tf
—City Marshal Druse has re-
ceived a letter from the city mar-
shal of Paris Texas stating
that Earl May aged 15 years
has left his home at that place and
said he was going to San Antonio.
His mother is uneasy about him.
—Building paper paint tar paper
asphalt pitch and tar at Henry Pau-
ly’s. Telephone 53. 8-21-lm
—Simon Robinson was arrested
by Deputy Constable Green yes-
terday on a charge of abusive lan-
guage toward Judson White of
307 Santa Clara street.
—A new fire alarm box 254
was placed at the corner of Nueva
ahd Presa streets yesterday.
—Word comes from Ro'-kport
Texas that Mr. Wai. Simpsou
formerly a well known bartender
of this city has recently marriea a
charming young lady of that place
but the Light’s iLformant could
not learn the bride’s maiden name.
—306 East Commerce street is the
place to buy brick lime cement plas-
ter Paris plasterink hair sand roof-
ing paper roofing felt pitch coal tar.
asphalt paints oils. etc. J. C. Diel-
inan 306 East Commerce street. Tel-
ephone 410. 8-29-1 in
—Jess. Hudson and Harold Jen-
kens left this city yesterday on an
extended fishing trip to Kerrville.
—H. Rhein opposite Sunset
depot is the local agent for the
celebrated W. L. Douglass shoe.
Just recelvdd a full line tn all styles
and sizes. Mail orders promptlv
attended to. 30 It
8 30 It*
—A building permit was issued
yesterday to A. Altmann for an
open lumber shed on Hays street
in Sixth ward to cost $lO
—School books. W. Corner. 26-15 t
—“Helen Texas” cigais not as hot
as the name implies soothes the
nerves of the smoker. “Helen Tex-
as” cigars every smoker’s hobby.
—Six motors and two railroad
generators of 150 horse power were
burnt out during the electrical
storm last Sunday night in this
—Tbe entrance examinations for
the grades of tbe High school will
begin on Tuesday September 1
They will extend over three days.
Tte program will be given out at
the school.
—Henry Pauly sells cement lime
sanfl hair brick fire brick and clay
at 'bottom prices. Office aud ware-
houses 102 Goliad and Peach Sts.
—The cart of a gentleman
named Puppe while standing on
South Alamo street attached to a
horse yesterday was driven Into
and broken by a lady named Mrs.
Jenner who drove by.
—School books and School supplies.
8-28-3 t NIC TENGG.
5 23 tf
W. Corner. 2G-15t
—Buck Gravis oiy efficient
city policefnan distinguished
himself Friday afternoon at
the ball game by rushing
into the midst of the Houston
and Broncho nines and quelling
an impending riot. When asked
shortly atterward by a San An-
tonio rooter as to whether he was
a ball player “Buck” with a
knowing look replied no but I
won the game though.”
—School books. W. Corner 26-15 t
—Ride out to San Pedro Springs and
spend an hour in viewing the splendid
collection of animals monkeys birds
and reptiles. Take the children and
make them happy. 7-31-lm
—Mrs. G. Peterson and niece
Miss Josie Cline of Prospect hill
have returned from their summer
vacation at Corpus Christi.
—School books. W. Corner 26-15 t
—Delicious hot lunch served
every morning at Maverick hotel
bar Gimbel Bros. 8 14 Im
—SUITS cleaned aud pressed $1.50.
Pants cleaned and pressed 50c. E. Y.
White Steam Dye Works. 207 West
Commerce street.
—Miss Julia E. Gray has re-
turned from her outing on the
coast and Is at home at No. 2105
Monterey street Prospect Hill.
—The following real estate deed
was filed in the county clerk’s of-
fice yesterday: Juan Lopez to
county of Bexar tract of land
fronting 40 varas on the Apple-
white road seven miles southeast
of San Antonio; $l.
ROSSY BROS. Makers. 8-13-lm.
—Kerrville is making big prepara-
tions for the Saengerfest September
2 and 3. Special train on the 3rd.
One dollar round trip. 8-30-lt
—Some fifty Indignant school
teachers were seen around the city
hall Friday afternoon looking for
a reporter of the morning paper
who stated that teachers would be
paid that afternoon. They did not
find him.
—Special train to Rockport ami re-
turn Sunday September 6 $1.50 round
trip children $l. Leaves 7:15 a. m.
—Mr. Otto W. Hilgers is proudly
showing his friends a fine silver
medal presented him by the San
Antonio Zouaves as a testimonial
of their appeciation of hie valuable
service as accompanist In their re-
cent concert.
—Another big excursion to Rockport
and back September 6. Adults $1.50
children $l. Train leaves 7:15 a. m.
Be on time. 8-30-6 t
—H. Rhein Austin street op-
posite the Sunset depot has just
received a fine lot of the celebrat-
ed W. L. Douglas shoe. It
—The W. L. Douglas shoe can
be found th all stylesand sizes at
H. Rhein opposite the Sunset
depot? It
— Delightful ride to Rockport aud
back same day. Sunday September
6. Adults -$1.50. children $l. Train
leaves 7:15 a. m. 8-30-6 t
—H. Rhein of Austin street op-
posite the Sunset depot received a
fine lot of the celebrated Douglas
shoe yesterday.
—The W. L. Douglas shoe can be
found in all styles and sizes at H.
Rhein Sunset depot. It
—No time lost from business: Plen-
ty of fun on special train to Rockport
anil bnuft the same day September 6.
Take wur family Adults $1.50 chil-
dren slf Train leaves depot 7:15 a.m.
Be on ■hue. 8-30-6 t
—H. Rhein opposite tbe Sunset
depot is the agent in this town for
thq celebrated W. L. Douglas shoe.
Just got in a full line in all sizes
and styles. Mail orders promptly
attended to. It
—A white bull dog attracted a
large crowd in front of the city
hali last night by having a fit but
was soon brought around by his
owner making a few mysterious
passes over him.
—Rocki>ort People will entertain
you in grand style. Take “Coast fly-
er” down and back same day Sept. 6.
Leaves 7:15 a. in. Enjoy o fine ride.
—The Rev. Dr. Gunn of the
Episcopal church of Oklahoma
has arrived with his family and is
stopping at the Vance apartments.
He will make San Antonio his
home and will take charge of St.
John’s church.
—GET your clothes cleaned and
dyed at the ONLY steam dye house
in the city. E. Y. White 207 West
Commerce street. 8-30-lm.
—The Malt Exchange. Dan. C.
Bitter proprietor opened its doors
to the public last nightat tbe cor-
ner of Alamo and South streets.
The Light was remembered with
a supply of wines and viands.
—The XXX comedy company
gave a performance at John
Schuh’s hall onTJosephine street
last night which was followed by
a ball.
—A complimentary dance was
given last night at the residence of
Emil Zinsmeyer 437 North Flores
street by Otto Zinsmeyer. An eo»
joyable time was had by all pres-
—The Union barbecue given last
night at Conner’s grove on South
Flores street was attended by
some 500 people. Several promi-
nent candidates for office were
present and political speeches
made by local speakers.
—A very pleasant sail was ten-
dered in Galveston bay Friday
evening by Mr. Thos. Goggan to
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McCormick
Mr. and Mrs.. A. O. Woodworth oi
Waco; Mrs. A. C. Schreiner of
Kerrville Tex. and Mr. and Mrs.
D. N. Collamer of Galveston.
The trap season should end with
September 1 in San Antonio.
Messrs. Balliager Chabot and
the Light’s epotsman leave this
morning for a dove shoot down the
Young Neal Turner of Corpus
Christi killed 500 plover in
one day’s shoot last week and sold
them for shipment to the north
realizing 85 cents per dozen.
The open season for deer is now
on and has been since August Ist.
Several fine specimen have been
marketed in San Antonio. But
venison is not considered good un-
til cool weather sets in.
Chas. Grimm and Harvey Mc-
Murchy shot a match at Watson’s
park Chicago with Rolo Heikes
and Fred. Gilbert. The latter team
was beaton by 13 birds. The score
was at LOO single targets and 25
pairs per man.
Although the open season for
quail lasts until April 1 few of our
trap shots kill quail after March
1. Six months of quail shooting
for those who take to tbe field are
sufficient. This would give them
from April to September to devote
to the trap.
The big amateur shoot of the
San Antonio Gun club has been
postponed until April 15 16 17 of
next year. This out of deference
to the many shooters who claim
that October or any other month
would not allow them to leave
their business that being tbe cot-
ton season.
Our game laws are defective-in-
asmuch as they do not prevent the
shipment of game out of tbe state.
Let our legislature pass stringent
laws prohibiting the exportation
of our game and it will soon put a
stop to the wholesale slaughter of
game ty market hunters who ship
the pick of our best ducks such as
red beads canvas backs and teal
to northern commission firms
leaving nothing but blue bills) or
dogles to purchase in our own mar-
At Lake Baulan Wie. in two
days’ fishing Mr. J. M. Loeb and
Miss Rose Steier of Chicago
caught one hundred and fifty
pounds of fish principally bass and
pickerel; the largest of tbe latter
weighed seventeen and one-balf
pounds. Two other Chicago ang-
lers Messrs.Bamgartle and Straus
tn eight hours on the same lake
landed thirty-two black bass;
total weight seventy-eight and
one-balf pounds; largest five and
one-half pounds. Mr. L. Klein
of Chicago booked the big pickerel
at Lake Beulab a few days ago it
is said; and after the fish had
towed the angler around for an
hour and bad lots of fun with him
It gave one flirt of its big broad
tail and parting the tackle waved
a farewell to Mr. Klein.
Insane Colored Woman.
Malinda Maury nn old colored
woman was found wandering
■round the corner of Crosby and.
Hackberry streets lat-e last night
and was arrested by Officer Foster
ion a charge of lunacy. Tbe old
i lady claims to be from Galveston
i and having two children in thia
city. When arrested she bad a
I trunk check around her neck.
The above named school will be
ojiened Sept. 1 under the direction of
Mr. A. Courad teacher. Application
for entering the classes may be filed
at Turner Hall. A. KUHN Turnwart.
A. CONRAD Teacher.
A pair of young aud sound ponies
well matched gentle to drivefrom 14
to hands high. Enquire at Hugo
& Schmfltzer Co. 8-29-6 t
Who «re yru in need ot Hirictly »cientiilo
and expert medical trea ment should certain-
ly Investigate tte reputation of the physician
you employ. Dr. Hathaway A Co. have un- *
doubteoly the best ot professional aud finan-
cial referenoee and er- 1 recognized as
Physiclane end spe-
In ibe
eessful treatment of
Mwau nainu delicate diseases pe-
\ culiar to man er
A woman kind.
r-eg%y tfTj»Ti SPECIALTIES:
yaSHE Specific Blood Poia-
V ;■ onlng Nervous De-
ilty Kidney and
VWS' ■ 1 "'isr' Ifllh-'ultles.
vSHSisM!!s^^ str ' ’ tlireB • v “ r * c °-
Icele Hydrocele
? Pimples Piles. Rheu-
f "> 8 1' 8m • skin anrl
- Blood Diseasss of all
forms Catarrh and Diseases ol Women. Ad-
dress or Call on
tO9 Alamo Plaza Over the Globe
San Antonio Texas.
Mall treatment given by sending for Symp-
tom Blank. No 1 for men No. 2 for women.
No 3 for skin diseases. No. 4 for catarrh
Corner Laredo and Dolorosa Sts.
The best Vaudeville Amuse-
ment Palace in the Southwest.
Electric Fans keep the House
Best of Talent Engaged Polite
Attention and Good Order Main-
Performance begins at 8:30 p. m.
-Concert and Dancing-
Music by the 7—
Fifth Cavalry Band
Tickets 25 cents: Ladies FREE.
1 1 3 AND 11 5 ALAMO PLAZA
LESS than any advertised pr ce. Dentistry
In ab its branches. Ido »il my own opera-
ting guarautee same and furnish bank re-
erence. DR FORHAN
13 and 115 Alamo Plaza. 8 30 1 yr.
r 1 r-. Book 'How toW
A 1 T. Paper” sent free A
J/ rt fj Paper per KollX
x 5 T
? $ ftj NEATLY ■
( CAUIf WAGNER - San Antonio. #
© '-I
© o
TdF- fi
’ *
in Ji/1 /A Wl
o cn
Call and See
The New Hats
The New Clothing
The New Suitings
The New Shoes
VVe Fit the Hard to Fit.

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Sunday Light. (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 16, No. 223, Ed. 1 Sunday, August 30, 1896,newspaper, August 30, 1896; San Antonio, Texas. ( May 29, 2024),University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,;.

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San Antonio Daily Light (2024)


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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Last Updated:

Views: 5859

Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.